L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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  1. Shrnutí tele novely: SexSlayer: Je mi bez tebou smutno Argot .... Argot: Mně bez tebe taky SexSlayere... Argot: Už ale nemůžeme být spolu. SexSlayer: Všechno to byla tvoje chyba .... dal jsem ti svoje nejlepší roky Ibalgine a ty mě teď opouštíš !???? Argot: Ano, protože si mi nedal to, co jsem potřeboval .... SexSlayer: Kradli jsme spolu, lamili jsme spolu, podváděli jsme a smáli se těm, které jsme po nocích při šumě mikrofónů pomlouvali .... tak, co ti chybělo!?? Argot: Jednoduše si mi nestačil ... našel jsem si jiného ... silnějšího, chytřejšího a zele
    10 points
  2. Antistyle / LR Dion/Giran/Rune/Oren/Aden Goddard 83 lvl 9+ppl 81 lvl 1 man almost all boss jewels 3 baiums 4 aktiv parties 2 parties spamming and flamming in HV and forum HV off
    8 points
  3. And I've thought I'm sometimes paranoid... This is last time you behave like this here, stop before I get really angry. EDIT: Also thanks to all Russian guys who sent us all the donations, we're both really enjoying our new Porsche cars.. I love this L2 business lol
    7 points
  4. Chars banned for using bugs: 4Game, ACDC, AnalCarnival, AQeye, bomj, Buriza, Cats, CC1, cc2, Clarity, Claw, Crab, Creditka, DDD, DiIIer, Diller, Elly, FlameS, FlintFobiAq, Garfield, HanSoSolo, iAA, JENYAJIR, JenyaJirnii, JJJ, Juny, MEGAORC1, N1gga, OPK, Pusher, rte, Seraphima, Stigma, Sum, TombRaider, Victory, ZAKENeye, zapaska
    7 points
  5. Date: 2016-11-18 around 8:50 UTC+1 Place: Varka Silenos Barracks Offence: Botting Characters and accounts: Balnn0r, Nazgul, MadeInPoland, Balm0r, Sklep1, sklep2, Sklep3, Sklep4, sklep5, Goldi, Coper, aq, Orfeen, Coree, Cabrio, Hallaate, Golkondaa, Kernoon, barakielek, Palibati70, MeansAnor70, Skylancer70, HeraldLoknes70, Waterdragon72, DoomBlade72, sv1, sv2, mos, shadit, nagaa, palantoss, dcabriaa, Liliiith, iposss, hestiaa, embereek, Klubo, Jezmaker, zonek, Maryska, Dzifka, Kochamcycki, Dolcze, Mlody, immortalssuckers, HosEmijaExtasija, l2shrineSUX, l2pepikiSUX, DagligBuff, TooC, Insdal
    7 points
  6. Today, @Emca was accused for supporting one clan on the server. All who shown such disrespect to the GM team were sent to jail. We categorically reject this kind of accusations. We, as GM team, never supported any clan and we will never support anyone!
    6 points
  7. Date: 2016-10-09 around 12:45 UTC+2 Place: Giants cave Offence: Botting Characters and accounts: Poullexpoti, xyc, Cucumber, money, yxc, TheDarkOne, money2, cxy, TheLightOne, money3, xcy and all related accounts Punishment: Permanent ban Don't think that we can't detect bot - even if you're sitting next to it. It doesn't matter whether it's AFK botting or not. Read the rules.
    6 points
  8. Dear players, you might have heard that we will switch to Epilogue on 1st October. We thought we will roll out Epilogue in smaller updates, but it turned out, that it's not so easy, thus we will introduce Epilogue all features we so far implemented. Those include: Vitality Territory War Changes Vanguard Improvements Skill Enchanting Skills Hunting Grounds Zaken Raid Changes Seed of Infinity Changes Quests Items Miscellaneous Changes There is still couple of things unfinished, namely: Mail Command Channel Mat
    5 points
  9. Hell no pls. Crystals is rarer thing than vespers. It'll be to game breaking event reward.
    5 points
  10. Hi, there are several reasons why we do it... enthusiasm; we really like the game and although we don't have time for playing it, we don't want let it die (all those pay2win servers etc) education; we are learning how to do everything on our own, we don't buy any software that we can't write on our own (we develop our server as opensource) reputation; we feel we might get some this way continuity; all servers we were playing on are long dead and we feel we can give something back to the community (making server and again developing server as opensource) joy; makin
    5 points
  11. back to the topic....... emca+jorn i know about your sympathy about everything being retail or close to retail , but u have to sometimes think outside of this box. for example even if the code is right and was supposed to be working like this , if u let it , in the best case scenario we will be demotivated to farm there (even if GS was the area i hit 85, today i couldnt xp more than 30 minutes cause it felt like shit....) , take 1-2 months to get it to lvl 7-12 , and it will happen again and again cause atm the people going inside hellbound on a daily basis are antistyle/warpig/czendo/gravitys
    5 points
  12. Well, the server started with population of around 160 real people (200 boxes), now we're at 500 players and 800-1200 boxes
    5 points
  13. Hi, new players join every day and currently we have over 700 online. Almost every day it hits 750 and it was already over 1000. Daily maximum graph:
    5 points
  14. I think it will take less - let's say 3-6 months to get Hellbound to level 10 or higher. We won't help it any way. As for update to Epilogue, we'll start with preparations when these conditions are met: Hellbound level 10+ SoI opened at least once SoD opened at least once
    5 points
  15. Date: 2016-10-07 around 0:30 UTC+2 Place: Giants cave Offence: Botting Characters and accounts: Pot, Heftos, Dudun / all 7 accounts of this player / both 2 forum accounts of this player Punishment: Permanent ban
    5 points
  16. Sure sure... He is repeating this for about 2 months. Still here though. Like a street mutt ...
    4 points
  17. 4 points
  18. Hi everyone, we're going to start Master of Enchanting event tomorrow. Following bonuses for newbies will be available through Event NPC in Giran: free clan level upgrade up to level 5 coupons for shadow B-grade weapons, armor and soul/spiritshots vitality cookies Event will run from Monday January 29 to Monday February 26, event NPCs will be available until Monday March 5.
    4 points
  19. Also, it was on 3 characters. I don't like it. We won't unban these characters - you will have to create new ones.
    4 points
  20. 8.44 on his desktop there is folder 'clicker' , ban him plz
    4 points
  21. Dear L2 Shrine Community, Invictus is an accomplished Lineage 2 Clan and Community of friends who have been playing "the" game together for about 10 years. We started humbly on L2Dex back in 2007 and have been playing together ever since. Over the years our community has grown both in experience and scale but our core values have remained the same: we play for fun, we enjoy each other's company. We have never taken Lineage 2 as a job and never will. Our latest adventure is here on L2 Shrine, where we landed 2 months ago and quite enjoyed the slow pace, warm community, and
    4 points
  22. wokir just sums u up with forsakens as u aly them, so u can add zakens :] Tbf i still admiring your negotiation skills for this ally. I would probably never aly with someone who insulting me 2 days in row in HV. about gear: well its kinda true u have more. There were 5 raid parties who did runs regularly: Seed,MT,4Fun,Forsaken,LR so earlier it was true, u eqiped less ppl with same resources, now u are one big family who equiped same amount of ppl with more resources. You starting outlevel us: Its fine, majority in this clan do not enjoying playing with boxes, we rather turn game
    4 points
  23. Dear players, as you may know, we have antibot installed on our server. Up until now we were just blocking the usage of bots on our server. However, we can clearly see in our logs players that are still trying to use bots (adrenaline for example). This is the first and also last warning to those players trying to run game with bot - from now on we will start banning everyone who will just even try to run the game with the forbidden software!
    4 points
  24. Dear all, we just removed all items bought with real money that we were able to track. We really do care about our server and we want to keep it fair for everyone. We highly discourage you from buying stuff from other players as you might not only lose your real money, but also your in-game items.
    4 points
  25. That problem is on many servers, one zerg clan/ally rules a server. But that zerg clan needs to consider if it wants to play on dead server, when all other players leave with disgust. Maybe this clan should consider if it is not better to let others get well equip and 3rd class quest to get equal opponents for a good PvP. After server will be dead, they will shout that server is dead and there is no PvP, too late. So, zerg clans, consider...
    4 points
  26. Most of the veteran players will already know about this quest however people that are new to this chronicle may not. So if you are struggling with adena at the moment and are between the level of 40-56 go ahead and do this quest. This is quest which everyone should be doing. Why? Because it takes 15-20 minutes and gives you 880,311 adena and the best part is you don't have to kill any monsters, you just run around! Its a one time quest, so do it on your box's as well to get the most of it. Even if you take away the teleport fees (assuming you are in Giran going to Dion) it costs 25,000 a
    3 points
  27. A friend of mine recently mentioned that the site she visited to get spoil information has been removed. So I thought why not make one here so people can use it as a reference. This guide will be extremely helpful for players that are starting out as Bounty Hunters (normally refereed to as Spoilers). Please note that I would like this guide to be a living guide. This means that this guide will be updated from your feedback. Most of my knowledge is from Interlude so If you have things to add / change please mention it in the comments and I will update this guide. General: Bount
    3 points
  28. Maybe you can change it so we get vote reward for just voting on topzone.
    3 points
  29. Wishin all nice and merry christmas time w/o stress & well-bein in family circle. With peace & love, Cherry. 🎅
    3 points
  30. Banned for botting: Kalghara Svy JonDeere Racoon Mateus Gater Smiley plus all other characters on their accounts
    3 points
  31. Just dont go Giran temple during TW ;D
    3 points
  32. RIP ;p I hope u'll at 1st test this "H5" idea at new serwer than here? To see how missed idea it is. I'll just ask this way. 95% of avaible serwers are Interlude or H5. Freya serwers? 0? H5 is everywhere cuz easy files to get and bcuz its not interlude, but why do u think from dozens H5 serwers some1 will chose this? Bcuz it's online 2 years and everybody has 85? Bcuz some ppl has 100 epics on his boxes and they'll be easy to buy? Bcuz of "Shrine Geodata" which gives depression during oly? Bcuz of constant "100" "active" players online during last year? Bcuz of no autoloot, and sick stayi
    3 points
  33. what the farm looks like from other clans) http://prntscr.com/kbshys
    3 points
  34. me and warpig wanted to ask for the same thing but PLEASE advertise a bit more this time >.>
    3 points
  35. Hi, no, Shrine has strong no-wipe policy. There's a slight possibility we'll want to open a new server additional to Shrine + come up with new lifecycle for it (maybe open new server every year and merge the old server to Shrine?) but it's all still very theoretical.
    3 points
  36. antistyle in the beggining of the server had a job , and after 3 months he quit it so he could play 20/24 hours per day and kill lustruns , and now he suffers from insomnia in the streets as a homeless man.that's the reason he quit , do you really want that ? fame has it's downsides
    3 points
  37. Making a suggestion is wasting my time...allright, gl with your project.
    3 points
  38. Hi, sorry for short answer, I'm already sleeping. We're going to update to Epilogue within 13 days (giving some bonuses for newbies) and we're going to start advertise it very soon. If you want to help server population to grow, just come back and play for few weeks/months - people make people and we know that few servers will start to fail during winter and their population will consider going here. We're lowrate, there's always time to (re)join. We're not for server hoppers but if you plan to play somewhere for years, you can count on us.
    3 points
  39. boring , make smaller , more comprehensive videos. ps: gogita u have any fights of your 60lvl pvps in VOS vs mementomori? it was more interesting than lastrun
    3 points
  40. well,i have to agree on that. i understand u want to keep the server retail but we're a very small community,took long for my party to stage it up even though we camped green spot and chimeras on stage 7 and did AoE 24/7 (literally taking turns for WEEKS ) . i also believe if u dont do something for that most of people will quit .
    3 points
  41. Troublemakers Clan is now on L2Shrine! We are comming peacefully. #not !!! P.S. We are not open for recruitment right now,since we need to settle first and we got some numbers already.Therefore,you won't see a thread from us at recruitment section yet,but don't let this demotivate you.Join L2Shrine and maybe in the future we meet each other as clanmates or even enemies.Time will show!!! (That's mostly for the newcomers )
    3 points
  42. Party matching is used to find other people to party with....funny that This can be very useful rather then shouting in Giran you can enable this this will show up for all the players no matter where they are in Lineage. Why should you use Party matching? No more time wasted shouting in town. Every player can see you are looking for party. You can set the minimum and maximum level requirements for players that want to join your party. You can see the classes of players entering your party room and pick the best class for your party. You can recruit party mem
    3 points
  43. Date: 2016-12-30 9:50 UTC+1 Offence: Breaking rule "Players are obligated to follow the instructions of server staff." (was told not to use dirty language in hero voice and still had to do it again) Characters: Antistyle Punishment: Chat ban for 12 hours
    3 points
  44. Since admins came with idea to make vote about weekend rates i think it would be nice if we execute next one poll about disabling cursed weapons. Most of u can think its a QQ topic, but in my opinion it can impove serwer. Why? Serwer has to low online and not enough heroeses to fight against it. They should be also disabled since serwer start for 1st/first two months (as i was mentioning in another "drama" topic about cursed weapons), cuz atm they are just unstopable farm machines. Also it would stop any suggestions and questions why only 1 clan is "extremely lucky" when others are not, and
    3 points
  45. Restricted from posting until 12/15/2016 23:59 due to breaking following rule: Any form of disrespect towards server staff (GMs, administrators) or server itself is forbidden. Consider this also as a warning. It will be jail next time. EDIT: 2nd offence against server staff - your accounts are banned until you're able to KINDLY write us to unban you. EDIT: 3rd offence against server - spamming & promoting another server and again showing disrespect against our server You were warned twice - perma ban.
    3 points
  46. Hall of the Abyss level 23 Tomlan Kamos Boss na blizko se slusny p. attack. Jednou za cas da stun na 2-3 vteriny. Nemá ochranku Party: 1-3 short-range warriors; Weapon: Best of Grade D, and a stock of soulshots (2000-2500); Armor: Best of Grade D; Accessories: any; the mob uses P. Atk. only. Hall of the Abyss level 26 Ol Ariosh Tento boss ma hodne HP, ale nizký p att., ochranka se objevi vzdy jednou za 2-3 min.ochrankou se nemusíte moc zabývat a sjedte bosse. Party: 2-4 short range warriors. Weapon: Best of Grade D, and a stock of spiri
    3 points
  47. Register new account on our forums (link). Confirm registration via link in your email account. Log in using your username and password (link). Click on + Create in the upper right hand side corner and click on Game Account (link). Activate game account via link in your email account. Download Gracia Epilogue client (link). Unpack archive using 7Zip (link). Install client. Don't delete anything! Download L2 Shrine launcher (link). Copy launcher into the folder with Gracia Epilogue client (usually C:\Pro
    3 points


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  • L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦