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  1. Hi Emca, a clan member cant enchant sub class skills(arcana lord). Can you check and fix problem when you have time? Thanks in advance, Saladin
  2. Ahojte, Zjistil jsem ze nektere moby na devils isle nejdou zasadit seminka, pise mi to ze tento mob neni seedovatelny, a kdyz se dostanu trochu dal,tak ten samy jde, podivejte se na to,vypada to na chybicku.
  3. Hello, Something is wrong with seven signs. Mobs with seal stones are only in necropolises. They are not in catacumbs. Priest of dawn doesn't have any teleports to cata/necro. Greetings
  4. Hello, I have Dynasty Mace with augment Hydro Blast (Unleashes a powerful liquidy attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.) but it's not working (as expected?). I can't attack mob/player until they hit me. I have try this in arena/world with friends and I can't attack them. If I have targeted player, using Hydro Blast skill, animation is running but they don't do any damage. If player hit me, and I have cast Hydro Blast, animation is running and do damage. Can you please check this? Also when I switch to Inquisitor this item skill isn't appearing in skills on inquisitor. I think this is a
  5. lvl 1 joined aca gaved -only 650 clan fame when it shoud give the maxed 2000 as in https://l2wiki.com/Clans_-_Clan_Reputation#Getting_clan_reputation_points "An apprentice who’s completed their third class transfer and achieved level 76 is expelled from the clan and the Academy automatically. The clan get reward for every Academy graduate. Academy graduates don’t have any penalty and can join a clan at once. A clan receive a reward: clan reputation points for each Academy graduate. The reward is changed depending on the level on which the graduate joined the Academy, the formul
  6. Could we have rewards in multisell interface and not what some new guy at NCsoft who probably never saw how older quests were done came up with? Compare old quest Necromancer's Request: regardless of how many quest items you have, you can exchange all for materials in a few clicks. New quest Ghosts of Batur: you have to click twice for every single unit of material (or recipe) you want. Same applies to Expulsion of Evil Spirits, Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe, and I suppose new quests in Mithril Mines and Giants Cave as well.
  7. Cant leave exCL from clan with BanditStronhold clanhall http://prntscr.com/hd6kvd
  8. Hello, Im inside kamaloka 33 and on 12 minutes it appears the message 5 minutes until dungeon termination. and the boss disappears do something ! Best Regards,
  9. I was invited by Forsaken clan in a party that was doing Sadith... We killed boss and i didn;t get the item for Quest...
  10. My pet uses to return the item he has in his inventory back to mine every time it gets summoned. Not sure is working as intended. How to replicate: get a pet (tried with the un-evolved 2headed chicken), give him something to hold (happened with a bunch of common items), then un-summon. On resummon the items will appear in MY inventory instead of his
  11. k0ntra


    Not really a bug but perhaps you forgot to change the server time ... Which means that manor is 1h earlier than intended. Not sure about sieges,tw etc
  12. Ahoj, v prve řadě nevím přesně jak to ma fungovat, takže nevím, zda je to bug nebo ne. Pokud použiju skill Painkiller, pak po dobu trvání skillu nejde použít S elixir na manu (a asi ani žádný jiný elixír). Teda abych byl přesný, použije se, odebere se jeden kus z invu, ale nepřidá to žádnou manu. Je to takto správně? A pokud ano, nemělo by to teda aspoň napsat něco jako "cannot be used due to unsuitable items" a nechat ten elixir v invu?
  13. Ahojte, Dal jsem tradovat muj DS +10 a kdyz jsem nastavil trade (nakup) tak mi to ukazuje jenom obyc DS a ne DS+10, chtelo by se na to podivat
  14. Hi ! The skill "Battle roar" on Titans does not heal your HP if you already have btb. The problem is that even if battle roar is lower lvl (gives less Max HP than BR) it should heal you eventhough u don't recieve the buff, right ? I'm not sure if this is a bug or is it normal, perhaps the staff would know. Thanks !
  15. Hello. At start i have to say im not sure is it bug, but i always though in GE Angelic Icon or Flame icon can stack with boost morale, and later probably since freya AI can stack even with FI.
  16. Hello ! Yesterday (17.10.2017) me and my friend decided to do a kamaloka. We got ported inside, started hitting the mob (raid ?), named "Knight Montagnar" and everything went pretty smooth until he spawned a minion. The Problem is that the minion is invincible (our hits got blocked) so we decided to continue hitting the Boss. After 10 seconds or so another minion spawned and now they were 2 invincible mobs and at this point we decided there was no chance to kill the raid, without dying to the minions first. My question is - is this normal or is the minion somehow bugged ?
  17. On the first screen you are able to see that i've used Zealot + Bison Spirit Totem. On the other screen you can see that after im getting buff (Spirit of Shillien) from Shilllien Templar my Totem is automatically canceled. I dont think it should cancel my totems. I've never played tyrant before so i have no idea if it's a bug, or does it always worked that way. Since the game is as old as dinosaurs i couldn't find any usefull information regarding this issue. Is there anyone that could help?
  18. looks like some of the spoil rates on the server dont add up. when i click on a monster to check the spoil rates they seem much lower than they should be according to many lineage 2 sites out there. 1 example is dynasty halberd pieces. on a x1 they should be spoiling at 1%. here the monster information sais they spoil at .5% shouldnt it be 2.5%? is this just a text issue or is the rate actually lower than it should be?
  19. It's kinda weird that bosses dropping Dynasty Sigil pieces drop full Arcana Sigil, whereas regular mobs dropping Dynasty Sigil pieces also drop full Dynasty Sigil. Water Spirit Lian Giant Marpanak Lesser Giant Soldier
  20. ahoj ...nejsem jsi jist zda se v tom vyznam spravne, ale nemelo by se od Epilogu dat chodit SoI lvl 75-85?? koukal jsem na toto ...a Hall of Erosion pisi 75-85 ...pokud je to to co myslim ....http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/graciaepilogue_10.html v Q na Gracii a tak jsem se nikdy nevyznal ...pokud jde o neco jineho tak se omlouvam a topic klidne smazte. Predem diky za odpoved
  21. Ahoj, Když vyvolám vlka (Snow Great Wolf) a dám k němu nějaké itemy a odvolám ho itemy zůstanou u něj. Ale když ho přivolám itemy se mi vrátí do inventáře postavy. Je to normální? např. u (Improved Baby Pets) to pracuje jak má podle mě...
  22. Postavy regnutý za Gludio jsou zneznamých důvodů za Dion +U fortky a u CS nejsou pvp zony jsou straty expů a dethpenalty . Nelze dokoncit quest v knihovne.
  23. it's all good.I did the main character... but I can't take the quest at 79 "EE" this is a problem of the game or am I doing something wrong?
  24. RB Gorgolos v GC uz spawl potreti od 16 00 to by asi nemel ne ?
  25. Je tu na serveru dovolene bugovat wordbosov?