L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. We'll change it to UTC+2 permanently but I need to have some spare time to deal with consequences - I can't just change it and go sleep. I hope I'll have some time this or preferably next week (there's a possibility of breaking this weekend sieges/tw)
  2. @pvpzverek1 glad you're (and others) ok
  3. I wonder how many people will now change their facebook cover photo to russian flag or so... "Je suis Russia"
  4. Hi, I've just checked it, it works very nice but NOT IN PEACE ZONE which is probably bug ("l2off feature")
  5. The food cannot be "equipped" because "use" action on it means "feed pet", not "equip item"... There's no way how to distinguish between these two so the only way is to keep it permanently in pet inventory until you move it back to your inventory. Of course it's simple configuration variable so we can turn off this custom option on any server restart. I'd keep it this way
  6. Emca

    Client bug

    If you encounter it, try to also find out what was the last action that worked and what was the next action that didn't so we can eventually find out what's causing key getting out of sync
  7. Emca

    Client bug

    It's when antibot encryption key on client differs from encryption key on the server. I've tried to fix it yesterday, did you encounter the problem after 14:00? As for exceptions - it should be one line per file and format for line is for example system/skillname-e.dat
  8. @Eldax: nope, I really prefer when I can watch the first few minutes of server run after restart because we're doing all updates etc during the restart and sometimes things don't go as well as expected... Also if we switch to UTC+2 permanently (it currently seems so), I will maybe shift the restart to better suit us. It's really better when we fix everything as soon as possible
  9. EN: I'm sometimes out of town for a weekend so if something breaks during the restart (it's not just l2server restart but whole windows server gets rebooted), I'd fix it in the evening and players would have to wait (and they would be angry, especially if castle siege should have been going on) CZ: Občas jezdím na víkendy pryč, kdyby se tam něco během restartu rozbilo (restartuje se kompletně celý windows server, ne jen l2), tak bych to opravila třeba až večer a hráči by museli čekat (a asi by je to naprdlo, zvlášť kdyby měly být zrovna siege)
  10. EN: Hi, just open "incognito window" (chrome) or "anonymous tab" (firefox) and vote again on servers that don't require facebook login (Hopzone, Top-Server.cz) CZ: Ahoj, otevři si "inkognito okno" (chrome) nebo "anonymní záložku" (firefox) a znovu zavotuj na serverech, které nevyžadují přihlášení (Hopzone, Top-Server.cz)
  11. It's bit custom, but why not... From tomorrow restart pet food should stay in pet inventory. Hope it won't break something...
  12. Emca

    Client bug

    I was fixing it right before I wrote the last message (1 hour ago)
  13. I've seen some German clan recruiting in Gludio yesterday
  14. Detected by antibot, banned chars: KeyWorks GopHer 09999
  15. Detected by antibot, banned chars: dryada Hellboy Evolet azaza 4lendokolen UPDATE: After further log analysis we came to conclusion that only Hellboy character was using bot and the person who used the bot on it wasn't @Immortal, but @bububu. It's Immortal's fault that he gave access to his char to a botter and Hellboy will stay banned. But there's no reason for banning other Immortal's characters. Of course, next time we won't be so benevolent.
  16. Detected by antibot, banned chars: Chibi Stail Fruit_366_426 koshka Si GerdA tak_355_258 tiara tik LeilA WindizlA
  17. Emca

    .NET Framework 3.5

    Hi, what system do you use? If Win XP, try checking "Use HTTP" checkbox If it doesn't help, use our zipfile from here: https://update.l2shrine.com/update.ziphttps://update.l2shrine.com/update-nogamma.ziphttps://update.l2shrine.com/update-levelhack.ziphttps://update.l2shrine.com/update-levelhack-nogamma.zip
  18. Sice jsme jasně avizovali, že do konce měsíce ten čas měnit nebudem (abychom nerozbili oly), ale pokud máš problém s interpretací českého textu, tak si to přečti ještě jednou. Co se nalévání na oly týče, určitě je to chyba serveru, viď?
  19. Well, the server started with population of around 160 real people (200 boxes), now we're at 500 players and 800-1200 boxes
  20. Just antibot update - if you have heavily customized system, use just new extend.dll from the update zipfile
  21. Update your client - either via launcher or download one of system patches here: https://update.l2shrine.com/update.ziphttps://update.l2shrine.com/update-nogamma.ziphttps://update.l2shrine.com/update-levelhack.ziphttps://update.l2shrine.com/update-levelhack-nogamma.zip EDIT: Yes, you need to close all client windows
  22. Maybe @Jorn, I haven't found way how to do it (otherwise I would have done it already)