L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


L2 Shrine Staff
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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Just for case anyone thinks I don't have enough things to do... Stay tuned
  2. Emca

    Weird aggro?

    Someone told me ingame something about weird aggro - mobs attacking sitting buffpets etc. I think I know what it is, but I need some details. Unfortunately the player who told me wanted me to fix it right now or he'll leave server (so he probably left, because I can't fix anything without details and without confirming it's really bug). Does anyone know what was that? In my opinion it's this (but I'm not sure): character A brings aggressive mob close to party mob has some aggro against the character A when mob sees other characters from party (character B, C, D and
  3. Server will be running for years, don't worry
  4. Jeden tip mě napadá, zkus si tu Freyu "updatnout" naším launcherem, třeba to půjde (nebo taky ne)
  5. I'm not sure that all players really want to get level 80 quickly... This is a lowrate
  6. Lottery should be server-wide so there's no revenue for castle. As for the crest, I'll try to have a look at it...
  7. Já bych zkusila přeinstalovat jak ovladač, tak DirectX
  8. Vista 6.0 = Vista Vista 6.1 = Windows 7 Vista 6.2 = Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Options si editovat můžeš. Ta nová chyba opět vypadá jako problém s Direct3D/ovladači...
  9. You people can speed it up a bit by killing Ekimus 10 times :))
  10. It will take few weeks or maybe months to implement necessary changes... And we were thinking about splitting the update into several parts, not to do it as one big update - but who knows. Probably we'll prepare everything and then see how difficult it would be to split it up to more updates over few months.
  11. I'v already started working on Epilogue... https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public/branch/epilogue-support At least Dynasty will be easier to get...
  12. Našla jsem ještě tohle: StartupFullScreen=False Co to dělá potom? Pokud nepomůže, zkus pročíst: https://www.google.cz/search?q="CreateDevice+failed+d3derr_devicelost"+site:boards.lineage2.com
  13. Ahoj, promiň, přehlédla jsem tenhle topic. Klient ti padá na tom, že se mu nepodaří vytvořit Direct3D render device. Ostatní hry ti při tomhle konkrétním módu fungují? Co když zkusíš spustit hru v okně a roztáhnout jej na velikost "skoro přes celou obrazovku", to funguje?
  14. I've just found out that L2 Dawn, lowrate similar to our server in lot of aspects, is closing. Maybe if you know someone there, you can try to get few more players here. Weren't TroubleMakers from there?
  15. Bug fixed, fix will be applied with tomorrow restart
  16. If you encounter it on flat terrain with no visible obstacles, do /loc and make a screenshot (possibly without moving), I'll check in geodata
  17. Ahoj, koukala jsem jenom na level 80, ale přišlo mi to stejné. Kdyžtak mrkni sám: Great wolf: level=1 max_meal=3335 exp=0 get_exp_type=65 consume_meal_in_battle=27 consume_meal_in_normal=5 org_pattack=4.23728813559322 org_pdefend=22.2222222222222 org_mattack=3.47222222222222 org_mdefend=32.5225155877146 org_hp=52.4636538461538 org_mp=18 org_hp_regen=2 org_mp_regen=0.9 food={9668;2515} hungry_limit=55 soulshot_count=1 spiritshot_count=1 level=2 max_meal=3359 exp=636 get_exp_type=65 consume_meal_in_battle=27 consume_meal_in_normal=5 org_pattack=4.66101694915254 org_pdefend=23.07692307
  18. No, you keep enchant only when you exchange weapon for weapon of same crystal value. When you upgrade it, you lose enchant. http://boards.lineage2.com/archive/index.php/t-159681.html
  19. Hi, when you upgrade weapon, you lose enchant on it
  20. Hi, we want it retail. There's a slight chance we'll create some fun server in 2025, stay tuned
  21. я стараться учить немного российский at least to understand and to be able to google some info, but it's really not easy
  22. Привет, когда ты будешь играть?