L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


L2 Shrine Staff
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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Hi, I've checked it and it seems intentional - all buffing herbs divide between you and your summon. It's retail feature...
  2. Server is starting, hope it will be ok now
  3. So I've fixed it (hopefully), we'll perform fast server restart at 12:00 UTC+2 (now its 11:01)
  4. Emca

    New character

    I'm working on a fix
  5. So there are two bugs now: When you login too fast, you get disconnected. Workaround: Log in more slowly - select character, wait 2 seconds and then press "Start" When you create new character, you get disconnected. Workaround: Log in again and you'll be able to select the newly created character. We're working on fix for both, when fix is ready, we'll perform one more server restart to make sure everything works ok (we have to fix it today because I'll have less time for it during work week). Again, sorry for inconvenience, although it doesn't look so, we're doing it for
  6. Emca

    New character

    I'll have a look at it, until I fix it, try to log in more slowly (select character, wait 2 seconds and then click on "Start")
  7. Hi everyone, in order to install and test some stability/security fixes, we need to perform server restart after 2017-05-14 00:00 UTC+2. There's slight possibility that the update will break something (we've tested it but as you know, it's never 100%) so in case something stops working, please let us know in Bug reports section. Sorry for inconvenience.
  8. I don't want to change it. There's a risk that those who now play with for example 4 boxes would quit when we limit it to 2 boxes. And as you've said, nolifers would still use two computers or so, so they would have bigger advantage than now. Okay, someone, who plays with 4 boxes doesn't need anyone to his "party". Then just ignore them and find someone who also wants to play only one box. I don't want to make any big changes after half a year from server start...
  9. This is exactly why it doesn't make sense to have any limit... Players will avoid it by using multiple computers, virtual machines, ...
  10. Discussed earlier, we don't want to limit it. As for bots - we have really good antibot + hunt bots regularly + have strict punishments for botting. Box limit won't help it in any way.
  11. Screenshot from older chronicle, but it should be the same
  12. Hi, there are several reasons why we do it... enthusiasm; we really like the game and although we don't have time for playing it, we don't want let it die (all those pay2win servers etc) education; we are learning how to do everything on our own, we don't buy any software that we can't write on our own (we develop our server as opensource) reputation; we feel we might get some this way continuity; all servers we were playing on are long dead and we feel we can give something back to the community (making server and again developing server as opensource) joy; makin
  13. Ahoj, všechno to je jeden svět (server), jen různé proxy - použij ten, kde máš nejnižší ping a kdybys měl problém s lagy, zkus ten další...
  14. Emca

    Proof of Clan Alliance

    CL neměň, tím to nebude. Chápu tedy správně, že ani Witch Kalis, ani ta socha při kliknutí vůbec nezobrazí žádné okno?
  15. Hi, that will be client bug... Send the screenshot, we'll have a look at it
  16. Emca

    Proof of Clan Alliance

    Hlavně si ty itemy nech, ať je nemusíš dělat znova
  17. Emca

    Proof of Clan Alliance

    Ahoj, nejsem si jistá, ale vypadá to, že stojíš moc daleko
  18. Because server population isn't 3k+ and we don't need such adena sink (also it would help mostly the strongest clan)
  19. Auctions are turned off
  20. Oprava připravena, projeví se zítra
  21. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    Fix is ready, will be applied tomorrow
  22. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    We're planning changing it to fall 1 level in 3 days in Monday update
  23. Máme v plánu v pondělním updatu úpravu, aby to padalo 1 level za 3 dny