L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. My knowledge says "Don't touch a running system" and "L2off and time changes don't mix".
  2. You should have added possibility "I don't care as long as it doesn't break anything"...
  3. @Gogita, he wants to "lock the time", so he wants DST. If we change it to UTC+2 now, in a half year he will want to "fix" it again...
  4. Jak si můžu být jistá, že jim na tom záleží, když jim to ani nestojí za to napsat? To máš jako brblat u piva a nejít k volbám...
  5. Hi, 1. Of course there are sometimes sieges with few people, it really depends on who is currently in war with whom etc. Generally, we have around 800 online each day (including boxes), on last TW it was around 1200. Our statistics say we have around 500 different real people playing here in past 72 hours. 2. We'll update it first to Gracia Epilogue but it will take few more months - we want to keep Gracia Final for some while. After update to Epilogue we'll keep it that way for some time again and then, after a year or two or so we'll finally decide whether we want to upgrade to Fre
  6. Celej server = 28 lidí? lol Zatím to natolik, aby o tom napsali, vadilo 28 lidem. To jsou 3 party... To nestačí ani na Tiata :))
  7. It is exactly the same it was for last half a year...
  8. Ahoj, máme to správně. Původní šance na drop seal stonů je 70 %, u nás je 100 %. https://forum.l2shrine.com/dropspoil/npc/21185/ Počítej se mnou: 612 * 2.5 * 70 / 100 = 1071 1227 * 2.5 * 70 / 100 = 2147.25 Uznávám, maximální počet je šejdrem o 0.25, ale s tím fakt nic neudělám
  9. Dáš za to ruku do ohně, že poslední neděli v říjnu nebude nikdo chtít UTC+1 a rozjíždět tu kvůli 60 minutám několikadenní dramaticko-politickou diskusi?
  10. I'm really not against permanent UTC+2, I just won't make it before month end (oly) and I don't want to annoy too much players or make some silly changes for "few" people. That's the reason we need people to write their opinion on forum. Also the idea about shorter olympiad is good, but would be truly nonretail...
  11. Jinak to UTC+2 beru jako možnou variantu, jen to rozhodně nechci dělat před koncem měsíce (oly), nechci nakrknout ty, kterým UTC+1 vyhovuje a nechci celkově rozbíjet server kvůli "pár" lidem - chápete už proč chci, aby napsali vaši clanmates?
  12. Porem a spol, tak řekněte těm lidem z klanu, o vás už vážně víme
  13. Just for info, for last 48 hours, 92 members who are registered at least one week visited forum = still just 22.8 % of those who VISIT the forum regularly. EDIT: Ok, 23.333 % when I don't count @Jorn and me
  14. Everyone who plays here can also write here on forum, you're still just 21 people though. Tell your clanmates to share their opinion here, otherwise, from our point of view, there are only 21 people now who dislike it so much they weren't lazy to write something...
  15. No, the worst possibility is to switch it twice a year (so americans get it switched 4 times a year). Now it switches twice a year max for anyone. We care about players so we want stable server. And whatever we do, there will be always few that won't like it (currently I see 21 people that are against UTC+1 - that's 4.2 % of server population)
  16. Originally it was czech thread in czech section because only czechs complained... Then someone english speaking (I don't want to search for it now) started replying so it slowly switched into english. In fact all non-czech-speaking players were lazy to create new thread about it in international section...
  17. I think everyone who lives in country where DST is in effect noticed that. Also they must have noticed that all server events stayed in UTC+1. If I was playing there and was disappointed with this, I'd write it on the forum. If not, then it's not so important for me.
  18. Emca

    Dandy's Chapeau

    So it's ok?
  19. Emca

    Dandy's Chapeau

    Aw maybe it needs change also in client
  20. Emca

    XP stop

    .petexpoff/.petexpon is the solution
  21. Tak nám ukažte, že s tím má problém víc než polovina serveru. Když udělám anketu, tak mi v ní budou klikat jen ti, kterým to vadí (ti, kterým to nevadí, nemají vůbec důvod to řešit), takže anketa nemá smysl. Ber to takhle, pokud mi to vadí tak málo, že nejsem ochotná se sebrat, otevřít browser, vlézt na fórum, rozkliknout si tohle vlákno a napsat "já jsem taky proti", tak mi to asi vážně moc nevadí... English: Then show us that more than a half of server has problem with it. If I make poll, only those who are against will vote (those who aren't against don't have any reason to do anything
  22. Budu se opakovat, ale zůstat pořád v UTC+1 má právě tu výhodu, že nikomu na světě se to neposune víckrát, než 2x za rok (někomu vůbec, pokud žije v zemi, kde mu tenhle nesmysl soudruzi nenadělili) a ne víc, než o hodinu. Pokud bychom to posouvali 2x ročně podle toho, jak si to vymyslela EU, tak Američané budou mít posun 4x ročně (dva týdny před námi a pak po dvou týdnech znova) a všichni z jižní polokoule (pokud ten nesmysl mají) by měli posun střídavě o -2 až +2 hodiny postupně po 4 krocích (protože u nich je letní čas v naší zimě a opět začíná a končí na jiné datum). English: I'll repea
  23. One more picture (taken from Lineage official forum, note the year):