L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    Ah, you're right... Lot of czech players say (wrong) "jdeme na Tiata", declining him as masculine noun which is bit confusing and you easily get used to it :))
  2. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    Not every clan, but I would expect that all major clans kill him at least once :)) So you already see there's much you can achieve before we update to Epilogue
  3. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    Did your clan kill Tiat at least once?
  4. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    Hellbound isn't at least stage 10 :)) Also it would be too early, server runs just a half a year
  5. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    So I've analyzed logs and the code in the server and so far I know: last time points were touched, it was @WokiR killing four Wandering Caravans that spawned near Green spot on 2017-04-25 12:46:19 Wandering Caravans give 0 points - but they give them, so the last change date gets updated there's a timer running every 30 seconds checking whether last change date isn't older than the value set in config (3 days in this case) today (2017-04-28) on 12:46:22 this timer started to trigger on the condition that last change date is too old and as long as level was higher than 1
  6. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    I'm not sure what (and whether) should we do... Until we decide, we won't do anything, I think it's not a big hurt to have hellbound on level 1 for few hours
  7. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    Ofc we can use one command to set it back to some reasonable level. But how often will we have to do it?
  8. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    12>11>10>9>8>7>6>5>4>3>2>1, one step each 30 seconds 2017-04-28-10012-01-server-in1.log:04/28/2017 12:46:22.145, 126,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,1,12,11,1248000,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,,0 2017-04-28-10012-01-server-in1.log:04/28/2017 12:46:52.144, 126,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,1,11,10,1156000,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,,0 2017-04-28-10012-01-server-in1.log:04/28/2017 12:47:22.159, 126,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,1,10,9,1064000,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,,0 2017-04-28-10012-01-server-in1.log:04/28/2017 12:47:52.158, 126,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,1,9,8,972000,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,,0 2017-04-28-10012-01-server-in1.log:04/28/2017 12:48:22
  9. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    Btw (it's from czech forum, but the important part is in english) http://forum.gamenode.cz/archive/index.php/t-16412.html
  10. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    I've never seen Higgs boson, yet it exists :)) @Jorn just checked in AI and it's really normal
  11. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    And it always drops to 1...
  12. Emca

    hellbound lvl

    It's normal, seems like nobody gained any hellbound points within last 3 days (259200 seconds)...
  13. You mean US proxy? It's for some american players that have bad ping to our main server
  14. Lol, we have to fix it...
  15. It won't be much exp for wolf 48 from mobs 40-42... You should exp on something between 45 and 48
  16. If I remember it correctly, for fastest exping you should be the same level as the wolf and kill mobs that are +- 5 levels to you
  17. Enchanting skills without giants codexes. I've already fixed it (that was reason for today restart).
  18. Perma ban for botting
  19. Chars banned for using bugs: 4Game, ACDC, AnalCarnival, AQeye, bomj, Buriza, Cats, CC1, cc2, Clarity, Claw, Crab, Creditka, DDD, DiIIer, Diller, Elly, FlameS, FlintFobiAq, Garfield, HanSoSolo, iAA, JENYAJIR, JenyaJirnii, JJJ, Juny, MEGAORC1, N1gga, OPK, Pusher, rte, Seraphima, Stigma, Sum, TombRaider, Victory, ZAKENeye, zapaska
  20. Emca


    As of the "useless dwarves" - with regular Monday restart, you can take their place if you're fast enough... I don't think we should do anything with it
  21. Emca


    Crafting materials for 100 adena and one for 1kk is much more lucrative trick And no, we won't do anything with it. Read what are you clicking on...
  22. Custom to není vůbec, takhle to udělal NCsoft
  23. Well, that's what I was thinking about, would be great if you can try it
  24. To tam někdo nechal z questu na clan level 5... Bug to není, ten quest je opravdu extra korejský :))