L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Deathwing

  1. Deathwing

    Dynasty Essence Bonuses

    Test sounds good. At least from flame chant, chant of fire and war chant you should get about 6 mp difference. Maybe if you still have both sets you can try using only flame chant (or vamp, or revenge) 10-15 times (or full mp). That way you remove variations from different skill cost.
  2. Deathwing

    Dynasty Essence Bonuses

    What skill are you using for test? Maybe its problem with rounding numbers. Actual cost can be 66,4 mp rounded to 66, with essence II 65,6 rounded also to 66. Can you try that on some high consumption skill (Sorcerers Elemental assault, Overlord buffs, etc.)?
  3. Penize je treba z ekonomiky neustale odcerpavat, jinak by dochazelo k sileny inflaci (ve hre se penize "vyrabeji" zabijenim mobu a jejich mnozstvi neustale stoupa. Low lvly nemusi platit plnou cenu za port, staci se naucit portit chytre, napriklad port z Goddardu do giranu je lepsi pres Aden - Hunters Village - Hardins academy - SOE. Pripadne nemusis do Giranu chodit vubec, staci si zalozit dalsi postavu lvl 1, s tou nakoupit a donyst si vse do MDT.
  4. Je to +6. Enchanty seal nerusi, muzes udelat rukavice na +6 a pak je unsealnout. dual sword craft stamp je jen v hradu. Obykle se prodavaly v giranu, pripadne musis sehnat nekoho kdo je ma.
  5. Takhle je to spravne, na prislusnym lvlu musis jit na prislusny misto podle rasy/classu a naucit se skilly. Autolearn je jen custom dodelavka pro zrychleni.
  6. Kdyz nemas penize nechas jen +3. Kdyz mas malo zkusis +4 (tam je docela skok). U drazsich veci jako masterwork, wb sperky a podobne jedine blessedy. Normalni veci typu major arcana, ic, dyna armor co muzes sehnat znovu se enchantuji normalne, ale obvykle jen na +6 kde je bonus. Vic se chodi obvykle jen s war zbrani.
  7. Neni mozny ze nekdo v inventari nemel sutr/quest a zrovna on "vyhral" nabiti. (nevim v jakem stavu je ted dorazeni reflectem nebo vlkem). Dalsi moznost je ze ten jeden co nabiji mohl byt zrovna umrit pred vasim prichodem, vy byste prosli celej PI vsechny pozabijeli odesli a potom by teprve spawnul.
  8. That guide says you get reward when you win (3 lines) or when you made not even one line. One or two lines is loose without anything. On your screenshot you made 1 line 6-5-2
  9. With necromancer, bladedancer and shilien elder you cant kill t-rex (maybe in dyna/vesper). Even for low bosses like anor, sobekk, behemoth you need much more and better equipped characters. Dont put SA into bomt, only EWA (if they are not expensive) and some augment (m atk, maybe little bit pdef from about 10 attempts). And start preparing arcana mace (material or money for full, SC 13, 82 S gem) or more money for full with SA.
  10. Ve stredu jsem byl nakupovat ... a sel jsem do obchodaku vychodem
  11. If there is room behind that wall, mobs can find you and attack you. They go from room to corridor and to you (not through wall), and after they kill you they go back to their room. Maybe you were afk and mobs killed you, and went back before you get back, or they really be near you, but you couldnt see them, which sometimes happens.
  12. Usually area skill works at range, but they was blocked in borders of WB zones. You can cast mass ress in toi 13, but you dont get it inside of baium zone. Same thing was at valakas entrance, where you can even see, shoot, and jump down to Klein, but mass ress, wc buffs from up to down was blocked, because it was wb zone.
  13. I know, I have about 130/250 and 150/1000 items and it took much time if you dont push it hard. (and if I completed quest i take book for myself). Ban him for buying IG staff for real Idk how my screen can help you get offer on rare book.
  14. You have to make some valuable offer, like Antharas/Valakas, char with Antistyle nick, etc.
  15. Skilly archeru nespotřebovavaji sipy (me to vzdycky prislo sporny, spis jako bug, vizualne to vypada jak sip). Jestli maji ignorovat deflect arrow to netusim. Kdyz ale koukam na power jednotlivych skillu u hawka tak Double shot 4870, Lethal shot 7698, Seven Arrow 11 440. Naproti tomu Death shot 24 306, coz je vic jak dvojnasobek seven arrow, je dost mozny ze prave to je pricina proc je to jedina zachrana proti tankum.
  16. Why not 1x rates? bot hunter program ? - report bot and get 10% of his adena or something? (dunno if needed) - So if i create bot, let him farm 1 bilion adena, report it and got 100 kk adena legally?
  17. Pronghorn usually dissapears after bigger agro (aggro skill, crit, etc.). If you need spoil specific item, then easiest way is to choose another monster.
  18. Teleport on olly resets inventory. And there are more situations like this. Maybe buy/sell, progress in quests when you got item to inventory. Just give up and dont arrange inventory. Usefull things put on bars and dont care about others.
  19. Event na clan lvl a zbrane by mohl byt pravidelnejsi treba jednou za mesic dva na tyden, aby lidi kdyz prijdou tak obcas neco dostali. Do toho normalni eventy. A pripadne zacit prechazet na Freyu, aby meli lidi stale co objevovat, treba kazdy 2 mesice pridat kousek updatu. Jednou elementy do armoru, rewamp 1 lokace, moirai. Za par mesicu pridat freyu WB, vorpal a mid s84 guny, za dalsi cas elegii, top guny, revamp dalsi lokace atd. Po prechodu na GE bylo tolik novych veci ze nejdriv lidi nevedeli kam driv skocit aby si vyzkouseli vsechny novinky, takhle by updaty byly mensi, al
  20. Yes, i did some parts on my subclass to finish lvl 80 (here on shrine).
  21. You can do it on subclass, only thing you need is lvl 79 for start. But if you use it for subclass you cannot do it on main.
  22. Connect laptop to same monitor as company computer, use company computer screenshot as background, when somebody appears switch to background, then on monitor switch input. Only thing you need to hide is second keyboard and mouse
  23. Pokud vim tak planovany byly updaty z GF na GE a pak Freyu, dal se pred spustenim neuvazovalo.
  24. Deathwing

    mail system

    Ask Caius, maybe he has that mail on warlock. (if Tank misspelled your nick)