L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Deathwing

  1. You can buy that last item and trader will disappear They do it to keep trading place and because gms dont remove obvious scammers i think they cant help you with this.
  2. Mam pocit ze F jdou predelat na F v nastaveni biosu, tak aby nebylo potreba drzet Fn. Jinak zaskrtnutim enter chat jsou F na jednu listu, cisla pod nima na druhou a numericka na treti. A pak se menej na zalozce Enter chat, ne na ty prvni (na prvni to mozna nejde ze ty ciselny slouzi k psani)
  3. Maybe options - audio/system - initialize will fix this
  4. tohle mi obcas delala alt proxy, na main jelo vse v pohode.
  5. Antharas fortress dont have catapult, so there is no siege zone and you cant destroy gate.
  6. its not drop as usual, but it drops few seconds after mob dies, same way as keys for pirate event.
  7. Jakmile da mob ud tak prestanu nukovat a pockam az skonci, pripadne mezitim zabiju jinyho moba. Nukovat furt do moba s UD je padly na hlavu
  8. A další argument pro nás co chceme posun na 23:00 (vzhledem k tomu, že je zatím jedinej hlas proti). Ti co nešli k volbám můžou brblat, ale jejich hlas se nepočítá, započítaly se pouze hlasy těch co přišli k volbám.
  9. Its not only about olympiad but it is biggest part. For utc+2 (summer time in cz) we have now: Manor at 21:06 TW and second castle siege 21-23 Olly end 1:00 Which is basically every event started at fixed time (except for first cs)
  10. Myslíš že může mluvit za lidi co přijdou v průběhu příštího půl roku? Je možný že do tý doby se obmění 70% populace
  11. Ok, i thought whole topic was moved to eng section and cleaned.
  12. My posts were deleted. If you dont want change time every 6 months, just move server time to utc+2. I want server to move to UTC+2 (olly 18-24 in summer, 17-23 in winter). Its much more comfortable for people who have to wake up to work.
  13. Deathwing

    XP stop

    .expoff .expon
  14. Pokud to nekomu vadi malo pak mu bude jedno jestli bude olly 17-23 nebo 19-01. Tak nemuzes pocitat ze je proti. Zatim jsem tu nevidel nikoho kdo by byl radsi aby olly byla do 1 v noci. Pouze se tu hlasi lidi, kteri chteji posunout server na UTC₊2. ENG: if somebody dont care about olly 17-23 or 19-01 you cant count him as he is against moving. I saw there only voices to move server to UTC+2, nobody agaitnst.
  15. V tom pripade bych byl radsi aby se ted prehodilo na letni cas a tam to zustalo. Pak by v lete byly cs 16-18 a 20-22, olly 18-24. A v zime o hodinu driv 15-17, 19-21 a olly 17-23. Coz by bylo mnohem lepsi nez olly do jedny v noci.
  16. me prijde kravina to nemenit, kdyz vetsina evropy ten cas stejne zmeni. takhle se akorat zhorsi podminky pro lidi co nemaj tolik casu
  17. sometimes some items are not visible in inventory but they are there. Usually you didnt notice, except for rare items. Nobody cares about cokes from ketra, but when you pick fire stone and it is not in inventory you will notice. Relog usually solve this. But once i was helping my friend with grade penalty on subclass, he sees all slots empty, when i log him he has TT ring equipped, i took it down and he still cant see it for some time.
  18. herbs are dropped by mob, not by area. Some mobs drops herbs some dont. That spot looks weird, hunter gargoyle drops herbs and other mobs dont, but its not bug.
  19. Deathwing


    10 nights in row without shadai has chance 10,7% 15 nights in row has chance 3.51%. Chance looks as 20% but if Rand function is badly written it can give most numbers around 50 and only few numbers from ends. Maybe change if( Rand(100) < on_oasis ) for if(40 < Rand(100) < 60 ) highly increase spawn chance
  20. Deathwing


    jeste jedna moznost me napadla, je od vcera mrtvej nekde daleko. Tim nejde vyvolat, protoze je vyvolanej a nevidis ho protoze je mrtvej nekde daleko, zkus portnout nekam jestli se objevi
  21. Deathwing


    nemas full inventar, vyvolanyho jinyho peta/sumona? nebo nekde v rohu kde neni misto na vyvolani
  22. Potvrzuju ze uz funguje, diky za opravu.
  23. Totalni zasek na miste: 92511, 2410, -3600 pomohlo jen soe EDIT @Emca: Opraveno (bude po restartu)
  24. Inside Chromatic highlands you can have full party. From the gorge before first dark water dragons.
  25. When you hit dragon 4 (5) Shades spawn and they have second respawn, after you kill them they not spawn anymore (because is easy to sleep dragon and kill only minions). If you kill shades twice and run away no more shades will spawn. You have to kill dragon (there is second one for feeding) and after that is normal, or wait for restart of server. You just came and hit dragon somebody else hits before you. Do you have 150 or 300 (ideally not dark) gun to kill dragon? Its easier with full element / higher lvl