L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Seems like it's really correct retail behavior, closing as not bug
  2. Emca


    Hi, in fact it's Dark Forest and it's all the region around Dark Elven Village.
  3. Hi, when exactly did it happen? Did Casian give you Book of Sage?
  4. Emca


    Všichni (nebo skoro všichni) máme epilogue klienta, klientem to nebude
  5. Emca


    Backstab nezkouším, jen ten shadow step. A vždycky skončím tak, že nejsem ani ve zdi, ani nahoře, prostě zdá se mi, že se to nechová nijak nenormálně (jinak se teda přiznám, že za dýku jsem nikdy nehrála, takže to nedokážu úplně posoudit)
  6. Emca


    Myslíš třeba takhle? Tak to mi právě šlo úplně v pohodě, ani jednou jsem nevyskočila nahoru... Prostě dokud někdo nedodá screen s /loc, tak to ignoruju...
  7. Emca


    Jak píšu, potřebovala bych /loc kam se postavit s tou druhou postavou, tak až vám to příště někomu udělá, hoďte prosím /loc a screenshot (/loc se dá dát na makro)
  8. Emca


    Na geodata jsem koukala, sice jen od dvou arén, ale u obou to vypadalo zcela v pořádku, pro ukázku: Taky jsem si to zkoušela na několika místech v jedné náhodně vybrané aréně a všude mi to fungovalo dobře... Můžete doplnit nějaké bližší info (třeba /loc kde stojíte, když to na vás dýkař použije)?
  9. There may be exploitable code in mailing system of official server, AdvExt64 or l2j - but we won't use any of them. We're using our own extender (based on Gracia Final so there's no mailing system yet) and we'll write our own mailing system... and I'll do my best to make it bulletproof
  10. I think it's for some newer chronicle - I don't remember herbs dropping in Imperial Tomb. EDIT: Definitely for newer chronicle, Mithril Mines are level 80+ starting from Epilogue.
  11. Hi, we've updated our antibot, please update your client to be able to log in!
  12. https://forum.l2shrine.com/dropspoil/
  13. Ah, then your client is too new. Download from us and it will run
  14. Emca


    Will be fixed after next restart (I hope )
  15. Hi, thanks for info. If it was on the quest start, I would have to fix it (200k really for nothing and you can cancel the quest and do it again and again and again...) but it's in the second part of the quest so I think it's not really much exploitable.
  16. EU central bank shouldn't do this, it lowers the value of money already present in the system thus effectively robbing everyone.
  17. Hi, reinstall the client (is it Epilogue?) and run update from launcher
  18. Hi, please post screenshot of the crash report. Also check if you have disabled DEP: Control Panel -> System -> Advanced system settings -> Performance (Settings button) -> Data Execution Protection
  19. You don't need to keep them open. Just click again on our vote banners (in launcher or on web).