L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


L2 Shrine Staff
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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Hi, we usually have around 800 online in the evening, the maximum was something around 1000, two months earlier it was half so server grows Server started on October 2016 and it's low rate so you won't find many overenchanted A/S weapons but ofc there may be some luckers. Did you try to download the client from our server dedicated for client downloads? http://download.l2shrine.com/LineageIIInstaller-Epilogue.zip
  2. Ahoj, přesně jak píše @Jorn, tohle je obojí správně
  3. Hi, this is common l2off error and it's purely cosmetic thing. It's very badly reproducible so it's really not easy to debug (I have to reproduce the bug to be able to fix it because nobody knows why that happens) - I've seen it only once or twice here (but more times on other l2off servers)
  4. Ještě sem připíšu další souřadnice, co mi někdo reportoval v PM 97748, -6, -3704 EDIT @Emca: Tady žádný problém nevidím, spíš nešlo o geodata, ale loadujícího klienta - bod je přímo na rozhraní čtyř různých map a z toho jedna je Aden hrad...
  5. Nice and simple guide Also there's icon for it in actions window so you don't even have to write /findprivatestore
  6. Oops, that happened when we tried to fix the other orcs (this bug) I'll try to fix it somehow, thx for report
  7. Ahoj, díky za report, podíváme se na to
  8. We don't want to make such radical changes in it, also we feel this is the way koreans would do it Probably yes, but we haven't tested it... maybe we'll try to make it if we have time but I won't promise anything
  9. Until they sell everything, someone relogs them or server restarts.
  10. Hi, it's very hard to implement (it's not java) and also we think it's good we have fresh start once a week (can you imagine how Giran would look in two months?)
  11. It's not a problem if petclan won't keep the clan hall for long time. Also, we don't enforce this rule now and will start only when some (normal) clan wants clan hall owned by some petclan (then we'll just take the clan hall and put it in the auction)
  12. Mrknu na to, ale zkus prosím dát dohromady způsob, jak ty bugy vyvolat
  13. Emca


    Já ještě poznamenám, že oprava se projeví až v pondělí, tak to zkuste potom
  14. Jinak díky za přízeň a ať se daří
  15. Ahoj, cwh pro členy - to by bylo zle neretail, motivaci chápu, ale tohle je opravdu moc custom championi - to je čistě custom java věc, my máme l2off, takže bych to musela naprogramovat a opět je to moc custom barvy enchantů - to si můžeš změnit sám v klientovi, ale pro všechny to nechceme, to je zase custom Snažíme se o server co nejpodobnější ofíku kolem roku 2009, takže tyhle custom úpravy nechceme...
  16. All rewards are tradeable (if we missed some, tell us and we'll fix it)
  17. I don't say I think it's fine, but it really works this way (on l2off) and probably isn't much easy to change
  18. Emca


    Ahoj, funguje to tak, jak má, tzn. SA v polearmě přidává 4 moby, polearm mastery 1-8 přidává 5 mobů, polearm mastery 9+ přidává 10 mobů. Na poskládání mobů záleží taky, ale maximum se určuje takto.
  19. Hi, unfortunately this is normal retail behaviour
  20. That would be very custom, the correct behaviour for both Gracia Final and Gracia Epilogue can be found here http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/graciaepilogue_13.html
  21. I'm really sorry, but it seems you have forgotten to give kooka the food, when I filter logs for related events, I see this: 1: 01/30/2017 20:17:19.071, 105,5484,4425,,,13477,-246870,-9576,,,,1,1,105,77,2024722,1012781,3637266,30,89,,MayFlower,...,,, 2: 01/30/2017 20:17:28.465, 111,5484,4425,,,15567,-248128,-9576,,-2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0,,1,1,105,77,2024722,1012781,,7582,-465,0,MayFlower,...,,,2077346 ... 3: 01/30/2017 20:55:00.905, 112,5484,4425,,,17186,-243877,-9576,,-2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0,,1,1,105,77,2024722,1012781,,7582,461,461,MayFlower,...,,,2077346 4: 01/30/2017 20:55:00.905, 106,5484