L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Confirmed, I'll try to fix it
  2. Fixed: https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public/commits/f990c60abacfc4a8a96ceebc64393cdd8f68fcf7 Fix will be applied on next server restart.
  3. Ok, it's not related to book interaction bug. Need bit more research on this but I think I'm on the right way...
  4. Emca


    Core: Fixed buying harvester Fixed some server crashes Fixed Territory War point counting for killing with summon Added security checks to multisell Fixed support for Santa event Scripts: Increased chance for strider quest Quest fixes Fixed spawning Raldo in Baraham's cave Fixed last quest item drop in quest Finest Food part 1 Lot of multisell fixes (due to added security check) Santa buff is now also applied to pet/summon Few more fixes in Santa event
  5. Tak na to se budu muset mrknout...
  6. Well, I DON'T want to inform anyone about these particular client updates For the rest, I'll try to write something...
  7. Bugfix again... There will be probably more and more updates like this
  8. So I've checked it and everything works just like other castles. If you want to destroy the wall with siege golem, you must have enough crystals and gemstones and when you summon the golem, you need to target the wall and then just spam "Siege Hammer" skill. I've just destroyed 1/4 of both walls on my local testserver so it works.
  9. Ahoj, už jsem uvažovala, že dám santa čapky do novoročního eventu Jinak zajímavý nápad
  10. Pick one that suits you: https://update.l2shrine.com/update.zip - plain systemhttps://update.l2shrine.com/update-nogamma.zip - system with nogamma patch (doesn't change screen brightness)https://update.l2shrine.com/update-levelhack.zip - system with level hack (you see monsters level and aggro)https://update.l2shrine.com/update-levelhack-nogamma.zip - system with both nogamma patch and level hack Don't delete anything, just unzip it to your Lineage II folder and let it replace files.
  11. Hi everyone, we've made update of our antibot system. You'll need to run update via Launcher, otherwise you'll not be able to log in. Also, you'll need to close all game windows prior to update. If you don't use Launcher, you can get new system here: https://update.l2shrine.com/update.zip https://update.l2shrine.com/update-nogamma.zip https://update.l2shrine.com/update-levelhack.zip https://update.l2shrine.com/update-levelhack-nogamma.zip
  12. Then you'll need to run update in Launcher or download system manually again - we've released minor update that breaks compatibility.
  13. Also any clan that would want to keep up with you will have to do the same as you - else they'll have nothing. We hope Epilogue update will once help small clans and individuals - not big clans, they should have S80 already
  14. You can start crafting S80 when Hellbound reaches level 7 (btw, you can also craft S80 without Hellbound but it takes even more time). Then it will take some time to get it to level 10, meanwhile maybe someone starts killing Tiat (not a big problem for a good party + 3 "random" parties to allow entrance) and Ekimus (that will be much harder) and maybe in some few months we'll start with preparations for Epilogue - that means you'll have S80 gear for at least half a year prior to update to Epilogue. Also on Epilogue, the drop chance for S80 won't be high...
  15. As I've said, there will be no Epilogue until Hellbound is level 10+ and SoI and SoD are open at least once... We don't want to skip anything and the first S80 gear must be hard to get.
  16. Date: 2016-12-21 around 13:15 UTC+1 Place: Valley of Saints Offence: Botting Characters and accounts: Emky, Ramar, Ana, Amy, Sona, Kim, Gate, Krekra, GoodNight, Zkokotusyn, Achachach, Menace, lelel, Niwori, Veto, GoodMorning, MamRadPenisky, Pixel, LanaDrahrepus and related accounts Punishment: Perma ban
  17. I think it will take less - let's say 3-6 months to get Hellbound to level 10 or higher. We won't help it any way. As for update to Epilogue, we'll start with preparations when these conditions are met: Hellbound level 10+ SoI opened at least once SoD opened at least once
  18. Didn't you have the same chance to get +++ weapon? Also the buff is for EVERYONE, so where's any disbalance/support? When there is event just about cosmetics, it's bad. When there's event about anything better, it's also bad. When we finally find an event where the reward is real, but time limited, it's supporting LastRun (why LastRun omg?) I'm starting to feel tired of all this so maybe this is last event for few months now - better for me, I'll have more time during Christmas if I don't have to think about New Year's event...
  19. Show me screenshot of the folder where you have the Launcher