L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. @PiffPaff is right - it's not a bug.
  2. Emca


    What's wrong with it?
  3. If it doesn't help, you can download our patch here: https://update.l2shrine.com/update.zip https://update.l2shrine.com/update-nogamma.zip https://update.l2shrine.com/update-levelhack.zip https://update.l2shrine.com/update-levelhack-nogamma.zip EDIT: Ah ok
  4. Hi, please try to check "Use HTTP" and click on "Refresh". Did it help?
  5. Dělá to ještě někomu dalšímu?
  6. Banned his IP... Sorry, I couldn't get to computer until now.
  7. I've probably found where's the problem... Please try it now
  8. IP banned... he'll find another one nevertheless...
  9. There are situations where we can do anything and it's always wrong for someone
  10. Hi, you don't need premium, mice spawn only between 20:00 and 21:00 (UTC+1/CET). They spawn near towns (near gates etc), you can find event NPC there as well.
  11. Emca

    AQ a Seedi

    If I told them it's not bug, they would argue with me and demand some proof... It would just cost me more time and in the end I still would be forced to tell them or another big drama would start...
  12. Emca

    AQ a Seedi

    I meant, it's really not secret... And what else could I do when I got it as a bug report?
  13. Emca

    AQ a Seedi

    If you google "avoid raid curse", it's the FIRST link
  14. Emca

    AQ a Seedi

    Je to ok Bylo to tak i v roce 2010 na ofíku viz http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=212172
  15. Date: 2016-11-23 around 6:20 UTC+1 Location: Crypts of Disgrace Offence: Botting Characters and accounts: BubbaMax, Sweety and related accounts Punishment: Perma ban
  16. It's not a bug - it's really just bad luck
  17. In fact it's 9/10 cocktail. The rest is some 7/10 adena... and the rest is our small secret
  18. When you have full inventory, all these items refuse to open - you would notice that
  19. It's not a bug, just bad luck.
  20. You get buffs every time you pick the reward - the reward itself will go to your inventory.
  21. Zkus tohle (jestli máš české windows, tak se to jmenuje jinak, ale snad dohledáš): Control panel -> Sound -> záložka Playback -> rozkliknout Speakers -> záložka Enhanements -> zaškrtnout (nebo naopak odškrtnout) Disable all enhancements
  22. We're UTC+1* based server, you could say the same about castle sieges or territory wars... The fact is there is no single time that would suit everyone, we can't do much with this fact. And running the event two times a day wouldn't help anything - someone would have advantage nevertheless. * UTC+2 in summer, damn social engineers...