L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Hi, this is correct retail setting (it's based on real leaked Gracia Final files and I've also checked it in AdvExt-ish Epilogue, leaked Freya and leaked Glory Days and it's all the same).
  2. Yes, it changed back to normal rates - the event is over
  3. So is it ok? Can I close this?
  4. Hi, thanks for report. I think it's related to I'll have a look at it...
  5. Emca

    Seeding got messed

    I've tried to fix it - please test it next week after restart (Monday 5, 6:00 UTC+1)
  6. It will be added during downtime so you'll see just more points when you log in (hopefully - I haven't tested the automatic script, so we'll see)
  7. So it's simple - these points are not added automatically (as they cannot be added while server is running) and it requires manually running a script before server start (every monday). I've added it to our automatic script so it will be run every monday but there will be slight delay between reset of raid boss point and awarding reputation points. For example points for killing bosses in period between November 22 and November 28 will be awarded on Monday December 5 etc. We'll award no points retrospectively, the first period awarded will be the already mentioned period between
  8. I think that the golden frame is enough - we'll probably change it during next restart The only problem is that players won't see how much time is left
  9. Nevím co s tím, zkus si pohrát s nastavením zvuků ve Windows a ve hře
  10. Ahoj, je to jak píše @Deathwing, zavírám
  11. We won't punish this. Lock
  12. Zatím jsem to zkoušela jenom krátce a moldy i keye co se z toho moba spoilují mi padaly plus mínus tak, jak měly (na ten recept bych musela mít velkou kliku). Až se k tomu dostanu, tak to zase trošku rozpitvám a zdebuguju, ať vidím, jak to ten l2server přesně počítá, ale zatím to fakt všechno vypadá OK...
  13. Thanks for report, we'll check it
  14. Also consider these 3 situations and tell me where exactly is the difference: Player A sets up shop where he sells soul ore and writes "a crystals" into description. Player B doesn't notice and loses adena. Players A and B want to trade "a crystals" and they use /trade. Player A puts soul ore there and player B doesn't notice and loses adena. Players A and B want to trade "a crystals" and they drop it on the ground. Player B drops adena, player A picks it and drops nothing. Player B loses adena. From my point of view in all 3 situations it was some consent between players
  15. There is a very good way how to deal with it - be careful, read what you buy/sell, for what price and how much you're buying/selling. Then nobody can scam you! Sorry, we don't want to do anything with this because it would be really lot of work - in fact if you're careful, they can do absolutely no harm to you.
  16. Ahoj, všech těch cca 1000 byl ten správný druh moba? To byste jich museli zabít celkem alespoň tak 5 000 - těch druhů je víc. Zkontrolovat to můžeš sám v drop/spoilu tady na fóru - je to brané (stejně jako ten ve hře) přímo z paměti startujícího serveru - nikde to nemůže být lépe.
  17. Ok, kdyby něco, tak prosím založit znovu...
  18. So even if someone makes clan for 3 friends, they should get clan level 3?
  19. Ahoj, teď jsem to zkoušela a funguje mi to - jen to vypadá, že některé ty hlasovací servery jsou trošku přetížené... Co ti to přesně dělá, můžeš udělat screenshot?
  20. Hi, I don't think it would be fair to provide further advantage for big clans... We were thinking about some starter pack for newbie players, but seriously, do you think it would attract bunch of new players?
  21. We need to check it, thanks for report.
  22. It shouldn't protect you against changing target. Not bug...