L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. I've checked our npcpos against Gracia Final PTS leaked data, Freya leaked data and AdvExt64-ish Epilogue and it's the same in all versions. If there are/were more mobs on the official server, it must have been after Freya or before Gracia Final.
  2. You can trade the letters and the boxes
  3. Yes, it does, for some quest you won't notice it but for some quest it's almost blocking.
  4. No já to už upravila, že už musíš vybírat vždycky (nepředvybere se žádný)
  5. Tak zatím mám workaround, než budeš kupovat harvester, klikni na tu volbu, co je pod tím. Zatím nevím proč, ale když to uděláš, tak to začne fungovat.
  6. It's dropped as a quest item (but not into inventory but onto ground) so it's not visible in drop/spoil
  7. We'll check - but to use l2ph or something like that on our server you need to be guru in x86 assembler :)) EDIT: Or have some such guru in your friends / or pay him/her!
  8. Then it was client bug - Celestial Shield is for 10 seconds. Did you do some damage to him?
  9. Emca

    TW? Oo

    Don't be rude, he has good point, but too late. We can change it in the future, but I feel the problem is just somebody didn't know - yeah, they may have checked it at Mercenary Manager, but they didn't. Can't tell whose fault is it, I'd rather call it misunderstanding. Or maybe my fault Sorry guys, please tell me what you think we should do with it now. I think we should let it be
  10. Hi, we'll check but I'm not sure what the problem is... I see some damage you got from Xari but since your first screenshot with start of the celestial shield effect I see no more damage from him Please explain
  11. Emca

    TW? Oo

    Yes. And l2server.exe decided to make it this way. Should I complain? So you don't like this setting or the problem was just once (and sorry, now unsolvable, because we don't want do rollback, cause it would do more harm than good)?
  12. Emca

    TW? Oo

    The date was generated by the server - this is indeed how it should work, unless koreans changed it after private test server that was leaked. We'll maybe update this in future, but it seems fine now for this kind of server - there's some fun every week. If anybody feels really offended by this setting, please let us know
  13. Emca

    Game server

    Asi tuším, kde je "problém". Nejsi zvyklý mačkat enter, jak se objeví výběr serverů (proxy)? Je teď potřeba ho vždy vybrat ručně - aby lidi z Evropy omylem nehráli přes US proxy...
  14. Emca

    Game server

    Mimo provoz? Nejsem u počítače, ale za chvilku budu, když se do té doby rozepíšeš o detailech nebo pošleš screen, tím líp
  15. Yeah, people sometimes get +15 weapon, that's also not normal Count with me - 5x 50 % in the row = 1/32 +15 weapon - 12x 70 % in the row = 1/72.25 That's how random works!
  16. Zkusím s tím něco udělat. Už asi tuším jak docílit toho, aby se pokaždé znovu změřil ping, teď jen přijít na to, jak to donutit správně seřadit...
  17. So no bug here: Current Akamanah was last dropped 03:44:14 from player and picked up by another player few seconds later. Current Zariche was dropped from mob and picked up on 13:26:10.
  18. Ahoj, nepomůže, když si to necháš seřadit podle názvu? Bohužel se to samo od sebe řadí dost náhodně a zatím jsem nepřišla na to, jak to donutit, aby byl první server, na kterém jsi naposledy hrála (tak by to mělo správně fungovat)... Zkusím na to ještě mrknout, uznávám, že to je opravdu otravné
  19. Ahoj, stáhni od nás čistého epilogue klienta, nainstaluj ho do nové složky, nic nemaž a nakopíruj tam launcher. Pak nech provést update a musí to fungovat. Jak blbne výdrž summona?
  20. Don't trust the values it shows - they're almost random. Please just try whether game runs better or worse when you use US proxy
  21. Exp off for pets seems like nice idea Combine talismans? How do you mean that?