L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Emca

    NPC Texture glitch

    In fact our client is combination of epilogue system and mixed gracia final/epilogue data. Currently we've changed skill enchanting system to match the client (enchanting without NPC, enchanting taking adena+sp instead of exp+sp), combined buy/sell and slightly shifted vitality levels. Nothing more, nothing less, but we're preparing update to full epilogue. You can use final client, but you may encounter some glitches like missing textures etc.
  2. Emca

    NPC Texture glitch

    Ah, then download our client - it's epilogue client, not final. We're going to update to full epilogue over time so we already use epilogue client.
  3. Pokud máš problémy s netem, zauvažuj o změně providera nebo o tom pronajmout si někde blízko virtual, poprosit někoho z kamarádů (nebo se to naučit, není to tak těžké) aby ti tam rozjel vpn a všechen provoz tlačit přes to... A s těma windows - sedmy jsou dobré (ale staré, ale na většinu věcí nevadí), osmičky se moc nepovedly, desítky už zase (po odladění základních chyb) dobré, být tebou, tak upgradnu nebo downgradnu... Defender se vypnout dá
  4. Emca

    NPC Texture glitch

    Hi @NewLux, did you download our Gracia Epilogue client? Did you use our Launcher to update it? Didn't you delete anything manually?
  5. I think we can agree on that shot lag problem caused by waiting for database (which I've already fixed) was really bug (it was absolutely random etc) The second problem is systematic and changing it would have medium impact on gameplay which means it definitely IS custom change. I'm starting to be against it as it seems this feature was present on gracia final, epilogue and probably freya as well. So if someone really thinks it's bug and NCsoft solved it in some version, give me some proof - link to offic forum or anything else valuable
  6. Asi to zkusíme, našla jsem SK firmu kde to VPSko bude stát 1.95 eur měsíčně, tak to asi objednám. Jen nevím jak fungují o víkendech EDIT: Objednáno, jak to pojede, tak tam zkusím rozjet proxy EDIT2: Jsou rychlejší, než jsem čekala, navíc nám dali 5 dní na vyzkoušení zdarma, dobře vy Slováci Zítra tu proxy asi rozjedu, stay tuned
  7. No evidentně je to sítí a s tím ti asi moc nepomůžeme, dělá ti to i na hlavním serveru i na proxy, takže ani udělat další proxy na Slovensku by asi nepomohlo... Nebo to zkusíme?
  8. I see in database that you have the reward.
  9. Works for me / not reproducible
  10. Hmm so what with this? To fix or not to fix...? We've already fixed one retail "feature" - on l2shrine command channel members are treated as allies. That's also non-retail but we think that original behavior is so terribly wrong, it needed a fix.
  11. Sry bad quote :)) Fixed it - I mean the quote, not spiritshot problem :))
  12. You didn't get it. When casting time is 1500 ms and reuse time is 1200 ms, there is a problem. If we forced all reuse times to be at least as long as the skill itself (which wouldn't change anything ingame as reuse time shorter than casting time is no difference for you), then it would work. It could be done only automatically, not changing skills etc (because it depends on buffs you have etc). BUT AGAIN, THIS IS NOT THE WAY I WANT TO FIX IT. I will fix it proper way - the spiritshot skill must be casted PRIOR to casting the next skill, not during it. It's item skill in fact
  13. We're discussing it with @Jorn, there will be probably more different rewards, but we can't tell more now.
  14. I see your IP address has voted - just click again on hopzone/topzone button to make it refresh
  15. Well according to my tests it seems that INCREASE of reuse time to match skill cast time would fix the problem. On the other side it's probably not the way I want to fix it...
  16. There is plenty of posts about autoloot across this forum... We just don't want it, it's not retail and greatly changes gameplay.
  17. We didn't want to make it too easy
  18. Well, if you know someone who can correctly translate it, it might be good idea. We're czech native speakers so we were able to write it correctly and nicely but I fear we're not able to translate it to russian on our own.
  19. Yes it is but it's really correct.
  20. According to my tests there are TWO different problems involved. Seems like I've fixed just one of them. Now it seems the second problem emerges only if you have shorter reuse than cast time. Is it possible?
  21. Hi, as @EmperorDog said plus server runs in CET (UTC+2 now, will be UTC+1 over winter)