L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. That's just a cosmetic issue
  2. Please try what's your ping to (OVH datacenter in Canada); we have some 95.6 ms
  3. @TzaR we've already decided what to do in this situation, so I'm locking this topic
  4. Takže v klientovi chyba nebude, v serveru taky není (to by to jinak dělalo víc hráčům). Problém tedy musí být v tvém systému nebo v síti, přes kterou jsi připojený. Máš nějakou možnost zkusit jedno bez druhého - tzn. stejný počítač připojit jinak nebo to zkusit s jiným počítačem na stejné síti?
  5. We're probably going to make some proxy for US people, but the problem is ping between these countries is always 80ms+ so we need something that will have really low latency between you and the proxy. I'm still searching for a company that can rent us some very light VPS (we don't need much resources on it) and that has good connectivity across US.
  6. We've discussed it with @Jorn and we've come to a conclusion. We'll do it the same way as it was on official server around year 2010 (that was time Gracia Epilogue was out). http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=210126 We'll return the pet only once per person (e-mail), so if you have encountered this problem, you can choose whether you want your pet back now or if you want to save this possibility for later (hint: if you lose pet level 60 now, it may be wise to get new one, because when you lose it on level 80, it will be much bigger problem). Also we need to know ab
  7. Vit potions would make it too fast... There are already retail ways how to replenish vitality: killing raid bosses vitality replenishing herbs pailaka TBD - some events will maybe have vitality chocolate or something like that as a reward (as this is present in existing retail events) Now it's 4x (5x if you vote). If we add some way to keep players on average of level 2, whole server would work like 8x+ which is in my opinion too much for so-called lowrate server. Also the reason why whole vitality feature is present - players that don't play so often get this
  8. At the moment, we're planning hats and other cosmetics as event rewards. We don't like the idea of making it vote reward in any way, it's also complicated, because we can check just IP address so players on same IP would fight who will get it (you can't vote twice from single IP)...
  9. Emca


    To jsou jen dva "vchody" (server jako takový a proxy) - vyzkoušej kde ti to líp šlape
  10. Fixed. It will be working after next server restart.
  11. Emca


    Ahoj, zkus tohle, nemám ale české windows abych ti to napsala a nascreenovala česky, tak hádám, jak se to může jmenovat: Ovladací panel -> Systém -> Pokročilé nastavení? -> Výkon? (tam je nějaké tlačítko Nastavení nebo tak nějak?) -> záložka Data Execution Protection V základu bys měl mít zaškrtnutou volbu aby to bylo zapnuté jenom pro důležité aplikace a služby windows (nebo tak nějak?) Pokud máš zaškrtnutou tu druhou, přidej si L2.exe z adresáře SYSTEM do výjimek, viz obrázek:
  12. Different problem but same reason
  13. Extender is DLL that attaches to original korean L2Server.exe and changes it's behaviour - fixes bugs, adds .expon/.expoff, adds offline trade, ... All of the stuff we do in "core" is in our extender. In our case the extender is this (we made it open-source so anybody can use it)
  14. Emca

    Cursed Weapons

    If someone picks it and stays offline for some while, it will disappear. Cursed weapons are RARE. There is really small chance to drop one.
  15. Hi, it's common (and known) bug that was present in l2off since C4 (where they added automatic soulshot/spiritshot usage) and was there at least until Freya. We'll probably "fix" it, but it's a retail "feature", not bug as bug - it was present on Officials server long after Gracia Final...
  16. 400+(0-250) = 400-650, not 400+-250
  17. Pytan has 400 sec + random 0-250 sec Some mobs have random, some not, some have long respawn (Pytan), some have short respawn (Zaken's Piker has 55 seconds) Also some places (Imperial Tomb etc.) work like you need to kill everything to make new spawn OR wait some longer timeout Really depends on location and mob
  18. Ahoj, zkus to bez té kompatibility - mělo by to fungovat bez toho. Kdyžtak ještě zkus otevřít správce úloh a až to bude příště dělat, tak se podívej, který proces zatěžuje nejvíc CPU
  19. Hi, most of undead mobs don't drop herbs (95 of undead mobs drop herbs, 791 of them don't)
  20. Date: 2016-10-09 around 12:45 UTC+2 Place: Giants cave Offence: Botting Characters and accounts: Poullexpoti, xyc, Cucumber, money, yxc, TheDarkOne, money2, cxy, TheLightOne, money3, xcy and all related accounts Punishment: Permanent ban Don't think that we can't detect bot - even if you're sitting next to it. It doesn't matter whether it's AFK botting or not. Read the rules.