L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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  1. Every event favours some1. Past events favoured heavy dmg dealers - I as summoner had nothing from the one that gave u S +16 + addictional CoV, it made me put on hold playing for 3months :). Lets hope it wont make the same with NA players.
  2. Was running like crazy for half an hour in FI and no treasures for me. Skill range is too low or too low number of boxes.
  3. Nix

    MA set effect

    Yeah i read that u go attribute u like. Problem with going atr to the skill from augment is that you have to get one - i used countless LSes and no skill. And shit no, play AL for the first time since C4 appeared
  4. Nix

    MA set effect

    Eldax attribute transfer should only work for summoners eg. PS, AL and ES. It needs checking if bugged. There were some bugs with summoners classes before, luckly Emca did repair it. Also I dont know if u have to have specific attribute in weapon for it to transfer to summon (i dont have Fire att weap while im Warlock)
  5. Nix

    MA set effect

    Check weight limit bonus. It seems to doesnt work - no change in weight limit with dc / ma sets equiped Can u also check if attribute transfer from summoner to summon work? It seems little low or not existing.
  6. Też myślałem że to boty, dopóki nie ogarnąłem jak wymieniać i teraz jedyne co potrzebuje to komenda .time i zegarek - zawsze się wymieni 2-3 / 6 owoców na najwyższych cenach a co 10 manor całość.
  7. Nix

    WTT HD for MA set

    clean one, i can settle for ma robe + helmet and dont require +60
  8. Lol you can go more than 2ppl in IoP... did dragons with 4 boxes on my back here
  9. Nix

    DC robe, boots

    WTT/WTS DC robe, boots
  10. I mistaken quests. There is chain quest that proceeds this one - starts at 35+ https://l2wiki.com/Temple_Executor
  11. There are more to this quest than that
  12. Well i gave up after this event. We lost castle because of it. I play summoner as a main - its pretty weak class in GF, add to it other classes with additional cov + OE weapons - i was doing in IT half of room while guys with +16 SS was doing 4. Plus like the guy above said - they accumuleted so much of this event items that they will be running with +cov for another 6 months.
  13. Would it be possible to make buffs appliable to summon? I mean summoners play here too and all events go by and gives as ****.