L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Ah, some antivirus is blocking it probably (I don't know why - there is no virus there). Try adding your Lineage II directory to antivirus exceptions.
  2. Tak agathiony v tom prvním eventu nemáme, ale taky s nimi časem počítáme
  3. Try this http://download.l2shrine.com/windrv.dll
  4. Your land rate or theirs? Theirs is absolutely normal, they can often give you stun despite resist stun
  5. We didn't manage to finish it before monday restart. Now it's ready but we don't want to restart in middle of the week so we'll wait for regular monday restart.
  6. We're preparing new event, it will probably start next monday.
  7. Really strange, we've not added this feature, NCsoft did. And then removed it you say? I don't think so. It's retail feature. Lock.
  8. Tak to teď moc nestíhám... ale co tak vím, tak ta zbraň má 10 levelů, když ji zvedneš, je vždycky level 1 (i když z někoho vypadla), zabíjením charů se leveluje nahoru (vždy 19 nebo 20 na další level), což přidává patk, pdef, matk, mdef a max cp. Když tě někdo zabije, tak je to 50:50 že ji dropneš. Jinak trvanlivost když ji zvedneš ze země by měla být 24 hodin, ale s tím, že zabíjením charů se ta doba zkracuje a dropnutá na zemi by měla vydržet hodinu uff..
  9. It's 10 minutes now and it's retail setting - I don't think we will want to change this. Also 10 minutes is really enough.
  10. It's normal game feature - if you forget to feed it, it runs away forever. https://forum.l2shrine.com/topic/306-if-pet-disappears-permanently-should-player-get-1-more-chance-by-pet-being-restored/
  11. Lol, seems your really know nothing about it. Adrenaline uses game client to send packets so they're IDENTICAL to packets sent by client without any bot. Stop with this bullshit.
  12. Emca

    Forum problems

    If you have problem with submitting a post or reply to personal message, just copy your text, refresh the page and try again... (that's what I just did)
  13. There's no admins absence. I take this personally! Also none of the players on video is bot.
  14. It was some strange bug... resummonned the gatekeeper and now it's ok...
  15. My ale fungujeme teprve 16 dní Díky, děláte mi radost
  16. Emca

    Vote Reward

    Do you use any proxy? If so, try to add hopzone and topzone to exceptions that shouldn't go through proxy If not, just try to vote again
  17. Emca

    Vote Reward

    Hi, I've checked your IP and all the voting server APIs think you didn't vote...
  18. Emca


    @Jorn is correct, penalty is applied only if you recharge a higher level character
  19. Hi, we won't do this for several reasons: it's l2off and it's REALLY DIFFICULT to implement this feature PROPERLY so it won't be SECURITY RISK it's good that at least once a week there's a fresh start so there won't be million of offline traders sitting there for half a year
  20. Wailing of Splendor - there are two mobs with this name, the first one is this https://forum.l2shrine.com/dropspoil/location/21539/ and the second one (which spawns when you hit the first one) is this https://forum.l2shrine.com/dropspoil/location/21540/ - the second one has no location because AI spawns him Judge of Light - it's minion of Judge of Splendor https://forum.l2shrine.com/dropspoil/location/21544/
  21. One more thing, if you're going to post it somewhere, maybe please don't spam l2dawn - they seem to be really nice, we don't need them upset... and maybe also don't spam bnb cause they already have big problems with ddos attacks (and if someone wants to play on donate server, let him do so)
  22. Vote at least at hopzone - that doesn't need any login and in most of cases it will give you premium status. Sometimes not - it's not our fault, if you want to make sure you get the premium, vote everywhere and then click again (just for sure) on all vote buttons in launcher Every week there are at least 5 questions on "hey vote reward doesn't work" - we do our best and our system (on our side) seems bulletproof. But we rely on APIs of vote servers so it's sometimes difficult to make it properly, if half of the APIs work wrong that day. The other possibility is someone uses two diffe