L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. I've checked right now and it's really 900 (3x adena rate) for each silver ice crystal and 3600 for each black ice crystal (and I haven't finished The Other Side of Truth quest).
  2. Strange, I'm looking into AI script and I see it gives 300 adena per silver ice crystal and 1200 per black ice crystal... I need to check ingame tomorrow...
  3. No, this bug won’t be included
  4. Hi everyone, I've (hopefully) finished work on the mail system and everything seems working fine, however, it would be good to test it a bit before we enable it here on L2 Shrine. I've already updated our old server eressea.cz so it can be tested there, is there anyone who would like to help? If so, please, just test it, try to break it, try to exploit it and tell me the results (e.g. write bugreports). It requires either making a copy of your whole Lineage II directory, downloading eressea.cz server launcher and updating the system or (if you're techie) mak
  5. Then you have old launcher, download new here
  6. Oh thanks, you've saved me quite a time
  7. Neříkám, že sem přijde najednou 500 dalších lidí, to ne. Ale noví hráči pořád chodí, klany, co se snaží, jdou pomalu nahoru, nemám důvod nevěřit, že tu ještě spousta lidí bude hrát pár let - mají tu jistotu, že i když se vrátí po roce nehraní, najdou svojí postavu. Dneska když jsem dělala kontrolu, jestli někdo nebotuje, překvapilo mě množství aktivních hráčů v lokacích level 40-70. Shrine ještě zdaleka nemele z posledního. A lidi sem pořad chodí a vracejí se
  8. Nevidím to moc růžově ani na jaře. A proč nehrajete tu?
  9. Hi, it's too complicated (I'm glad we've managed to get drop/spoil working well) Those buffs aren't statically defined - AI casts them. Also, there are some mobs that don't buff themselves but receive buffs from other mobs around - really complicated. Maybe if there is some list - but I fear it still wouldn't be accurate for Epilogue, most data you find is for Interlude and H5...
  10. Hi, let's wait few days if they bring it back
  11. Emca


    Thanks for info. It's fixed now, just update your client
  12. Don't delete whole system! Try deleting just user.ini and window.ini and then run update
  13. Don't use custom interface with 4 rows EDIT: Ah you don't use it... try resetting windows (alt+l)
  14. Show me screenshot of Rudolf interface (just click on him like if you wanted to talk with NPC)
  15. It's random - when it grows from level 2, it chooses 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 (or rare variant with Turkey) Just try raising another one
  16. Then it must have been doing something (won't tell exactly what)
  17. When some char is active, any char from his party can get the gift. Name shouldn't change. In fact only level changes - level 1 = small baby Rudolph, level 2 = larger baby Rudolph, 3 ~ 6 = adult Rudolph, 7 = Rudolphina.
  18. There are two limits for gift delivery: time limit (4 hours) count limit (based on current online player count) Also, how do you try to get the gift? Hitting NPCs outside of peace zone doesn't work anymore - you have to be really active during gift delivery. There are 3 variables that start at 0 % and have to go to 99 % in order to raise reindeer to adult: time - you have just to wait for it, it increments automatically affection - you have to scratch reindeer when it wants it 4 times (it increments by 25 % three times and 24 % fourth time) appetite -
  19. Ok, Rudolph should now return to Santa and I've completely rewritten the function responsible for selecting random active user and added some checks to ensure nobody gets two gifts during one Santa delivery I'm still not sure what to do with those full +12 A grade weapons. Leave it this way? Change it to some random chance? Remove it completely? Any ideas?
  20. This is a bug, I'll try to fix it Not in any easy way but it seems I'll have to remove full A grade +12 weapons (you should get them instead of the shadow ones on December 25) or at least find some way how to limit it...
  21. Seems NCsoft wrote it wrong and you don't have to be in combat, just active and alive