L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Emca

    L2 on company computer

    It doesn't work for me (gives critical error about insufficient memory) but it may work for you. In system folder create file "l2noadmin.bat" with following content: @echo off set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER l2.exe Then try running the bat file.
  2. Emca

    L2 on company computer

    Nevertheless I’ll try something when I have time. All depends on whether Themida (client files packer) can run without admin rights...
  3. Emca

    L2 on company computer

    I fear it won't run
  4. Už by mělo jít (pokud to bylo v Rune)
  5. Emca

    pls verify!

    Hi, it's just bad luck - our drop spoil (both ingame and web) is generated from game data (server dumps drop spoil to text file on the start) so it's 100% accurate.
  6. Range 300, to opravdu není moc
  7. Ahoj, jak se ten skill jmenuje?
  8. Ahoj, pokud to čtu dobře (instantzonedata.txt), tak to napoprvé k bossovi portnout nemůže
  9. Yes, it's a bugfix - it should work this way but didn't
  10. Ahoj, čím to bylo?
  11. We're not sure how it should work. Current Zaken AI is taken from Freya which is the most relevant source we can have and on Freya they changed Anakazel to work the same way. There's slight possibility that they've done the same with Zaken, so it MAY HAVE BEEN for whole party on Epilogue - but we can't know for sure. On the other side we're sure it worked this way on Freya. Given these two possibilities we'll keep it as is because anything else would be pure guessing...
  12. A1: There's only one warehouse for all pets per one character. Reindeer in fact has items in inventory, it just doesn't show them in client. A2: When pet is deleted from l2npc, it returns all it's items to owner inventory - our own patch, previously it wasn't possible to delete pet that's summoned. A3: If you lose food, write me PM, I'll try to search for it to see where it is
  13. Psala jsem, že Epilogue určitě a Freyu/H5 možná. Aktuálně to vidím tak, že Freya pravděpodobně jednou bude a H5 ještě opravdu nevím. S tou Freyou to bude trošku náročnější, protože tam toho přidávali víc, než v Epilogu a dost velká otázka bude, co s klientem (budu muset naportovat antibot a všechny další úpravy klienta)...
  14. Emca

    Can't login

    I'm not sure if I understand the question... Server runs in UTC+2 for the whole year so it depends on your timezone. If you want to see server time, just use command ".time"
  15. Emca

    Can't login

    Fixed, fix will be applied during restart around 15:00 server time (20 minutes from now)
  16. Emca

    Can't login

    Still crashing even with mail system disabled. Now it's starting with DLL version that was running yesterday so hopefully no more crashes now. But also no mail system Working on a fix... EDIT: Now I know how to reproduce it, good
  17. Emca

    Can't login

    Hmm it crashed again Disabling mail system until I fix it...
  18. Emca

    Can't login

    Now copying 800 MB crash dump and cached is running with attached debugger. It will probably crash again so be prepared for it...
  19. Emca

    Can't login

    Hi, something went wrong (probably bug in mail system) and cached crashed, trying to find out what's exactly wrong
  20. Hi, it was long enough and Christmas is over. There will be some new event in the future
  21. Emca


    2017-12-11: Core: Support for Raising Rudolf event Scripts: Raising Rudolf event Client: Support for Raising Rudolf event 2018-01-01: Core: Added Mail System Scripts: Stakato AI fixes Manor Manager AI fix Hidden "Write mail" button in Community Board Fix unfreightable items Client: Unhidden Mail System