L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


L2 Shrine Staff
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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Ty postupné updaty jsou sice super nápad (původně jsme to tak chtěli dělat), ale moc dobře to nejde. Hlavně budeme potřebovat Freya klienta - takže to bude nějakou chvíli trvat, než všechno naimplementujeme...
  2. Ahoj, máš nějaký odhad, kolika lidí se to může týkat? Spíš bych to viděla na nějaký "normální" event s tím, že by se k tomu přibalil ten clan level a shadow B-grade (proč to nevyužít, když už jsme se s tím dělali, stávajícím hráčům by to snad nemělo vadit )
  3. Emca

    Spoil rate in GC

    I've killed 10 of them and I have 5 crafted leather... Seems working correctly (just bad luck)
  4. Emca

    Spoil rate in GC

    What level of Spoil skill do you have and what level is your char?
  5. Hi, that info is for newer chronicles, in Epilogue it's lower - max 650 points. This setting was introduced in Gracia Part 1 (previously it was max 400 points): When a clan academy member completes his or her second job change, the amount of Clan Fame earned is now 650 instead of 400. They changed it to max 2000 later, probably in Goddess of Destruction.
  6. Nechci vás nějak strašit, ale pokud vyhraje Dawn a u Gnosis bude pod 35 %, tak s unsealováním armorů a spojováním duálů budou mít smůlu zase...
  7. Emca

    anakim transform

    It definitely works, because herbs work. It's not in drop list because this type of drop usually contains just herbs and we didn't want to spam all drop/spoil with them.
  8. There's lot of casual players who don't care about big population but want to keep playing on one server for years without losing their chars and equipment - and as they play just few hours per month, they would have no chance to get some better equip if they had to start over and over every year or so...
  9. Emca

    anakim transform

    Ok, some explanation... Anakim: Leaked Gracia Final - Anakim normal grouped drop aka "additional_make_multi_list" - this gets multiplied by drop rate: additional_make_multi_list={{{{[basalt_battlehammer];1;1;0.5879};{[imperial_staff];1;1;0.5879};{[dragon_hunter_axe];1;1;0.5879};{[arcana_mace];1;1;0.5879};{[basalt_battlehammer_head];16;48;8.3295};{[piece_of_imperial_staff];11;31;12.961};{[dragon_hunter_axe_blade];6;18;23.0489};{[arcana_mace_head];3;7;53.309}};53.4503};{{{[angel_slayer];1;1;4.9371};{[angel_slayer_blade];12;36;95.0629}};38.1885};{{{[scrl_of_ench_wp_s];1;1;8.9
  10. Not immediately - let's say a month before opening another new server. For example if we open "Shrine 2" this year, we would merge it into "Shrine 1" a month before opening "Shrine 3" next year or so - so nobody would lose anything after year of playing, players would just decide whether to continue on merged server (which would increase the old server population - this would be mainly for casual players) or to start on a brand new server in a month (mainly for competitive players).
  11. Hi, no, Shrine has strong no-wipe policy. There's a slight possibility we'll want to open a new server additional to Shrine + come up with new lifecycle for it (maybe open new server every year and merge the old server to Shrine?) but it's all still very theoretical.
  12. Emca

    anakim transform

    It's in ex_item_drop_list (which is usually used for herbs and isn't affected by drop rate) so it doesn't show in drop/spoil in game. The chance is 1 % and I'm almost sure it's correct (it's 1 % in both leaked Gracia Final and leaked Freya and I really doubt NCsoft changed it 1 % GF -> 5 % GE -> 1 % Freya). EDIT: It's also 1 % in leaked Glory Days scripts so I think it was 1 % all the time.
  13. Hi, thanks for report, we'll check it
  14. Emca

    L2 on company computer

    Maybe we should implement Boss key feature to the client
  15. Emca

    L2 on company computer

    In some jobs you sometimes have to wait until something completes (in my job it's typical that I'm waiting until code compiles and for some projects, it's around half an hour) so there may be some time when you don't have anything to do but wait...
  16. Emca

    L2 on company computer

    Bring your own device
  17. Emca

    L2 on company computer

    Hmm I've just tried to run it as ordinary user under Windows XP and it worked well. Seems there's some firewall that's blocking your traffic on port 2106 (and probably on 7777 too)...
  18. Jen špatně zobrazovalo
  19. Emca

    L2 on company computer

    Try this - put it to system folder
  20. Updatni si klienta a zkus
  21. Emca

    L2 on company computer

    What does it show?