L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Jj už to hlásí i další, dělá to víc věcí (vlastně všechny, co koupíš v shopu), viz Asi už vím, čím to je, ale opravím to až zítra (ty existující věci půjdou snadno opravit v databázi, ale bude to vyžadovat restart)
  2. I've probably found the bug (it's related to refund system and some changes I've made), at least it can be fixed very easily in database (for existing items) but will require complete server restart. I hope I'll fix it tomorrow during day (need to check it thoroughly so I won't need to do another restart soon).
  3. I think it's wrong now (and correct in the client) - it's 10 seconds in Freya, it's 10 seconds in l2j Epilogue and it's 10 seconds in Epilogue client.
  4. Hi, sorry for waiting, I was checking it in logs and in AI. I've found that when you don't attack the boss for more than 60 seconds, it will despawn and end your instance zone: EventHandler TIMER_FIRED_EX(timer_id,i0,i1,i10,i11,c0,party0,h0,private,maker0) { if( timer_id == 1001 ) { i0 = GetCurrentTick() - myself.i_quest4; if( i0 > 60 ) { BroadcastScriptEvent(4, 0, 4000); InstantZone_Finish(5); Despawn(); } AddTimerEx(1001, 60 * 1000); } super; } It's not a bug, it's something NCsoft made intentionally.
  5. Ukaž screenshot, zkouším to u sebe a tebou popisované chování neregistruju... Co máš všechno na sobě? Nedělá to ještě v kombinaci s něčím jiným?
  6. Emca


    Yes, generally choose the one with lowest ping, but if you encounter lags, try the second one or third one
  7. Emca


    Just right after you enter your login and password, there's server selection screen, try L2 Shrine [alt] or L2 Shrine [FR] there
  8. Emca


    Hi, did you try proxies (alt, fr)? There may be some temporary problem on the way
  9. Hi, what characters were there?
  10. Banned for botting in cata - you have what you wanted
  11. Neměnili jsme vůbec nic, ani restart nebyl, takže jsme ani nic měnit nemohli
  12. Emca

    Dagger skill

    Hi, it's wrong description in the client, in fact it doesn't increase critical rate but lethal strike probability
  13. Emca

    Soul crystal leveling

    I've extracted it from our AI. What's the exact source of this change in our AI - I can't tell, we've mixed few different datasets together (something is from one old AdvExt Epilogue release, something from Freya leak, something from few other sources)
  14. Emca

    Soul crystal leveling

    Sorry, it's Aenkinel (one of them) 13, 14, 15 one member 20 % Aenkinel (the rest) 11, 12, 13, 14 one member 5 %
  15. Ahoj, bojím se, že to budeš muset celé zrušit a začít znova - nebo pokračovat v té volbě, cos už zvolil...
  16. Emca

    Soul crystal leveling

    14->15: Queen Shyeed, Hekaton Prime, Giant Marpanak, Gwindorr, Gorgolos, Last Titan Utenus, Water Spirit Lian, Aenkinel (plus the bosses you've mentioned)
  17. Hmm I think I've found that mob but there's no error in logs etc Did you see more of them or just one Nephilim Commander?
  18. Emca

    Soul crystal leveling

    That's mostly wrong Ah, you're right, there are 6 Aenkinels (on server it's called anakazel_ajna, anakazel_anahata, anakazel_manipura, anakazel_mulata, anakazel_suvadita and anakazel_vishuda), 5 of them have 5 % chance (11, 12, 13, 14) and one (anakazael_ajna) has 20 % chance (for 12, 13, 14). I've fixed it in my original post.
  19. Emca

    Soul crystal leveling

    Antharas 13, 14, 15, 16 party 100 % Frintezza 13, 14, 15, 16 party 100 % Valakas 13, 14, 15, 16 party 100 % Queen Shyeed 13, 14, 15, 16 one member 10 % Hekaton Prime 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 one member 5 % Giant Marpanak 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 one member 3 % Gwindorr 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 one member 3 % Gorgolos 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 one member 3 % Last Titan Utenus 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 one member 3 % Water Spirit Lian 13, 14, 15 one member 10 % Tiat 15, 16 party 10 % Ekimus 15, 16 party 10 % Beleth 15, 16 party 10 %
  20. Emca

    Hurricane reuse

    I’m not sure but I think client doesn’t show reuse when it’s under 1 second - and the server message shows remaining cooldown rounded up to seconds, so 0.1 still shows as 1 second
  21. Ne, tyhle se tradovat nedají a nebudou
  22. Emca

    eror crash

    Hi, try turning off DEP