L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Emca

    Account Problem

    Lol, I wrote the antibot and I know for sure you were botting. Lying to staff is also forbidden!
  2. Emca

    Account Problem

    Hi, Any third party software that allows automated gameplay (bots, clickers, ...) is forbidden
  3. Ahoj, co je smyslem tohoto příspěvku?
  4. Seems someone decided to kill it ROFL
  5. Ahoj, jak píše @Aribeth, je potřeba si vytvořit herní účet tady https://forum.l2shrine.com/controlpanel/game-accounts/ (samozřejmě si jich můžeš udělat víc, obecně není dobré dávat si na jeden herní účet víc postav, raději si udělej víc herních účtů)
  6. mid = low + something added high = mid + something added
  7. Emca

    Event items

    Ok, for others: Update your client
  8. Emca


    Tak si to pamatuju blbě
  9. Emca


    Nakupování enchant level neřeší, vykupuješ jakýkoliv enchant level, i +0, rychle to zruš. Není bug, takhle se to má chovat, ten item jen říká, který item ID chceš vykupovat.
  10. Emca

    Titan skill

    Skill level != abnormal_level
  11. It's a LONG list. In fact it's 3 different lists because there are 3 colors I think it's enough to say you can get B, A, S and S80 (!) grade gear from red and green fragments and LOT of different cosmetics from the blue ones.
  12. Well, the other rewards are much better
  13. Yes, they are trash items - there must be something to give to player
  14. Emca

    Titan skill

    http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=222264 http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=221763 Also here you can see it started with Gracia Final http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=201416 It's not bug.
  15. Is it really issue? It's just a different reward
  16. Are you sure? shasum from archive: 761d4554d9d5297d8ddad537697e6907ea4a88e2 Npcgrp.dat 5b7f6c965b818b3557d45c9a8cc3e7b6932360a0 NpcName-e.dat shasum in my system: 761d4554d9d5297d8ddad537697e6907ea4a88e2 *Npcgrp.dat 5b7f6c965b818b3557d45c9a8cc3e7b6932360a0 *NpcName-e.dat Maybe cached file?
  17. Should be fixed, check it now please
  18. Hmm I was bit wrong with stacking both icons - they probably started to stack on H5: | Gracia Final | Freya | Glory Days ------------------------------------------------------------------- Angelic Icon | possession | possession | possession Boost Morale | N/A | possession | possession Flame Icon | possession | possession | possession_special Spirit of Shilen | possession | possession | possession_special Totems | possession | possession | possession
  19. It's all the same GF/Freya/GD so I'm almost sure it should be the same also in GE.
  20. Hi, well, we don't show ingame much because players are still not able to write bugreports where they belong (to proper forum section) and instead start bombarding us with them as soon as we write "Hi everyone" (usually most of them are "not bug" but we have to answer, also there is a lot of other questions we get ingame that can be answered much better on forum, because we have time for it on forum and it's also for everyone; when I answer any question in PM, I'm sure I'll have to answer it at least 20 times for other players; in the end showing up ingame at 20:00 means we MAYBE would be