L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Should be fixed by now, make sure you update in launcher now
  2. Ahoj, omlouvám se, že jsme to nestihli napsat i česky. Server přechází na novou verzi právě teď, během pár minut (v 16:00) to bude otevřené. Wipe není, nic zakládat netřeba, jen si spusť launcher a nech provést update (nebo stáhni nový system patch). Změny v ratech jsou dočasné, aby se nováčci snáze chytili, drop/spoil/adena je zvýšené na 5x a EXP/SP na 6x (když hlasuješ, tak 7x), budou tak do restartu 4. prosince, kdy to vrátíme na původní 2.5x drop/spoil, 3x adena, 4x EXP/SP (5x s vote). Navíc ještě po dobu těch dvou měsíců bude k dispozici klan level 5 zadarmo, nějaké B grade
  3. Emca

    missing things

    Sorry, I can't reveal such details just because the guy knows your password. You shouldn't have given it to him! He didn't do anything against rules. In fact you just gave him your items, there was no bug.
  4. Emca

    missing things

    klever, I don't think so, but he logged also some your chars today
  5. Emca

    missing things

    I can't tell. But for sure he knew your password, it's no bug. You should be more cautious with your accounts...
  6. Emca

    missing things

    I can't tell you all characters. IP is from UKR
  7. Emca

    missing things

    It was not from your IP address - and the one who logged the char must have known password as he logged on the first try (also logged few more your accounts and failed at few others)
  8. Emca

    missing things

    Seems you've traded them to character "bobi"
  9. Botting in Catacomb of the Witch, account for following characters were permanently banned: Trooper Lokenian Romenous HeavyGunner Dankan Elementiel Kleis Corey
  10. Emca

    missing things

    Hi, sorry, I'm not sure whether I understand correctly, can you write it in russian?
  11. Thanks for your feedback, from what I've seen there are 3 types of players: nolifers / constant parties who rush to level 85 pretty quick regardless rate, be it 1x or 10x doesn't make any big difference clans / parties who play slowly their way up to high levels, playing few hours a day at most (because of work/families/...) so with vote bonus they will get level 85 and a/sgrade gear in ~ 4 months on 5x rate or ~ 2.5 months on 7x rate, which is again not so big difference casual players who play solo or in small (sometimes random) parties few hours a week for whom it will be
  12. Emca


    Ok, at least I know which arena to check, thanks
  13. Emca


    What's wrong on that screen?
  14. These hidden golems are usually very aggressive, reminds me of Plague Golem in WoA
  15. http://zpravy.idnes.cz/linka-bezpeci-sikana-peter-porubsky-rozhovor-fok-/domaci.aspx?c=A170919_113624_domaci_nub No radši jim nikdo nevolejte, nebo to bude na dalších 20 článků jen o L2
  16. Emca

    Further updates

    I have some leaked h5 data but without writing all the core support it's nothing but help for our Epilogue. Later, when I implement h5 features in our core it will be more helpful.
  17. Dopsat by se to dalo, viděla bych to tak na týden práce, ale docela by to kazilo ten náš retail...
  18. Emca

    Further updates

    Hi, we don't have any plan for this yet, it will depend on the community. Currently the only plan we have is that we'll update to Epilogue, then we'll stop for some while and will be working on bugfixes and maybe on mail system, when we'll have some time, we'll probably start working on H5 client/Freya server support. I think we'll update to Freya around October 2018, but it really depends on the community (if you will want it).
  19. Emca

    Soul crystal leveling

    It's this one https://forum.l2shrine.com/dropspoil/npc/22216/
  20. No zrovna tu poštu a command channel matching jsi tam dávat nemusel, ten zatím nemáme naimplementovaný