L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


L2 Shrine Staff
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Everything posted by Jorn

  1. Jorn

    AQ a Seedi

    Ne to rozhodne neni v poradku, resime to pres pmka uz s nekym od vas. Co nejdriv se pokusim prijit na pricinu a opravit to.
  2. @porem Dik, aspon mam s cim porovnat (varka mobs ai vs ketra mobs ai)
  3. @Deathwing super diky, vyzkousim, snad se s tim bude dat neco delat
  4. @TonyStark trochu jsem se na to dival a v AI se mi nezdalo nic spatne, dnes se na to mrknu poradne a snad najdu tu chybu, ktera to zpusobuje.
  5. Those NPC are around each city. And yes, they are only spawning between that time (20:00 - 21:00). Plus Adena, Drop and Spoil is increased 4x for the whole week.
  6. Jen bych dodal, ze i kdyz hlasovani projde a i kdyz bude 10:1 pro vikendove rate, tak neslibujeme, ze to aktivujeme.
  7. There will be one event before the christmas one
  8. Posting rules: In-real-life threats, racism, sexism, homophobic, transphobic speech, any other form of discrimination is forbidden Bad behaviour (includes also bad language), flaming and trolling is forbidden Any form of disrespect towards server staff (GMs, administrators) or server itself is forbidden Posting in public personal Informations about players is forbidden Advertising other servers is forbidden The "Bad behaviour, flaming and trolling is forbidden" does not apply for off topic section, however note that really bad behaviour will not be tolerated a
  9. Bots are on all servers, even on those with higher rates.
  10. Dear players, We will have one more event on the server before Christmas. The Great Mouse Hunt "Those fools! Can you believe it? His very own crew, stealing from him. You'd think that after the pig fiasco they'd be scared out of the their britches at the mere thought of stealing from their all-powerful undead captain. Not too bright, if you ask me. Now look at them. They've been turned into mice! Eating cheese all day doesn't seem like too bad of a fate, but . . . I do feel a little sorry for them just the same. I have a lot less compassion for the cursed crew than I did f
  11. I understand you, but even if we increase rate to 4x, you wouldn't drop that much adena that you could afford to buy crafted gear from other players.
  12. It's just all about making it harder for the player. Even if we would increase adena rate to 4x, it would make zero to none difference in the beginning because of the vitality, which boosts exp rate really a lot.
  13. Autoloot was discussed many times - use search function. Lock.
  14. Others can surely vote / share their opinion, i just wanted to state that we (as admin team) are not planning to increase adena rate.
  15. Hi, server always was meant to be hard (and that's also what we state on our website), there won't be any changes to the rates (except maybe for some events).
  16. Jorn

    Report a bot

    Dear players, We do really care about our server, we want to keep it clean, we are actively hunting bot ourselves. However it might happen that we or our antibot will miss some of the bots - so if you have a suspicion that someone is botting in game, please use this way to report that bot so we can investigate furthure: contact us directly via forum messages, send us character name We will then investigate as soon as possible. If reported person is botting, we will ban all his/her related accounts and characters and we will create a post in Punishments section. If you won't find
  17. @Graddy So i've finally found some free time and implemented few stats, more will come ... However we don't want to expose certain things like adena count, epics, and similar - those will stay anonymous.
  18. Jorn


    Web: updated L2 Shrine Stats module to v1.0.1 fixed counting of the Seven Signs points added member count for each side.
  19. Jorn


    Web: added L2 Shrine Stats module v1.0.0
  20. Jorn

    L2 Shrine Stats

    Vážení hráči, přidali jsme na forum novou sekci se statistikami serveru, najdete ji v horním menu nebo na ní můžete přejít po kliknutí na tento odkaz. Časem budeme přidávat další statistiky.
  21. Jorn

    L2 Shrine Stats

    Dear all, we've added few stats on our forum, you can find them in the top bar menu or by following this link. We'll be adding more over time. Cheers.
  22. First two websites aggregate info from multiple chronicles. Don't know about the third one. Only thing i can say is that on all L2OFF GF servers i played there was always only drop for the doom plate armor rec.
  23. To by melo byt vyresene. Zkus prosimte v prohlizeci vycistit cache, pripadne zkus jiny prohlizec, a pak znovu kliknout pres forum na votovaci stranku.