L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


L2 Shrine Staff
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Everything posted by Jorn

  1. Just to summarize what i wrote in the Czech section - we're collecting data and will adjust drop chance accordingly.
  2. Tak prece neni zas mozne, aby kazdej hned behem jednoho dne nadropoval hned itemy na capky / agathiony, kdyz to pobezi mesic. Proto jsme dali ty sance nizke, abychom videli, jak to bude / nebude dropovat a podle toho to dale upravili. Event bezi prvni den, kdy jsme do nej jeste poradne nezasahli a uz tu ctu, jak je vse nahouby ... trosku shovivavosti bych prosil, nez to doladime.
  3. Pobezi to cely mesic, sance jsme nastavili schvalne, abychom videli, jak to bude nebo nebude padat. Chteli jsme si dat prostor pro upravy, abychom to neprepalili. Data budem vyhodnocovat a podle toho dal upravovat sance.
  4. Jorn

    OL buff

    Ahoj, na gracii final OL muze buffovat jen klan, alianci ne. EDIT: pro upresneni: http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/kamael_19.html od Kamael updatu jsou vsechny skilly, ktery fungovaly i na ally, pouze na clan. Skills that previously targeted alliance members will now affect only immediate clan members.
  5. @Kirito thanks for that question, i forgot to mention that .. i updated the post. There's some chance that chest will spawn when you kill mobs in the mentioned locations.
  6. Honba za pokladem pirátského kapitána Uthanky Je to již dlouho, co byl pirátský kapitán Uthanka vyhnán z Talking Islandu a do dnešního dne nikdo nevěděl co se stalo s jeho ukrytým pokladem. Někteří říkají, že Uthanka si vzal celý poklad s sebou do vyhnanství, jiní tvrdí, že žádný poklad nikdy nebyl. Skutečnost je však taková, že Uthanka utíkal pryč ve spěchu a většinu svého pokladu poztrácel a nechal za sebou - ale to nikdo nevěděl, protože poklad byl chráněn starobylým kouzlem, které Uthanka šťastnou náhodou objevil ve vraku staré lodi. Kouzlo bylo tak silné, že poklad a svazky klíčů byl
  7. Hunt for Pirate Captain Uthanka's Treasure It's been long since Pirate Captain Uthanka was driven off Talking Island and to this very day nobody knew what happened with Uthanka's hidden treasure. Some said Uthanka took all the treasure with him to his exile, some thought no treasure ever existed. But the fact was that while Uthanka was running away in hurry, most of his treasure was left scattered and lost behind him - but nobody knew that, because the treasure was protected by an ancient spell Uthanka accidentally found in old ship wreckage. The spell was so strong it kept all the treasu
  8. I think we can also tell that there will be around 45 items (accesories, agathions) players will be able to choose from.
  9. @tequilla can you please attach the replay? thanks
  10. Jorn


    Web: Updated L2 Shrine Stats module to v1.0.2 Added Hellbound stats page Core: Fixed trading untradable items (required packet hack tool) Fixed hide bug Client: Antibot update
  11. Jorn


    Tak to by chtelo nejakej zaznam, abysme videli, jak se tam dostat. Dost mozna staci stat nejak "spatne" u dveri a jak se dvere otevrou, tak te vyhodi nahoru. Chce to pozkouset no.
  12. Jorn


    Je nam jasne, ze si to lidi nevymysli. Tezko rict, jestli treba neni nekdy chyba i v klientovi, ze neco spatne zobrazi. Bude nekdo z vas mit cas v patek nebo o vikendu, aby to semnou ve hre vyzkousel? Je mozny, ze s emcou delame neco spatne. EDIT: thread cleanup
  13. We would like to see people with Gracia Final endgame gear (vesper weapons and armor) before doing any chronicle upgrades.
  14. What's wrong with website design?
  15. This is not i discussed with @Emca and it is just my personal opinion: I'd love to have some kind of voluntary donations, where people could send few bucks to some transparent paypal account (transparent -> people would see for what we are spending the money). However, i think there are some legislative obstacles and its not so easy to get permission for it.
  16. I dont want to be rude or something, but this game isnt meant to be played solo - its mmorpg, its about people playing together in clans, parties .. you cant expect to achieve much when soloing. Plus we said many times there wont be any form of donation and nothing will change our mind. Cheers.