L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


L2 Shrine Staff
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Everything posted by Jorn

  1. Dear all, forum will be under maintenance tomorrow at 8:00 AM CET. Expected downtime is 30 minutes.
  2. Vyborne, misto psani tedy dokaz, ze to tu mame spatne - jakkoliv - videa z officu, pripadne jakekoliv info ze stranek ncsoftu. My nase dukazy predlozili a tvrdime, ze to mame spravne. A jsem si na 99,9% jisty, ze kazdy, kdo hral na l2off potvrdi, ze to tu zde mame spravne.
  3. Angelic icona pro ty dve mastery pridava bonusy. Precti si ten skill description poradne, dik.
  4. Urcenou pro tu classu? Vis ona angelic icon funguje jak se swordama, tak s bluntkama. Zbytek ani nema cenu komentovat.
  5. Angelic icon zmizi kdyz vemes jakou zbran? Tohle slysim poprve a to jsem na officu hral nejakou chvili
  6. This is not the right place to flame. Discuss and be nice to each other, thank you. I am going to hide all the spam. And again, please calm down.
  7. 50 lidí tu fakt nehraje, je to mnohem víc, nešiř tu lži.
  8. I'd have to develop sorting function for this particular table. It's not a big deal, but i don't have time to add it.
  9. As Emca said, clan topics are either for clan presentation or recruitment and i will not hesitate and delete any form of spam in mentioned dicussions. If you want to flame someone, use Off topic & spam discussion.
  10. List is sorted by monster level - that's why kooka is after zaken. Like in game, kooka has higher level then zaken .
  11. So after a discussion with @Emca, we decided that we won't enable zip / 7z / rar / etc file uploads, reason is that someone might upload virus and we don't want to have that on our server. I hope you understand this decision .
  12. Jak vyresim tu pailaku 63, tak na tohle kouknu.
  13. Moby se mnozit maji, a jestli se dobre pamatuju, tak porty tam byly vzdy jen nobless na GF.
  14. I am closing this as not bug, since player haven't reported back.
  15. Yes please, create separate thread, thank you.
  16. I am looking into this but it's quite tricky and probably will take some time to fix.
  17. Dear players, windows server crashed but it should be up and running again now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  18. Can you let us know if the suggestion above worked? Thanks.
  19. I presume this is solved. Lock.
  20. Yeah, this wasn't nice from those players. @Emca is there a way to put items into player's inventory and just drop those that won't fit in?