L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Jorn

  1. I will consider your offer. I always wanted nudes of Antistyle, he's my hero, however i am scared of my wife, what if she finds out i have his nudes?!
  2. Jorn


    Cool, thanks, if you know / encounter similar issues, let me know. Didn't know it can mess up if you only kill alarms.
  3. Jorn


    I'm not sure if there were some changes in the AI for the epilogue (i was "off" for a while because of personal life), but i will do more code cleanup / refactoring for Frintezza, so i hope i will find & fix bug you mentioned.
  4. There's a space quota for each user. You can delete your old attachments to regain some space (see My Attachments in the user menu in top right corner).
  5. Jorn


    As i said, i don't know how the random generator thing is implemented, so can't say why / if it is wrong or not (there might be some exceptions for certain bosses?). I also got one report about a weird spawn (Frintezza spawned before 48 hours limit). Unfortunately i can't reverse the ASM code and look at the implementation, this is something that Emca has to do :), so i believe you that there is something wrong.
  6. Jorn


    The latter thing you're mentioning - looks like that sometimes Frintezza location is not properly cleared. Finding the wrong piece of code is tough, because whole Frintezza thing is super messy. I did some work where i cleaned the code, but it is not in the core yet. There's a more lot work to do.
  7. Jorn


    These lines are taken from the npcpos.txt definition file, these definitions are parsed by the server and server then creates npcs using npc makers. npcmaker_ex_begin [frintessa_2515_01] name=[frintessa_maker] ai=[default_use_db_maker_for_frintessa] ai_parameters={[maker_name]=[frintessa_teleportcuve]} maximum_npc=9 npc_ex_begin [frintessa] pos={-105200;-253104;-15264;16834} total=1 respawn=48hour respawn_rand=24hour dbname=[frintessa] boss_respawn_set=yes npc_ex_end npc_ex_begin [follower_of_frintessa] pos={-105200;-253104;-15264;16
  8. Na anglictinu je tu mezinarodni sekce.
  9. A nemuzes jim odepsat v anglicke sekci?
  10. @SexSlayer Vulgaritu povazuji za Bad behavior (ale radej to tam doplnim, at je to 100% jasne), tak se prosim mirni s tema nadavkama, nerad bych zacal davat nejake tresty. Vim, ze je to tu offtopic sekce, ale nemusi to tu byt uplnej kanal. Flejmovat se muzete i bez nadavek. Tenhle topic je v ceske offtopic / spam sekci, takze bych prosil pouzivat cestinu.
  11. Jorn


    I will have a look and let you know.
  12. Jorn


    Do you know name of the device by any chance? I'd look into it's AI and tell you how it behaves.
  13. Dear players, please read through updated forum rules: I hope all of you will follow those rules so we don't have to use bans to keep the forums clean. Thank you.
  14. Funkcionalita na mazani/schovavani vlastnich topicu tu je, neni povolena a ani nebude, viz to co psala @Emca. A i kdyby tu nebyla, nedoprogramovaval bych neco, co neni potreba, uz jen z toho duvodu, ze tech requestu v Marketplace je tak malo, ze se tim ani nema cenu zabyvat.
  15. To tlacitko bymelo ten samy vyznam jako report - objevi se mi notifikace, nechapu jak by mi to usnadnilo praci. Na foru vladne totalni anarchie, dam tomu ted nejaky rad, at to tu nejak vypada. Momentalne snad kazdej topic obsahuje offtopic, urazky a spam, takze to vse postupne promazu. Vytvorim taky topic "Before you post", kde sepisu vse ohledne zakladani novych topiku, hledani, pravidel chovani na foru. To, co tu bylo doted tu uz dal tolerovano proste nebude.
  16. Promazal jsem offtopic, myslet si o tom muzes co chces ;). A promazavat budu dal, az se k tomu zase dostanu ;).
  17. You can use report mechanism for that.
  18. Okay, finally i have time to do GM, Forum and development stuff again. So let's start with the forum first. From now on, every spam that is not related to the topic will be removed and those who spam will be warned. First warning - no punishment Second warning - chatban on the Forums for 24 hours Third warning - chatban on the Forums for 72 hours Fourth warning - chatban on the Forums for one week Fifth warning - perma chatban on the Forums This applies from now on. EDIT: If you wanna spam, use off topic section, in other sections, off topic won't b
  19. Dear players, you might have heard that we will switch to Epilogue on 1st October. We thought we will roll out Epilogue in smaller updates, but it turned out, that it's not so easy, thus we will introduce Epilogue all features we so far implemented. Those include: Vitality Territory War Changes Vanguard Improvements Skill Enchanting Skills Hunting Grounds Zaken Raid Changes Seed of Infinity Changes Quests Items Miscellaneous Changes There is still couple of things unfinished, namely: Mail Command Channel Mat
  20. Jorn

    Forum update

    Forum update done. We're sorry that it took longer than we expected.
  21. Dear players, we will be updating forum to new version tomorrow morning around 7 AM. We expect downtime will take about 30 minutes. Regards.