L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Jorn

  1. Ja to psal, ze nejdriv novej server a pak update stavajiciho .. sem to asi popletl
  2. I stary dostane casem update na Freyu / H5.
  3. Wipe na serveru, ktery ted bezi nebude, casem se upgradne na Freyu / H5. Chteli bychom spustit druhy server - H5 - nekdy v listopadu / prosinci. Tzn, budou dva servery, stary bez donate a novy s donatem.
  4. My mame opravdu originalni H5 primo od korejcu. Zadna java, upravena gracia final s funkcema h5 nebo podobna sranda ... :). Co se donate tyce, tak planujeme i premium ucty.
  5. GE server pobezi dal beze zmen, dokud jej taky casem neprehodime na vyssi chronicle. Jinak moc dik za podporu, je mozny, ze nejakou "sbirku" nakonec usporadame (samozrejme vymenou za nejake in-game coiny nebo neco tak).
  6. Proste mame L2 radi, a kdyz uz nemame tolik casu na hrani, tak chceme aspon lidem, kteri ten cas maji, neco nabidnout :). Pro prachy to nedelame ...
  7. Bylo by to podobne prace jako spustit H5. Navic zatim nemame doresene finance, dalsi server uz bez donatu neutahneme, a na start serveru tudiz musime sehnat par desitek tisic. A implementace donate bohuzel neni jen tak .. at uz co se tyce programovani a nebo i potrebne byrokracie. Jeden z nas si bude muset zapsat prijmy z donate do podnikani, takze potrebujeme vse dukladne pozjistovat a pripravit.
  8. Imho at spusti cokoliv, vzdycky budou mit celkem peknej online. Jedinej fail, co meli, byla ta jejich "H5" (coz snad byla gracia final predelana na H5 od advextu). Nam se podarilo dostat k plne H5 primo od korejcu, takze na ni musime naportit nas extender, opravit bugy, ktery tam jsou a spustit to. Ale jsme bohuzel ja i Emca ted hrozne casove vytizeni . Takze bych se startem nepocital driv jak v listopadu, spis jeste pozdej.
  9. Neco chystame, nedokazem ale zatim odhadnout, kdy to spustime.
  10. To my taky . Zalezi jestli neco chysta, my zatim zadne pevne datum nemame, oznamime ho, az si budem jisti, ze je vse do detailu promysleno a pripraveno a ze na rozjezd serveru mame dostatek financnich prostredku.
  11. Neco planujeme, presne datum zatim nevime.
  12. Tak naposled, bug to neni, je to standadni chovani mass skillu. Funguji tak buffy, dancy, songy a dalsi. To, ze to nejsi schopen akceptovat, to uz fakt neni muj problem.
  13. Moreover this is working like this since the start, so i kinda don't get it why this guy is reporting it now. Looks like some frustration from lost pvp.
  14. We dont have this restricted on our server. We have it same as it is on PTS. So in our case, you can buff / ress people in place where Klein teleports you to from the "down" position. And the other way around, you can buff and ress people from Klein's position to position where Klein teleports you.
  15. Send me SE name to PM. EDIT: Solved - no bug. Mass skills just go over walls and floors, because geodata doesn't apply to them.
  16. Nemate nekdo kontakt na @Yooyoo? Kdyztak do PM, diky EDIT: Vyreseno, diky @Wlad.
  17. @sunshine jsi v ceske sekci, tak prosimte pouzivej cestinu, diky.
  18. Post was hidden, @Waltari please use english next time. Thanks.
  19. Jorn

    Forum update

    Since i didin't manage to the update last week, i am going to do it today, forum won't be accessible since 10:30 AM until update is done (approx 1 hour downtime).
  20. Dear players, our community board will undergo an update to newest version. Since it's a major release (4.3) of the software, the downtime can be couple of hours. We will also do forum cleanup (archive discussions, merge subforums, etc.). Update and cleanup will happen tomorrow morning. We apologize for any inconvenience.
  21. Event, starter pack (No grade to A grade - all shadow, shots, vit items, exp runes?), free class changes (1st, 2nd, 3rd), free clan level 1-x?, maybe even free nobless? That could attract some people, but the question is how to attract big clans, and to be honest, those will rarely join server that has been running for years .