L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Ahoj, do evasion se ti to ve skutečnosti počítá, jen se to nikde nezobrazuje, viz http://boards.lineage2.com/showpost.php?p=3045544&postcount=8 (ptal se na fóru a nakonec mu odpovědělo GM ve hře, tak tam přepsal tu odpověď zeleně)
  2. Still nothing - I haven't found way how to reproduce it yet...
  3. This is English discussion, please discuss in English... (navíc vůbec nevím, o čem to píšeš - kdyžtak prosím založ novou diskusi, protože quest monstra jsou tady opravdu offtopic)
  4. Only aggressive mobs do this - and you really can't do much...
  5. Botting (probably something very stupid using nexttarget), characters banned: Qtach dobrzyna kazi kazikupa Masta dobrzynka
  6. Emca

    pailaka 38

    Hi, did you talk with all Temple Inspectors to upgrade the weapon?
  7. Hi, do you kill them with Rusted Bronze Sword?
  8. Added info to Snow NPC initial dialog; that should be enough
  9. Emca

    Problem with start game

    Version 6.1 = Windows 7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Microsoft_Windows_versions
  10. We need restart every week to add clan points from RBs change clan leaders apply changes/fixes So no, we won't change this.
  11. Emca

    Fenrir - loss

    I'll return it probably tomorrow, will you be ingame?
  12. Try to delete l2.ini, user.ini and option.ini and let the Launcher to download them again
  13. Emca

    Fenrir - loss

    Hi, when did it happen?
  14. Hi, do you have any custom client modifications?
  15. Vím, že se budu opakovat, ale kdyby byl problém u Casablanky, tak si to určitě vybere tebe a bude to škodit zrovna tobě (a sousedovi) a všem ostatním to půjde krásně... Snad uznáš, že tohle je blbost. Včera jsem náhodou našla na jednom českém serveru diskusi, že někdo, kdo má úplně stejného providera jako ty (nebudu psát kterého, ať neprozrazuju, odkud jsi), má už půl roku problém s online hraním a streamovaným videem a provider to není schopný vyřešit. Tohle mi jako náhoda nezní...
  16. Hi, you have 14 game accounts and 13 characters, can you be bit more specific?
  17. Hi, thanks for info, should be fixed after tomorrow restart
  18. Kdyby byl problém u nás na serveru, tak to přece nebude dělat jednomu člověku, to by mělo problém třeba 30-40 lidí najednou (nebo i víc)... Plus by ti určitě nepomohlo jet přes proxy ve Francii, když ty pakety jdou ve finále do našeho serveru úplně stejným kabelem, jen to jde přes dalších x bodů mezi Českem a Francií (tam a zpět).
  19. Ahoj, nemám zprávy od nikoho jiného, že by měl problém, není to opravdu tvým providerem?
  20. I must admit I didn't check what rewards players got (in logs/database) but I've seen just one IC boots and one RSC 14 in chat on Fantasy Island which isn't too much I think. If we lower the rewards to 1/24th, there would be almost no rewards (except of nolifers that would get the same as now). We wanted to make nolifers have same chance as casual players, because nolifers already have S-grade or Dynasty.
  21. Then nobody would do anything except hunting rabbits all the time - we would have to decrease all the rates to 1/24 of what's there now so it would take you 24 hours to get the same rewards as 1 hour now. That would be really bad for players who don't play nolife. Yes, we are international server, but were UTC+2 based so all the events are UTC+2 based. Castle sieges, Territory wars, Olympiad, Manor, Seven Signs, ... and also timed events. We can't do it any other way unless you can change astrophysics of the Solar system or shape of Earth...
  22. No to si ale musíš vyřídit s lidma, co jim půjčuješ account :))
  23. The limit makes sense when the event runs all the day and you have only one game account, here we limit it by running the event only one hour per day so there's no need for limiting acquiring transform scrolls It's only 10 days (9 days left), so I would rather not interfere, I'm glad it's running :)) The boxes spawn only between 20:00 (20:05 or so because there's some slight delay) and 21:00 (again 21:05 or so), when did you try it? Thanks, my bad Most of the players are from Europe (you can see it here) so the time is chosen mainly for Europe. We know there are