L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦

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so here is what I think.

Information about L2 Shrine Gracia Epilogue server

  • Chronicle: Gracia Epilogue
  • EXP/SP rate: 2x 
  • Adena rate: 2x
  • Drop/spoil rate: 2.x
  • RB drop rate: 2x
  • Quest EXP/SP rate: 2x
  • Quest adena rate: 1.5x
  • Seal stones drop 2x
  • Star stones drop 2x
  • Gathering energy drop 1.5x
  • RB EXP - 2x
  • Epic jewellery drop: 1x
  • Ancient Tome Of The Demon drop rate: 1x
  • Selected quests are adjusted to match the server rate.
  • dualbox - yes 2 windows (1 main + 1 box)
  • donation system - 1st and 2nd class change, nickname change, PK points removal, hats, agathions, pet return, sex change, WIP status? (rates 2,5 or 3x?)
  • bot hunter program ? - report bot and get 10% of his adena or something? (dunno if needed)


- about dualbox - this point is really important. Yes there will still be people using X PCs or some virtual PCs, but it will be significantly less then everyone boxing whole party, so thats ok. free dualbox policy sucks because:

  • people do not feel the need to play with others when they have every buffer or just slightly better leveled buffers so teamplay is completely gone (thats mostly case on old shrine)
  • people are able to log full party solo and level anywhere they want basically 24/7. All you need is two guys who will change shifts after 12 hours. That was and probably still is a thing on old shrine also. This greatly and quickly increases the level difference between the players.
  • it enables players to do massive olympiad feeding

with 2 boxes I think, all of the above would be gone. If the server population decreases, you can always increase the box limit if needed


- about donation system & marketing

  • ask players if they want to support you buying some banners on some sites prelaunch
  • do a headstart marketing like 2 months before server goes online
  • do a "presale" of items so you can do more marketing
  • use money from donate for server HW and continuous marketing of server
  • use 6802 email addresses you already have to send players news and updates about new upcoming server, bombard them asap prelaunch (2, 3, 4 months?)
  • introduce ingame currency (for real money) which can be used to get donation items at special NPC and make the currency tradable between players - it will help the economy and it will probably increase the amount of money from donation system
  • use atleast paypal or some kind of webgate for money transfer (for sure I am not going to directly give you my credit card info), but the main point is to make it really easy to donate money. The easier it will be, the better.

After a lot of thinking, this setting would imho be a good fit. It will be hard, a bit slow, but fair I guess.

With all this I would say that server could run for at least 1 year with healthy community. Hellbound would open in about 6-9 months. People would have plenty of fun, because they would have to create parties and not only with clan members but also with randoms. There will also be a lot of PvP from 10 - 78 everywhere, because people will spend a lot of time in exp locations and especially varka, ketra, shrine etc. Also a lot of fights for RBs.


What do you think?

Edited by Yooyoo
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Hi, so here is what I think. Information about L2 Shrine Gracia Epilogue server Chronicle: Gracia Epilogue EXP/SP rate: 2x  Adena rate: 2x Drop/spoil rate: 2.x

Just to let you know, i've start working on new website, control panel, stats pages, drop spoil, etc. Unfortunately due to almost no free time lately, progress is rather slow, but at least we're movin

Ppl play here 2 years at x5 rates and they still has no 85. x2 is too hardcore ;s

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Maybe 1 + 2 boxes will be fine . 
2x exp rate is too low for server without promo = low population - maybe 5x will be much better

Why epilogue? why not freya? (so they dont need update shrine) - but just my opinion
Donate - Shrine´s biggest mistake is there is no chance to get hats etc ( maybe medal event or something ? ) that donate that u write is good , ofc only for cosmetic items , no Q for donate . + emca said one time they dont need donate because they had mashine or smting for free so .. 
Bot hunter program - rewards for catching bots are good idea 

Nice idea but still i dont think emca want to open new server = shrine will be totaly dead if there will be new one ( Merge servers after f.e. one year can be the option) 

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each month same idea(wipe/2nd server) on x4 ppl need 1,5-2 years + free s-s80 weapon ewent (yogi) to be eqiped. Still a lot of players didnt get 85 on main chars. Dualbox or "how to exp till 3rd proff during half year + how to get 3subs for next half year" or mb even "qq nolifers" or forgot about some instances so if u have wooden pc (like me for example) change it or run less booxes. Chose what u like more. Btw server based like retail so i dont think that selling of 1/2 class transfer could be good idea. Bot hunter get 10% from bot adena or etc!? The only place where bot brobably used is manor manager:D some thinking about server population on freeshards - 100-500 alive ppl even after 3k ppl on start in 3 month max. So what is se reason to exp 1-2 additional buffers in 2 month to do the same things u could from start. 1 more thing about 24/7 and faster lvling! Its ncsoft politics to play as long as u can/want/till your eyes will bleed. In this game newer all players will have same boost. Newer will have same time ingame and alot of such "newer"...

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1 hour ago, Deathwing said:

Why not 1x rates?

bot hunter program ? - report bot and get 10% of his adena or something? (dunno if needed) - So if i create bot, let him farm 1 bilion adena, report it and got 100 kk adena legally?

Nope coz u will get HWID ban :D


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @Yooyoo,

we've already discussed this few times with @Emca. We would like to open new server, and if we do it, it will have totally different setup than on Shrine (so it does not compete with Shrine). We are thinking about regular wipe policy (1/2 year or 1 year and then wipe + new start). Opening someday in autumn.

Main problem (apart from having free time to develop & setup everything) right now is finances, we will need at least 2000$ USD to cover the server machine expenses for 1/2 year. Shutting down Shrine and using it's hardware or new is not an option.

Now to your post.

Chronicle: GF or GE - We haven't talked about this, GE is pretty stable and useful, but it seems like GF is more appealing to players.

Rates: We haven't discussed this, my personal preference is to have something higher, 8x to 10x with 1/2 year wipe policy

Box: Again, haven't discussed this, so again my personal preference: i would like to have option to have two dual boxes, three with Premium account

Donation system: Special made currency bought using paypal / stripe / whatever. Used in GM Shop NPC to purchase premium, and stuff you wrote

Bot hunter program: Could be rewarded, maybe some "bot hunter" currency used for special items (only available to bot hunters and nobody else), dunno.


So, first thing first - how to get the money so the server can run at least 1/2 year? And more important question, does it even make sense to open server like this? How to make it unique so players come and stay?

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Best case would be open new GF server once in a year, update it to GE after 3-6 months and then merge it with shrine, so you can open next.

Main issue will be promoting opening every year and kinda "bonus start" when you updating it.

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I will just write down some general random ideas/experience .
1. Even if you make the best server in world, that meets the criteria of most people who wanted to play in it, we , the community alone , will destroy it.
    This is 100% guaranteed because there will be always 3 sides . The tryhards that rush everything and want to "win" the server , the casuals that play 
    but not so much , have some goals  , but wont participate in the race of top, and the people who enter like 1hour / 3 days. When the tryhards reach
    end game they will quit and a domino of general demotivation will start to lower the numbers of the server.
    This is unavoidable.

2. The only thing you can do about it is what @claw suggested. Have an update to refresh the interest of the people of the server,
    But not an update from GF-> GE . An update with totally different end game so that the top side on the server stays. I m telling 
    this because in our case here , when you updated here from GF to GE , my side that was the strong one , end game with 300
    weapons/120 armors had 0 things to do , so nobody came back.(The server might had some refresh at the time , but i think it 
    was 80% of in game clan dramas , politics , creation of new side etc , independent of the update. Correct me if i m wrong, i wasnt
    here atm to know 100% of the history) 
    We must accept that the shrine community (and most of the l2 community that searches for long servers is pve based) if someone
    reaches end game there wont be tremendous pvp to make him stay here, so he needs new pve to prevent him from leaving.
3. Have in mind that the casual lifespawn of a server with 3box+ limit , on x3-x10 rates usually is 2-3 super healthy months , then another
    1-2 after the loss of some people , and then it goes in a vegetable state until the owners decide to shut it down.
    Maybe a little bit less for interlude that has stupid end game. 
    So on x8-10 rates, i believe that the best thing would be 6-10month plan , from IL - > GF   , or from GF/GE - > H5 or even IL->GF/GE->H5.
    (after talking advices from the leaders of the biggers sides with discussions about when to update.)
    I m not so sure if the IL->GF/GE->H5 will be able because of the too many different tastes of the community and because of your personal time for 
    updating the server every now and then....
    I m gonna write a name of the server (if you want erase it) , just to give it as an nice example , not for the sake of advertisment
    ( this server actually had corrupted greek gm team , summoned items , etc) but if anybody knew about it to judge me right or wrong.
     It is my belief of  the best on the update thing.
    The server was BNB at 2014 , started as interlude x7, after 4 months it updated to GF x7. In the interlude participated most of 
    the pvp based community (typical interlude arrows vs spells open pvp that a big side of l2 players love)
     When it updated( timing was pretty important and well done) , it lost many IL only pvp players , but also with good advertisment
     it gained many new people that easily filled the gap.
     Some of the new players (like me at the time) had in mind that this is the chronicle that i like, i ll join. Others that wanted to tryhard
     thought: " this is the chronicle that i like and even if some has already epics , i will join and beat them because the end game is 
     nowhere close compared on what they have. The second scenario wouldnt happen on many new players that enter a GF->GE 
     server and see people with 300 weapons and +20++ skills.
    Even if IL is hated by many (me also!), it is also loved by many others , and in the advantages you have already a small but loyal
    community here that would play in the server you created even if it was c2 or goddess or whatever , just because we consider 
    this server our home. And even for many others that left and i have seen on other games/servers etc, nobody ever said something
    bad,  but only:"perfect server, but ....low activity". So with the mail on the already 6800 forums users that @yooyoo suggested , you
    will find people volunteering to follow you here independent of the project.

 4. On the box limit i agree with @yooyoo , x2 strictly .I would suggest even x1 +1 from premium account. 
      Simply because on x3 with premium u can have a 2nd pc , 3+3 = 6 boxes  = easy for anybody to go on solo trains/raids and fuck the
      gameplay. Even if i dont want , i would do that if i knew that others do it, ot that it would give me advantage , easier path to the end , etc.... 
      It is in the human nature to cheat , like @claw (ha! see what i did there claw ? :D).
      On x2 boxes even if u have second pc , ok you will be able to to farm easier and alone on harder places , but at least you wont be able to superpowerlvl
      or do bosses alone... i guess....
      Even consider monobox if the expactations are high on numbers . It is the easier thing to see if someone cheats with virtual machines, 
      and have a ban system for such occasions. If numbers of the server drop , make it x2. 

      I will give another example of a server that was x1 box and was good for a long time( this time i wont say name because it is currently active
      and it would be advertising).
      This server was IL x3?4? dont remember , with monobox. It had around 1000 active , but u knew they were 1000 because of the monobox.
      Not like the usual russian servers that say 5k online ,   1k are fake , and another 3-4k are boxes + bots.
      This server because of the monobox , lasted long for interlude standards, like 7-9 months until finally things started going domino again....
      It was only able because of the numbers , but it happened ..... in 2016! So consider it . People where reporting orcs in dungeons with 
      3-4 afk boxes , PP/SE/WC lIVES MATTERED! 
      This server updated to GF but failed in numbers and closed because of 2 mistakes , 1 leading to the 2nd. 
      First it took them too long too decide the update, people had already started complaining and getting bored at 6months , wanting an update.
      So when the preparations for  the update were on it had lost a lot of people and couldnt support monobox anymore with the lower activity.
      They made a poll and decided to do it duobox. So they lost even more people because many supports threatened to leave , and actually 
      did it. Duobox was like saying that u arent appreciated any more... every body created his own buffer etc.... 
5.   Bot hunter policy + maybe reward is a must in any way. Wont go into further discuss here

6.  About the donates i believe you should have , for the costs at least.....it was good to say us the amount , or also as @Yooyoo said , people to 
      contribute in banners or something. In game i would suggest something like 10Euros for premium account , 5euros for decoration(hats etc).
      No donation for ingame currency.... unless the donates are too low...... in game currency makes you richer but fucks up the game a bit.
       Also if the money is the problem , cause the amount you said is big one.... u should "blackmail" us :P , the current players , for a "charity" for the
       other server. We havent paid a single cent all those months. It could be something like pre-sale for the current players of l2 shrine that want to 
       play on the new server , or even the ones that dont wont to play to gain something like the boost you had when server updated on GE.
       I know that it was against the rules in the current server , but u could do it in the "1 time charity way" (i dont use the word in a bad way, just to show our appreciation
       and support).


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The ppls whose only idea is make some char with hero_s or capable to take & sell it is same like otherwise NPC buff/donate & more(yy why we cant buy antharas? this server is totaly wrong :D) it´s like two completely different thinkgs but same problem to accpet different rules & if they lose arguments they were starting accuse other ppls mostly these whose play the game cause they re like it & dont have problem at all

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@claw you're right, promotion is very difficult to do, plus, i think that every launch would have to be somewhat special (feature-wise), because nobody wants to play again and again with same setup, features ... or am i wrong?


  1. yes, you're right with this one, but i wouldn't use word "destruction", it's just the normal life cycle of almost every server.
  2. doing an update is a difficult thing, we only have experience with GF->GE, also i am not sure if there's any usable l2off leaked IL server and if @Emca would have time to make it work (most importantly fix bugs). Maybe it would be easier for us to do GF(->GE)>Freya, because we already have some things done in Freya extender, but this is something Emca has to confirm. But i understand your point in need of the update to keep the community alive.
  3. same as #2
  4. This is very difficult topic to solve - the idea of 1+1 is something that is on official server (innova). I liked about it that i needed to always look for parties, however if my clan was offline and i wasn't able to find any party, i couldn't do anything by myself. 2+1 at least guarantees you can somewhat solo with DC and BD for example. I am all for 1+1, but we'd need at least 1000+ online for that limitation.
  5. ok
  6. I am afraid that premiums wouldn't be sufficient to keep the server running, that's why we are thinking about in game tradeable currency. It's not like we want to make donate, earn $$$ and go to Bora Bora :D. Goal is to make enough money to have advertising for whole time period of server run. Money for the server itself (we could eventually buy new server if there is enough money? @Emca).  We will surely send email about new server to everyone. I like the idea of a pre-sale or how to call it - we could offer couple of services for these kind of donators (like different name color, premium for a month for free, hat, special group on forums, etc).
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8 hours ago, heroBD said:

I will just write down some general random ideas/experience .
1. Even if you make the best server in world, that meets the criteria of most people who wanted to play in it, we , the community alone , will destroy it.
    This is 100% guaranteed because there will be always 3 sides . The tryhards that rush everything and want to "win" the server , the casuals that play 
    but not so much , have some goals  , but wont participate in the race of top, and the people who enter like 1hour / 3 days. When the tryhards reach
    end game they will quit and a domino of general demotivation will start to lower the numbers of the server.
    This is unavoidable.

2. The only thing you can do about it is what @claw suggested. Have an update to refresh the interest of the people of the server,
    But not an update from GF-> GE . An update with totally different end game so that the top side on the server stays. I m telling 
    this because in our case here , when you updated here from GF to GE , my side that was the strong one , end game with 300
    weapons/120 armors had 0 things to do , so nobody came back.(The server might had some refresh at the time , but i think it 
    was 80% of in game clan dramas , politics , creation of new side etc , independent of the update. Correct me if i m wrong, i wasnt
    here atm to know 100% of the history) 
    We must accept that the shrine community (and most of the l2 community that searches for long servers is pve based) if someone
    reaches end game there wont be tremendous pvp to make him stay here, so he needs new pve to prevent him from leaving.
3. Have in mind that the casual lifespawn of a server with 3box+ limit , on x3-x10 rates usually is 2-3 super healthy months , then another
    1-2 after the loss of some people , and then it goes in a vegetable state until the owners decide to shut it down.
    Maybe a little bit less for interlude that has stupid end game. 
    So on x8-10 rates, i believe that the best thing would be 6-10month plan , from IL - > GF   , or from GF/GE - > H5 or even IL->GF/GE->H5.
    (after talking advices from the leaders of the biggers sides with discussions about when to update.)
    I m not so sure if the IL->GF/GE->H5 will be able because of the too many different tastes of the community and because of your personal time for 
    updating the server every now and then....
    I m gonna write a name of the server (if you want erase it) , just to give it as an nice example , not for the sake of advertisment
    ( this server actually had corrupted greek gm team , summoned items , etc) but if anybody knew about it to judge me right or wrong.
     It is my belief of  the best on the update thing.
    The server was BNB at 2014 , started as interlude x7, after 4 months it updated to GF x7. In the interlude participated most of 
    the pvp based community (typical interlude arrows vs spells open pvp that a big side of l2 players love)
     When it updated( timing was pretty important and well done) , it lost many IL only pvp players , but also with good advertisment
     it gained many new people that easily filled the gap.
     Some of the new players (like me at the time) had in mind that this is the chronicle that i like, i ll join. Others that wanted to tryhard
     thought: " this is the chronicle that i like and even if some has already epics , i will join and beat them because the end game is 
     nowhere close compared on what they have. The second scenario wouldnt happen on many new players that enter a GF->GE 
     server and see people with 300 weapons and +20++ skills.
    Even if IL is hated by many (me also!), it is also loved by many others , and in the advantages you have already a small but loyal
    community here that would play in the server you created even if it was c2 or goddess or whatever , just because we consider 
    this server our home. And even for many others that left and i have seen on other games/servers etc, nobody ever said something
    bad,  but only:"perfect server, but ....low activity". So with the mail on the already 6800 forums users that @yooyoo suggested , you
    will find people volunteering to follow you here independent of the project.

 4. On the box limit i agree with @yooyoo , x2 strictly .I would suggest even x1 +1 from premium account. 
      Simply because on x3 with premium u can have a 2nd pc , 3+3 = 6 boxes  = easy for anybody to go on solo trains/raids and fuck the
      gameplay. Even if i dont want , i would do that if i knew that others do it, ot that it would give me advantage , easier path to the end , etc.... 
      It is in the human nature to cheat , like @claw (ha! see what i did there claw ? :D).
      On x2 boxes even if u have second pc , ok you will be able to to farm easier and alone on harder places , but at least you wont be able to superpowerlvl
      or do bosses alone... i guess....
      Even consider monobox if the expactations are high on numbers . It is the easier thing to see if someone cheats with virtual machines, 
      and have a ban system for such occasions. If numbers of the server drop , make it x2. 

      I will give another example of a server that was x1 box and was good for a long time( this time i wont say name because it is currently active
      and it would be advertising).
      This server was IL x3?4? dont remember , with monobox. It had around 1000 active , but u knew they were 1000 because of the monobox.
      Not like the usual russian servers that say 5k online ,   1k are fake , and another 3-4k are boxes + bots.
      This server because of the monobox , lasted long for interlude standards, like 7-9 months until finally things started going domino again....
      It was only able because of the numbers , but it happened ..... in 2016! So consider it . People where reporting orcs in dungeons with 
      3-4 afk boxes , PP/SE/WC lIVES MATTERED! 
      This server updated to GF but failed in numbers and closed because of 2 mistakes , 1 leading to the 2nd. 
      First it took them too long too decide the update, people had already started complaining and getting bored at 6months , wanting an update.
      So when the preparations for  the update were on it had lost a lot of people and couldnt support monobox anymore with the lower activity.
      They made a poll and decided to do it duobox. So they lost even more people because many supports threatened to leave , and actually 
      did it. Duobox was like saying that u arent appreciated any more... every body created his own buffer etc.... 
5.   Bot hunter policy + maybe reward is a must in any way. Wont go into further discuss here

6.  About the donates i believe you should have , for the costs at least.....it was good to say us the amount , or also as @Yooyoo said , people to 
      contribute in banners or something. In game i would suggest something like 10Euros for premium account , 5euros for decoration(hats etc).
      No donation for ingame currency.... unless the donates are too low...... in game currency makes you richer but fucks up the game a bit.
       Also if the money is the problem , cause the amount you said is big one.... u should "blackmail" us :P , the current players , for a "charity" for the
       other server. We havent paid a single cent all those months. It could be something like pre-sale for the current players of l2 shrine that want to 
       play on the new server , or even the ones that dont wont to play to gain something like the boost you had when server updated on GE.
       I know that it was against the rules in the current server , but u could do it in the "1 time charity way" (i dont use the word in a bad way, just to show our appreciation
       and support).


so much free time :D 




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Imo,as my friend @heroBD said,IL -> GF - > H5 would be the best,all these within a year or so ( yeah i know it isnt that easy and simple :D ) still it would end up as a "zombie" server in the end cause that's the nature of all the SUPERDUPER NO LIFE HARDCORE RUSSKIE BLYAT players but also dont forget the same people jump from server over and over and with some custom-ingame currency they'd keep joining on every start and support the server ( and trust me,there's lots of idiots that spend 40-50$ on the start of a server and keep spending while playing).
About the boxes,that's a sensitive matter,we've seen very few servers with 1x boxes that actually had some people ( simply cause nobody would join) 2x+premium for 3rd or just 3x no matter sounds ideal ( @heroBD not everybody has 2 pcs or knows how to install a virtual machine software :D ) 

The botting shouldnt be allowed but you shouldnt be  chasing it alot too,let some of the players do some bot hunting!Penalty could be something like:1st time - 3 days , 2nd time 5days ,3rd time 7 days,4th  perma or so.gives the players the satisfaction that this person got punished and will eventually get a perma whilst the person will use other boxes or simply stop.

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I've just had a chat with @Emca - only reasonable upgrade path is GF->Freya. IL never leaked to public .. and creating IL by "downgrading" GF is nearly impossible due to missing data. AdvExt IL is built on top of C4 thus it is not real IL. We have real Freya data, which means we can have quite accurate extender.

Can you share your opinions on the length of wipe cycle? Why (not) 1/2 year, 1 year, etc?

Also wanted to ask if you have any experience with "pre-sale" like premiums, nick reservation, etc? Were there any servers that used that?



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1 hour ago, Jorn said:

@claw you're right, promotion is very difficult to do, plus, i think that every launch would have to be somewhat special (feature-wise), because nobody wants to play again and again with same setup, features ... or am i wrong?

In my opinion the best feature can exist is "no features", but i've an idea that can help to build right vector in promoting and monetizing the whole thing called l2shrine.

My idea is all about competitive l2, lets call it 

There is a thing in dota2 called "Compendium" which is made for raise tournaments prizepool and it can be partially implemented in premium account.

You can made server scripted from beginning, smth like 3-4 month each chronicle with GvG tournament in the middle and final one which can be translated on twitch and promote next update. This scenario keeps server competitive and attract active players.

P.S. Organization of tournaments plays a key role that requires hard work on it, and i've only once saw it was done on proper level on ruoff.

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2 hours ago, Jorn said:

I've just had a chat with @Emca - only reasonable upgrade path is GF->Freya. IL never leaked to public .. and creating IL by "downgrading" GF is nearly impossible due to missing data. AdvExt IL is built on top of C4 thus it is not real IL. We have real Freya data, which means we can have quite accurate extender.

Can you share your opinions on the length of wipe cycle? Why (not) 1/2 year, 1 year, etc?

Also wanted to ask if you have any experience with "pre-sale" like premiums, nick reservation, etc? Were there any servers that used that?



well,updates are "supposed" to be done every few months because of the way the game is atm,everybody knows a way to stack gear quickly(1 month or so)or slowly(3-4 months maybe?)especially on early chronicles such as interlude and staying on same level for long is "demotivating",since u dont see your char changing much.
the 1 year cycle sounds perfect to be honest,especially if there's updates in the meanwhile to keep people interested and attracted to the server.

I Also agree with Cyka,the idea of reward from GvG etc triggers the competitive side of players which is most important into keeping them into the server.

About the presales,i've seen it in couple of servers and it worked rly well for the servers and the rushers ofc.gm shop with max B gear on GF,nothing special but rly big boost in the begining,xp boosts and BSS/SSS.

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1 hour ago, claw said:

In my opinion the best feature can exist is "no features", but i've an idea that can help to build right vector in promoting and monetizing the whole thing called l2shrine.

My idea is all about competitive l2, lets call it 

There is a thing in dota2 called "Compendium" which is made for raise tournaments prizepool and it can be partially implemented in premium account.

You can made server scripted from beginning, smth like 3-4 month each chronicle with GvG tournament in the middle and final one which can be translated on twitch and promote next update. This scenario keeps server competitive and attract active players.

P.S. Organization of tournaments plays a key role that requires hard work on it, and i've only once saw it was done on proper level on ruoff.

Could you please explain in more detail how the "Compendium" works?

GvG tournament - should this be something like best parties from clans fight each other? And best party wins some prize pool?

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53 minutes ago, Antistyle said:

well,updates are "supposed" to be done every few months because of the way the game is atm,everybody knows a way to stack gear quickly(1 month or so)or slowly(3-4 months maybe?)especially on early chronicles such as interlude and staying on same level for long is "demotivating",since u dont see your char changing much.
the 1 year cycle sounds perfect to be honest,especially if there's updates in the meanwhile to keep people interested and attracted to the server.

I Also agree with Cyka,the idea of reward from GvG etc triggers the competitive side of players which is most important into keeping them into the server.

About the presales,i've seen it in couple of servers and it worked rly well for the servers and the rushers ofc.gm shop with max B gear on GF,nothing special but rly big boost in the begining,xp boosts and BSS/SSS.

Updates should have 2 or 3 months cycle. imho 2 months is more then enough to get geared on GF if people know how to play (especially on 10x rates).

GvG i am not familiar with, this is something we need to help with.

I am hesitant to put full items into donate, i'd rather have premium with increased exp/sp/adena. And then marks for class transfers, buyable nobless after 2nd TW.

Also to make it more interesting, i'd go for short oly period (two weeks, or even one).

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The updates are depended on the numbers... and full rushing CPs or not. 
In shrine that numbers were max 200-300 , there wasnt good economy so that stalled us a bit , and also we had 2-3 nolifers in a 5-6 people CP , so we it took us like 6 months to
be able to kill antharas/tiats etc...could have done it in less , but we wanted to be geared so that it was easier.

But if population is good and CPs are full ye , u need like 1 month to open hellbound , then max 1-2 months to be end game 150 , or even the first 300 weapons if there are many sides... 

Edited by heroBD
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1 hour ago, Jorn said:

Could you please explain in more detail how the "Compendium" works?

GvG tournament - should this be something like best parties from clans fight each other? And best party wins some prize pool?


The percentage of all purchases of the compendium goes to the general fund, on which the level of this depends. Upon reaching a certain amount, all the owners of the compendium open new levels of "treasuries", in which they find new and new unique in-game prizes. ©

So it can be anything you want, some random rewards like runes/hats that not affecting game balance, cuz no one like pay 2 win :D

GvG must be for everyone who fits the rules, simple swiss system qualifiers and main event can be done in 1 non-siege weekend for example.

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  • 1 month later...

Just to let you know, i've start working on new website, control panel, stats pages, drop spoil, etc. Unfortunately due to almost no free time lately, progress is rather slow, but at least we're moving forward.

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I have read all the previous and there are some good ideas. But this server never had the population it deserves. Long story short: I say wipe, restart after summer. 

At least you will get more than the 30 that log nowadays.

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1 hour ago, sunshine said:

Wo? One server idea folowed by almost everybody and after all story about we will do the same :D that is most terrible idea no ofense.

Its also an opinion. I dont have to agree with what everybody says. 

I just dont see the point in keeping an empty server running, but i'm not a game dev so thats not my problem :)

Whatever you do keep us updated and motivated :P

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