L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Aribeth

  1. When droping quest items from mobs around Floran village and using spoil&sweep, I do not obtain quest items. I do not know if it is bug or what...
  2. Byla to malá fortka, a mohli si za mainy pro svůj petklan dobýt fortku jinou. Až tak velký rozdíl by to asi nebyl... Spíš zase chtěli ukázat, jaký jsou kingové a že na ně nikdo nemá... Očividně tu chtějí hrát sami.
  3. A pokud chce ten malý klan ve fortce chodit taky dung, tak nesmí být zapsána pod hrad, he? A co takhle kdyby si zašli na jinou forku v jejich teritoriu? Ne, tohle je jen o sviňárnách. Zvláště od těch, co se tváří jako kámoši. Bye.
  4. V Goddardu se skutečně nedá regnout, šlo by s tím něco udělat ještě před koncem registrace, ať to zase nevypadá, že jsou GMka u někoho v klanu a chtějí ostatním kazit hru? Tenhle mýtus serveru fakt moc neprospívá...
  5. 4-hour +++ weapons will disappear after 4 hours even if I am not online?! Great, +14 DLE equipped 5 minutes before going sleep, now I have nothing Is there any warning in game about this or forum? Bring your weapon, but u must go farm right now...
  6. Milion fortek volnejch, ale oni musí dobýt tu, co mají naši allíci. Hrajte si tu sami, když musíte dělat naschvály. Čus.
  7. WTB Rcp: Doom plate armor and doom helmet 100% pm here
  8. I have tested it. Two days of shouting in Giran: WTB common A heavy body. Nobody wanted to sell me anything. Just for your information...
  9. So, offline traders will have 7 days online in maximum, after restart they will all 0?
  10. Což už příspěvek výše zmiňuje - "nezávazné"...
  11. I am in Giran right now, only one player sell A common heavy armor for 18m (MJ heavy with common doom helmet btw). No other common heavy. So if you have this amount of common gear why there is not more traders with it? For buyable prices? And common weapons - bows, poles - great range of goods...
  12. No arguments you watch enough, so you can directly lock it, it's no use.
  13. lvl 70 with low B equip - so I need to get multibox of buffers instead of good equip. I tried to drop common A, but not much luck with it. And I am at my job during a week, I can play max 2 hours a day, more at weekend. I do not use bots, but I no longer wonder that there are problems with them here.
  14. And did you tested also high lvl game when all gear you have to buy from players (not just from the shop) or craft? 40m just for MJ gloves? Did you try to save adena for whole set with daily income max 1m adena? And some things are not able to buy at all, because large clans do not want to sell them keeping them for their members. And they don´t buy anything from us, all is expensive for them. So we have not adena nor gear. And yes, we have spoils, crafter and we are selling AA, which is only they buy.
  15. And you are from big clan, so you get gear from your clan (RB actions etc.).
  16. I think that the adena rate should be slightly raised in order to conceive an xp rate too. At the beginning of the game it's fine, but the higher lvl we have, the more we pay, pay for shots (we craft them, but ore is expensive, crystals too) and teleports, not enough adena to buy things from people at all. I know that larger clans may not have that problems, but those who play only solo or 2 players or small clans (no cursed weapons, no castles, no RBs, just spoil/drop), so sooner or later hit the barrier of no finance to move on. A lot of people from us saying they wanted a game tough, but th
  17. I was disappointed too. On all servers I played it was possible.
  18. I think that it is great idea. Possibly more people in game during a weekend. But just drop/spoil/adena rate (to 4x), not xp/sp.
  19. I think that if there is no donate, there should be no possibility of selling adena for real money. It liquidates the game and economy of server. I suggest it to be banned and listed in the prohibitions on the website. Myslím, že když tu není žádný donate, neměla by tu být ani možnost prodeje aden za real money. Likviduje to hru a ekonomiku serveru. Byla bych pro, aby to bylo zakázáno a uvedeno v seznamu zákazů na webu.
  20. Jsme parta lidí, co hrají L2 už několik let, ale začali jsme pracovat, mít rodiny a jiné závazky, takže na hraní už nezbývá tolik času. Přijmeme mezi nás další hráče, co jsou na tom podobně - chtějí si občas zahrát, pokecat s lidmi v klanu a zajít si na nějakou společnou akci. Nikoho nebudeme nutit do ničeho, když budete moct/chtít hrát, tak budete. Není kam spěchat, je to jen hra . Neděláme rozdíly mezi postavami, hrajte si, co vás baví. Když si postav rozjedete víc, než se rozhodnete finálně, jedině dobře, alespoň budou CRP. Zatím jsme lvl 7 (a nějaké ty clan skilly už se taky najdou),
  21. Sorry, did I named a clan? I don`t think so. I just decribed potencial situation.
  22. In first post there is info not only about TW and oly...