L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Aribeth

  1. "Casual" is pretty general term. There are some people which can play only at the weekend. One can be perfectly progressive in the game but finally it's progress in real life that matters. No need to mock these people.
  2. With some help and essencial time sacrifice, you'll catch up others. And there are not only people in S grade and Dynasty in game...
  3. I have read it and if I understand it well, only quests War with Varka silenos and War with Ketra orcs were changed. Not Alliance with "xxx", which is necessary for 3rd class quest.
  4. It is just bad luck. I had oposite problem: 8 rcps for DC robe and none for helm. Both spoiled for the same time. I can just wish you more luck.
  5. Na každém serveru, kde jsem hrála se nalévalo. Od toho vznikl pojem "nalité hero" jako jedna z možných urážek elity nebo "elity" serveru. Kdo kouká na oly zápasy ví, kdo je ta elita a kdo "elita". Bylo to tak na všech elmorech (DE, RE atd.). Žádná novinka. Už jsem s tím smířená ?
  6. Don't you like surprise? ? I suppose it can have something to do with Easter...
  7. But we did not start with full ppl omg... No player boom on start at all... This wasn't actually common server with huge population from start. There was no significant advertising, just few mentions on game forums and FB. Some people came when other servers had quit. You cannot compare this server with all you knew. As I cannot say I have met many idiots in my life so next person must be idiot too ?, you cannot compare servers and not trust people who experienced it.
  8. Actually not much more... And even common equip was quite rare to buy. It's hard to explain to someone who has not experienced it...
  9. Did I write something like that?! I just wrote when I had started to play here, there were no clans paying for academy. They don't have money for that. New players now have this kind of advantage. There is nothing about meaning 3m for academy is something bad. Learn to read properly, pls.
  10. Aribeth

    XP stop

    But your pet gets XP even if you have .expoff on you.
  11. Někde to zase píše, že to hodí stun (na vyšším kroniklu). Asi se pořádně začtu do toho patch note, je tam docela dost informací, které jsem netušila
  12. Jasný, a protože jsem ty moby zabila dřív než za 15s, tak se ta paralýza nenahodila *headdesk* Tobě posílám dík a korejcům z každý strany jednu facku za špatně odvedenou práci...
  13. Cože?! Ale v popisu skillu všude je uvedeno jen, že přidá xxx k MAtk., který s určitou šancí způsobí 15s paralýzu... O nějakém debuffu na speedy tam není jediná zmínka. Jak teda ten skill skutečně funguje? Jinak paralýza zatím nenajela ani jednou... Edit: Tak jediné, kde je to tedy napsané správně jsou patch notes na offic webu pro GF. Všude jinde včetně hry je to popsané blbě. Odkaz zde. http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/graciafinal_05.html A dík, tak aspoň vím, jak to teda opravdu funguje, na popisky skillů se nedá spoléhat
  14. OK, souhlasím, udolala jsi mě argumentama Asi to takhle bude jednodušší. Nebudeme se rozmazlovat. Hráči z druhého konce světa to mají taky mizerný, a taky hrajou, tak asi nemá cenu řešit tu hodinku.
  15. Hele, někteří lidi tu nejsou noční ptáci a neponocují do bůhvíkolika. Všechny CS, TW do 23h? To se na mě fakt nezlobte, ale tohle je blbost. Já se přiznám, chodím spát nejpozději o půl jednáctý a to už jsem polomrtvá a usínám u toho. Zase někdo jede klidně do 3 h do rána, ale zase tak moc jich tu asi nebude.
  16. Ahoj, mohla bych poprosit o prověření skillu Shilien Knight - Lightning Strike? Mělo by to dávat dmg a paralýzu, ale když to hodím, tak nastanou jen dvě varianty: v okně to vypíše "resisted" a dá to dmg nevypíše to "resisted" a dá to jen dmg - žádnou paralýzu Ještě se mi nepodařilo aby to do moba dalo paralýzu (natož do hráče). Díky
  17. Aribeth

    Pet resurrection

    Come on, people, is it really too complicated to buy enough food and after summoning give it into pet's inventory? And when you go afk unsummon pet? It is all about your carelessness. This game is not about saving progress and then loading it when sth get wrong. Because of this we play this game, otherwise we can go back to play Witcher on PS4.
  18. Hi, may I ask you for help? Is there any collision between 2 counter skills with the same trigger condition? I mean "under attack" and "during my attack". Is there any possibility that one counter skill decreases a chance to trigger the second one? F.e. counter haste and counter critical... Thanks for the answers.
  19. A to děláš kvůli nobless statutu nebo jen tak? Protože na GF už se s questem nikdo nedělá. Každý si to nabouchá za 2-3 TW.
  20. New players already have easier start. When server was new it was nearly impossible to buy something. Now they have clans to join for 3m adena for 2nd class transfer. Market is fully functional. Some commons they can obtain for free from clan mates. Dozens of traders with cheap low shots. And difference between old and new players? No, that is difference between nolifers and casual players. Our clan is here from the beginning and we craft A grade equipment right now. Healthy populaton on the server must be multilayered. Why push new players up to skip all that fun ??
  21. WC is "must have" buffpet, but if you have great MP consumption, you can use also combination of PP and SE. You will have Vampiric rage too and can use more skills (gladiator has really expensive skills for MP). I prefer WC because of CoV and Gate chant.
  22. Game account login vs. server/forum account login? Did you create a game account?
  23. Aribeth


    Nemůže to souviset s tím, že to každý vidí jinak? Například v aréně při TW jsem postavičku viděla mimo arénu, ale přitom byla uvnitř a ostatní ji viděli dobře.
  24. Hi, Is normal server setting that great wolf lose his XPs after death in siege zone? It is strange while players don't lose XPs but their pets do.