L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Airaven

  1. Airaven

    XP stop

    Nope, .expoff don´t affect exp for other players in party. It still divides exp between every player in PT.
  2. Spravte si minievent ... Nech pride po konci oly ... o 01:00 do kolosea kazdy kto chce aby bola oly do jednej rana ... Ak to bude viac ako 250 ludia tak ano polovica serveru chce mat cas nastaveny tak ako je teraz .... Ak tam bude menej ako 250 ludi tak to je mensina a teda vacsina serveru chce mat ten cas o hodinu skor.... Vybavene Viem idiotsky argument (prepac) ale uz neviem ako inak reagovat na tie ostatne ....
  3. @Emca nehnevaj sa ale stale odpovedas na uplne blbosti ....... Ide najma o to posunut to na ten druhy cas ako je teraz- teda aby bola oly 18:00-0:00 v lete a 17:00-23:00 v zime a nie opacne. To ci niekto uznava letny cas alebo neuznava alebo komu sa to ako posuva je ABSOLÚTNE nepodstatne! @Emca dont get me wrong but you miss the point. The thing is to set server to different time than now - so oly in centrak europe will be from 18:00-0:00 in summer and 17:00-23:00 in winter. The SH_T about DST etc. is absolutelt irrelevant!
  4. This is the problem .... And you might get surprised by the number actually .....
  5. Super takze teraz ak budeme chciet fungovat v podobnom standarde ako doteraz tak budeme vysedavat o hodinu dlhsie pri PC ... A to len preto ze sa Vám nechce prehodit gametime o hodinu .... (Neviem kolko je s tym prace ale nemyslim si ze by ste to nezvladli...)
  6. Neviem ako ostatni ale mne to teda velmi nevyhovuje posúvať všetko o hodinu dozadu ... Tym padom v hre musis byt az do jednej ak chces strazit oly do jedenastej ak chces twcka, cska, atd ...... Niektori ludia na druhy den pracuju ... A v neposlednom rade asi to velmi nezapada do vasej retail-like politike .... Neviem ako ostatni ale tato zmena a posun je podla mna totalna kravina....
  7. Had similar problem in Giran recently.. First your clanmate ( not CL!! ) need to come to that npc to start "sidequest" he will tell him to hunt those golems ... Only after that you can proceed. After all I had to destroy q.items in CL's inventory to have 299 there and only then kill the last mob with CL. That will trigger next step in your quest ..
  8. So as many of you´ve already heard, lot of founding members of LastRun went inactive/left. (Yeah, let the flame begin ....) The other side of this is that clan got new CLs: [EleanorAbernathy, Sokar, Riddley] We are now cleaning old/inactive members, so from Monday there will be a lot of space in clan. We are really looking forward for new active players, preferably CPs. Apply here or ingame ... We pay for academy: 3kk per character if its finished in 2 days max (recruited under lvl 16) !!!! So fresh info: Clan level: 8 Clan castle: Giran Clan skills: Nearly ever
  9. Ak sa tam dnes cez Antiho dostaneme tak to mozem skusit :-D / Vseobecne ale na celom tom placiku dostavas aj na moby Cannot see target, A na tej sikmine na hornej strane smerom k citadele sa postava zasekne a nemozes sa hybat vobec ...
  10. HB chimery / spot kde neposobi heat of desert je cely cely cely zle .....
  11. I just did this Q in Gludio, it took 5 mins
  12. There is some info - it is stated as EPILOGUE but it should not change so much ...... Requirements are Clan Lvl 4 ... As you can see... BTW: It took about 1 minute with spectacular tool called Google Search ...... [ http://bfy.tw/ASBf ]
  13. @Aleaiactaest I wrote thas I can lend you the money just pm me :-D or tell me IG nick
  14. I can lend you the adena - just let me know your IG nick. Pm or here as you wish..... ?
  15. Why ?? Already have over 90 keys 20 deluxe and 30 coins And no I am not no-lifing neither making trains .... If you increase it it will be easy to get hats
  16. Neviem preco sa stazujete/ pripadne ci sa za posledne hodiny menil drop rate/ale za 2 hodinky mob by mob farmy som nadropoval 35 klucov a 2 zlate + 1 truhlicka z ktorej padol 1 silver coin. Teda mne osobne sa nedza ze by ten drop rate bol nastaveny nejako zle ....
  17. Nice, we are really looking forward on seeing you. Strong PvP oriented 3rd side will be really what this server needs. GL&HF
  18. Also it SHOULD decrease frontal crit dmg by 30% not increase..... @huehuehue92 Why didn´t you report that aswell ??
  19. Neviem o co presne ide ale tipujem ze to zas bude nejaky z top clanov co prebral fort slabsim ... Pokial si vlastnikom hradu mozes dobijat len fortku ktoru uz niekto v tvojom teritoriu vlastni.... Pokial chces dobyjat Castle dung potrebujes mat v teritoriu loajalnu fortku - takze pravdepodobne slo len o to ze vas petclan nespravne nastavil loajalitu hradu a nesiel im Castle dung .. Pochybujem ze by akykolvek clan ktory vlastni hrad potreboval dobyjat fortress nejakemu inemu clanu ....