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Hello . We made a test today to check if we can reach beleth , just with a single 8 people's party.
Sadly we reached only the part of naia's spores before summoning epidos . We actually trying 3 times to summon epidos and failed.
The guides that i find online has many misleading information ......(on some articles it says you need 45people to enter beleth, on others it says you need 27 to summon epidos , on others it says that if a person gets dc , the whole party gets dc....which isnt true...) ... I would like to ask if you can tell us @emca or @jorn , the circumstances you need for 3 things.......
1st how many people we need to enter beleth.
2nd how many people we need to summon epidos
3rd and harder ,around how many specific element naia's spores we need to summon a specific elemental epidos(if we have in mind that we only hit 1 kind of element only)

i m asking because you might already have made modifications like zaken for example... or the people who you took files from has made modifications , and with current population and motivation of people in the server , it is really actually imposible to find 5 partys who have the experience, will, and time to do that.

Edited by heroBD
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Lol, I’m not in relationship with @Jorn 

In case you'll be unsuccessful with spawning Epidos, let me know .. i will test it with GM char or maybe we can do some testing together (if @Emca has no objections).

So, it seems to me from the AI, that fastest way is to pick ONE element and kill it, you need 120 points. There are two counters - for Fire / Water elements and Wind / Earth elements. if you ch

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46 minutes ago, heroBD said:

1st how many people we need to enter beleth.
2nd how many people we need to summon epidos
3rd and harder ,around how many specific element naia's spores we need to summon a specific elemental epidos(if we have in mind that we only hit 1 kind of element only)

On a simular note, if @Emca cannot find the information, I had an idea about a side-way.

1. Find the ID of the Teleportation cubic, spawn it in GM Room and test.

2. @heroBD did not mention that we aren't even sure that epidos needs a specific number of ppl to spawn. The info from internet may be misleading. It may not even have this requirement.

3.Here would be useful to give us as much information as you can about the code. In the internet it says that we need to kill 1 element to spawn the same elemental epidos. 

For example: We want to spawn fire epidos, so we have to kill Naia Spores which look like salamanders. However it is easier said than done since the other elements attack our support so we have to hit or even kill atleast a portion of them and run around with the rest.

It would really help if you tell us how much does the chance decrease to spawn fire epidos if we kill 1 or 2 Water element Naia Spores. According to a website we found, the chance decreases dramatically if we kill Water (opposite element) and not so much if we kill Earth,Wind(from my example). Using the same example I want to ask is it possible to kill the wind earth spores and compensate the score even continue to increase the chance of spawning the Fire boss. If we kill wind earth who attack support then kill fire and we arent moving with the score, its a lost cause.

To spawn 1 epidos we have 30 minutes, does the score reset afterwards? 

I hope the staff can answer our questions because killing this raid is the spark that everyone has in their eyes 🤗

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On 11/8/2018 at 4:23 PM, heroBD said:

3rd and harder ,around how many specific element naia's spores we need to summon a specific elemental epidos(if we have in mind that we only hit 1 kind of element only)

So, it seems to me from the AI, that fastest way is to pick ONE element and kill it, you need 120 points. There are two counters - for Fire / Water elements and Wind / Earth elements.

  • if you choose, for example, to kill Fire, you'll be increasing your fire / water counter by 2 by each kill
    • if you make mistake and kill Water element, your counter will decrease by 2
    • it will also contribute to wind / earth element count - depending on what you're killing - decreasing the earth / wind counter by 1
    • once you reach 120 points (60 kills), all elements should despawn and epidos of opposite element should spawn (in our example, it would be water)
    • there is also reset counter - if it reaches 600 points, it seems that it will reset whole procedure
      • this counter is increased by each element despawn (not kill, but just despawn)
    • so it looks like you have to be quick in killing elements to not reach the 600 points in the despawn counter
On 11/8/2018 at 4:23 PM, heroBD said:

1st how many people we need to enter beleth.

2nd how many people we need to summon epidos

There seems to be no party / people counter in the AI.

  • Thanks 1
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@Jorn Do the elements despawn automatically after a certain period of time if noone hits them? The guys tried to hit some but they despawned before they could finish them, which tells me after u start hitting 1 element you also have a certain period of time (2-3 seconds?) to kill it otherwise it despawns.

Which means: They despawn when: 1. Noone hits them for a certain period of time.

                                                            2. When you start hitting them but you dont have the dmg to kill them in time.

Am I wrong ?

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