L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Emca

  1. Ahoj, máme novou proxy pro Ameriku (L2 Shrine [US]). Českým hráčům to nijak nepomůže, ale pro jistotu vás chci upozornit, abyste ji omylem nepoužívali, protože byste tam měli velké lagy. Pokud tedy hrajete z Evropy, určitě nadále používejte L2 Shrine [main] nebo L2 Shrine [alt]!
  2. Then please let me know when you're home
  3. Hi, I'm happy to announce we now have proxy located in US (New York). If you play from US or Latin America, please try it and let me know whether it works (here)
  4. Hi, I'm happy to announce we now have proxy located in US (New York). If you play from US or Latin America, please try it and let us know whether it works (in this topic)
  5. Ahoj, postava by neměla být v klanu a mazání trvá 7 dní.
  6. Hi everyone, I've added new feature to our Launcher - now it's possible to disable grouping of client windows on your taskbar You can download it from https://update.l2shrine.com/L2%20Shrine.exe EDIT: Fixed the link
  7. Emca

    Vote reward

    One advice, use incognito window in Chrome and vote on Hopzone without login. Then you'll be able to vote more often than once in 12 hours.
  8. Proxy is down, so use the main server (it's running all the time). We'll fix it... Spadla nám proxy, používejte hlavní server (L2 Shrine [main]). Opravíme to
  9. Proxy is down, so use the main server (it's running all the time). We'll fix it...
  10. Ahoj, co vím, tak by to mělo fungovat takto: 1. 7 levelů rozdíl je více než 2, tzn. šance bude třetinová oproti tomu, co je v drop/spoilu 2. 2 levely rozdíl, šance bude jako v drop/spoilu 3. neovlivní 4. neovlivní
  11. Tohle už se řešilo několikrát a global chat nechceme, lock.
  12. Ahoj, bojím se, že tímhle asi nic neuděláme... Ale mrknu na to
  13. Emca


    EmperorDog or God Emperor (of the Dune)? Nevertheless, All the glory to the Hypnotoad!
  14. We've also checked the bison totem and it works fine, there's just error in skill description in client: It should read correctly: It's 30 % P. Atk. when under 60 % HP and 40 % P. Atk. when under 30 % (30 % P. Atk. + 10 % P. Atk.)
  15. We'll check it, but I'm sure there is already at least one doomcryer on the server so probably you're doing something wrong...
  16. Hi, it's normal retail feature - but you have to have clan level 11.
  17. Ahoj, nemazal jsi něco ze složky SYSTEM? EDIT: Asi už vím, nemáš náhodou v Launcheru zaškrtnuté "Keep my system messages"? Pokud ano, odškrtni to a pusť update.
  18. http://lineage.pmfun.com/npc/22141/forgotten-victim.html http://lineage.pmfun.com/npc/22139/old-aristocrats-soldier.html Seems OK
  19. Quest monster is spawned all the time, just go and kill it