L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by SexSlayer

  1. Report mechanism must be broken.. I already report few my posts yesterday and nothing happend...
  2. @Jorn ok. A treba by ta angličtina nevadila, ak by hned pod nou bol text treba z prekladaču?
  3. Honestly with no offence, but you think people from Revolutions can be more retarded as people from lastrun? I do not believe.
  4. Updated Hello. Welcome on board. Clan Nocniklub is now opening academy and paying out academics. We require: -speak english -Maximum level 16 -finish second ocupation in 3 days We offer: - 4.000.000 after completion second class transfer (this payment for your work is unstable, is possible it will go higher, depends on another factors like how individual want sacrifice his time for making money) You can contact me in game (SexSlayer) between Mon - Fri 17:00 - 22:30 (CET) Sat - Sun 10:00 - 22:30 (CET) regards
  5. No dobre co už, ale i tak te nemam rád.
  6. Zase vymluvy. Editace sa nedá zneužívat na trolling? Kdo toho zneužíva? Máte prehnané obavy z toho co by sa mohlo stat. Stačí si priznat, že proste nastavit nejake tlacitko je nad vaše síly, nikdo neni dokonaly.
  7. jj fajn, Máś umna jedného bezvyznamného +bludištáka. Tlačitko delete by malo fungovat tak, že ten co založil topik/koment, ho tým tlačitkom sám smaže, bez nejakého tvojeho schvalovania.
  8. A lidi ti tam písali, že chcú tlačítko na delete a ti im to nedáš, miesto toho chceś aby používali report. Dávno by ti to usnadnilo práci ale ty nechceš. Miesto toho obćas prijdeš , rozdáš facky a zmizneš. Potom je bordel jak na foru, tak na hero chatu!
  9. Tam píšeś , že tie tvoje pravidlá sa uplatnujú od: This applies from now on. Ale zároveň si premazal to predtým. Co si mam o tom myslet Co si mam myslet o tom ,že máś offtopic avatara.
  10. Zase mi nekdo neco písal a ty si to smazal. Treba to bolo dôležité. Začínam ta nenávidiet. Ale jak chceś , treba za nejaky čas už nebude komu rozdávat warningy
  11. Let John click it every day in same time and he would be happy without any change.
  12. SexSlayer


    One should think a bit about what is good for the server. Production of low shot is not about money for me. MisterPronka wants to make a favor making the shoe on order. But many of those who are willing to buy do not know there is a forum. I think the best way to profit in shots, for beginners and maybe even the best for advanced warriors is to ensure that commodities are constantly in place. We all want more people to come to the server, but the real problem is that we can not keep people who have already arrived. In our clan recruitment(july), I've been talking with a lot of new pe