L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Fidoo last won the day on September 27 2018

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About Fidoo

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  1. Well, i`m sorry, now i see its realy not working (after log in ) 😗 The best way is contact GMs with email or . ..
  2. Hmmm, even if you try it in various web browsers like mozilla, chrome,IE etc? I think you must be looged on l2shrine forum and also on l2topzone too .I`m not playing active anymore, but it works me fine , i have try it . I`m also always using L2 Shrine.exe launcher to run a game.
  3. Hola ahoj, just for voting vote on second vote portal - https://l2topzone.com/vote/id/13761 and you will have exp reward😉 , you can also only create an account there on l2topzone, no FB & other social septic needed
  4. Fidoo

    Elven Elder oly

    1/2 ale vramci nechcenych medzinarodnych prestreliek poprosim zmazat moj prispevok, bol som nasrany lebo to co robili po vojne u nas banderovovci ako zabijali ludi sa ma tyka osobne,aj ked dnesna ruskoukrajinska mladez za to nieje vinna.dik
  5. Nice one. I hope i can enter sometimes with you an MT or with any of my fiends of any clan here on server , as an active beer spectator/ little buf or ork , if i will have little time to play here 🙂 I was there in steel citadel few times alone, was pain in the ass or solo hunt/talk to the pets 🤨😄
  6. just make macro to leave party and you will see😁😄 Its better chance to spoil it with lvl 70 spoiler only , then with +1 buffer in party with lvl 72, absolutely
  7. not all https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Митарства
  8. Ahojte, co poviete na taketo nieco, tento pan roky nevychadzal z auta, neviem ci este nevychadza stale, prepokladam ze sa mu rozvinula psychicka choroba, porucha a nemal nikoho kto by mu pomohol, pricom aj rodinu ma. Co poviete na to, v dnesnej dobe toto vidiet.. Velmi smutne.. Preto pri hrani nezabudajte ze sme ludmi a mame aj normalny zivot. Kludne sa podelte o dojmy pojmy do diskusie ,mozno to niekomu pomoze, je to v off topic ale rad by som aby sme rozoberali co sa deje vo videu . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Nuz sam som zvedavy ako sa to vyriesi.Ale popravde na Vianoce by som rad prispel peknou sumou ak bude moznost /I am curious how it will be ......... But for real for Christmas I would like to contribute a nice sum if there is a possibility /
  10. V pohode, rozumiem aj tebe Emca, aspon si dotycny precital ako ho vnimam nielen ja, aj ked sa jedna len o hru Viac mi nestoji za to sa tu o nom zmienit co i len pismenom. Sushak ma ohladne neho pravdu 😉
  11. Fidoo


    Poznam ľudí čo kradnú ale aj veľa ľudí čo nekradnú, tí čo kradnú a vravia že všetci kradnú su klamári a alibistickí zlodeji (Ale vždy príde na psa mráz ) Ozaj Griffe, to fakt je pravda ? Prečo? OT no offence (Martin35 ) : Martin, píše sa hanba- haniť, zahanbujúci,nehanební, - aj po slovensky, aj po česky aj po poľsky - hańba , bielorusky a ukrajinsky ганьба - Haňba - po preklade z azbuky / ak si sa nenaučil v škole,tak teraz vieš 😉/