L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Posts posted by Eldax

  1. On 8/22/2018 at 12:11 PM, k0ntra said:

    I think @Eldax is conserned because he thinks the H5 changes would attract new players but it won't happen in my opinion.

    WTF? why would i be against new ppl coming to play here? Why u even think about me like that?  I said freya can attract more ppl cuz its more unique than H5...


    On 8/22/2018 at 12:58 PM, Jorn said:

    I know you guys are disappointed, but please understand that this we are doing this for fun and that this project won't pay our bills, and that we have to take care about our families.

    Donations for some hats/agathions/autoloot/etc was never a bad idea.


    On 8/22/2018 at 12:58 PM, Jorn said:

    We have Freya scripts, so that means we have to develop full support for it. We have to either develop it based on our GE Extender (some work has been done by @Emca) or somehow try to downgrade H5.

    So if u say u already have some work done with freya, wouldnt it be a waste to just abandon project and jump to H5?


    21 hours ago, Rise said:

    Update of the current server will be a good test before launching a new project. You can treat it as a beta test. Do not worry about criticism

    U mean "sacrifice all players who came to play at No Wipe serwer to be experimental rabbits for another serwer with wipe policy, and dont care about them totally" ???
    Sorry but it looks like u dont even play here or u're planing to go at new H5, so ur view is a bit subjective imo.



  2. RIP ;p
    I hope u'll at 1st test this "H5" idea at new serwer than here? To see how missed idea it is.

    I'll just ask this way. 95% of avaible serwers are Interlude or H5. Freya serwers? 0? H5 is everywhere cuz easy files to get and bcuz its not interlude, but why do u think from dozens H5 serwers some1 will chose this? Bcuz it's online 2 years and everybody has 85? Bcuz some ppl has 100 epics on his boxes and they'll be easy to buy? Bcuz of "Shrine Geodata" which gives depression during oly? Bcuz of constant "100" "active" players online during last year? Bcuz of no autoloot, and sick staying to "retail" ? Bcuz of gm online in game 1h per year? No offense but even czech server geolocation is not helping, bcuz ppl are rather to pick more international flags. Even for actual players it'll be lethal. H5 client will much raise pc usage, and ppl who could log few boxes to be able to exp now, can have problems with this later.
    Also about anouncements:
    Shire site :

    " We're planning continuous update to Gracia Epilogue and probably even to Freya. "

    Hopzone: https://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/details/101178/L2-Shrine

    We are planning continous update to Gracia Epilogue and maybe even to Freya. "

    Well everywhere is the same anouncement and everyhere is not even 1 mention about H5 progress, but final chronicle meant to be freya.
    Dont u think it will be a bit dissapointment for ppl who joined here just to dont play at interlude or H5 serwers?

    Personally, i would rather wait even a next year with actual GE and get freya than get soon this "progress" called "H5".

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  3. I wonder will u say same thing about freya -> H5 update.
    Antharas Killed? Valakas killed? Blessed Freya Killed? 

    U typed bosses unkillable here, with this online and actual Clans.
    As u say, most ppl dont even know what are those bosses, but u had this knownledge and u had a CP - 9 ppl active, u were "rulling" the server, why didnt u do that?
    Why u expect from others things u werent able to do even if u feel u're better than them?

    Same thing was about GF- > GE. Same story, typing unkillable bosses and saying players didnt made whole GF content as a argument not to update.

    Update will be when files will be ready. And when it will be good time to anounce that. Not earlier and not later.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Deathwing said:

    Usually area skill works at range, but they was blocked in borders of WB zones.

    You can cast mass ress in toi 13, but you dont get it inside of baium zone. Same thing was at valakas entrance, where you can even see, shoot, and jump down to Klein, but mass ress, wc buffs from up to down was blocked, because it was wb zone.

    It all depends by server. I saw servers where u could kill valakas with nukkers from cliff. W/o even single death. Or Gms who were banning/jailing ppl for resing others inside baium from galaxia floor.

  5. 10 hours ago, sunshine said:


    WashAndGo. Best character ever. I've never seen him at oly. After 1,5 year i noticed its SpS, not EE box as i always though. Got hero once or twice only bcuz no other sps on list ( and i guess it was after 1 month w/o sps hero, so he could notice its time for him). Started doing smth after he got items/accounts leftovers from clan quiters (also there was some story about scamming clanmates ? ).

    On 7/26/2018 at 2:19 PM, sunshine said:

    no 150 att < 300

    I dont have 300 weapon neither, only +150.


  6. 35 minutes ago, Fidoo said:

    Ok i see it now, Eldax has right.

    I mean Crystals are only thing what are giving advantage now, between old players to other slackers. Everybody has S80 sets, even at boxes. WB with theirs cancer respawn can be always stolen ( now no1 is even interested of them... antharas up since months), So every1 has epics + tw/oly jewels. U cant stop others from doing tiats and getting vespers. After so much time there are hundreds accouts for Class Base so u cant even block heroes.

    It would be like 1st christmass event with S+16 weapons. It was end of november- 2nd serwer month, and there were like only 15-20 S weapons(probably even less), and only few of them had +150. All advantage u were getting by experience and skill was totally canceled by this weapons. Every1 by just leaving boxes afk was getting scrolls for weapons, and 12h buff scrolls with buff better than CoV. Game was again moved to "numbers above skill". Ppl who was not able to do raids cuz no good pt set up/ no gear/ no wolfs started raiding. Handless clan (everybody knows who) started to do epics. Players who werent even thinking about crafting S Spear to farm got it for free ( with extra item passive what was increasing numbers of mobs hit- from 4 to 9 ) with Cov buff. And mage buff scrolls was just BROKEN. Additional CP/HP/defensive and doubling M atk, ofc available to use in siege zone... etc.

    • Like 1
  7.  ????? U took wards and castles. Are u seriously thinking u could get them if me and anti were online? Also i was raising online only from TW saturday to monday restart. Go be handless and trashtalk somewhere else.

  8. On 15.06.2018 at 12:50 AM, Kanuza said:

    those players who have accumulated lots of items and dont know what to do with them like @EldaxxD

    I was playing GF not GE, i have only "Some" S grades, and "few" S80 heavy when i was trying for mw, but i tried to sell them for some joke money or just for matses w/o success.


    On 15.06.2018 at 11:26 AM, Mutex said:

    the second class change for 1kk, since 3kk is quite a big amount of money for a beginner.

    If some1 dont know such basic things like : lvl 15 - go giran or ask any hero for aca, he dont deserve getting ANY help.


    On 15.06.2018 at 4:26 PM, Jorn said:

    Event, starter pack (No grade to A grade - all shadow, shots, vit items, exp runes?), free class changes (1st, 2nd, 3rd),  free clan level 1-x?, maybe even free nobless?

    That could attract some people, but the question is how to attract big clans, and to be honest, those will rarely join server that has been running for years :/.


    On 14.06.2018 at 11:35 PM, Emca said:

    Do you think that an event will help it? I've started to prepare gourd event (but I'm still not sure about rewards - can you give some tips? :))

    Just Fix Geodata. Its more than any event u can imagine.


    On 15.06.2018 at 5:01 PM, Rise said:

    When i started play here, events give me a lot of money and motivation.

    Event shouldnt be like that. Events should bring ppl from farm spots to have some rest and fun or encourage them to go farm mobs.


    On 15.06.2018 at 4:26 PM, Jorn said:

    free class changes (1st, 2nd, 3rd),  free clan level 1-x?, maybe even free nobless?

     If u make this happend there will be more ppl like : " I made 5 th for tw badges, they need only lvl 40 to get them, but by accident i made them 76, 3rd and noblesse and now doing CB to get some tokens. I'm not feeding my main on CB, just tokens"


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