L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Slava Ukraini! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


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Everything posted by TzaR

  1. http://prntscr.com/dezsvi
  2. need personaly bust Ρ…8 on exp from 1 to 70, or good no grade weapon (like low D) for example, but do not make 100500 3-5lvl clans)
  3. what wrong on screen? a not see anything
  4. you ask from your ISP? they can help in 90%
  5. in shout just "sell AM+7" and after pm i answer "150$" its be legal?)
  6. I will vote NO. War with rmt costs huge time for admins and no effective. Better make war with bot/bag.
  7. TzaR

    1/2 quest proffesion

    In the meantime, do not miss your chance to take advantage of our services, spend time with the family instead of the tedious passage of quests. Also there was a recruitment service Proffesional killer mobs / players, all-nothing EUR 1 per hour.
  8. TzaR


    1 box and no limit box it is just different games
  9. TzaR

    1/2 quest proffesion

    1st/2nd quest to proffesion for you pets 1st quest 1eu 2nd quest 5eu log on u chars and make needed quests Also there was a recruitment service Proffesional killer mobs / players, all-nothing EUR 1 per hour. ist not a joke) pm here or Skype: layymer