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Can we know how exacly tezza CD works ? i know they has been a lot of chatting about tezza in this server (like in most server  , most bugged epic).

I am asking because i know from experience that it has 48+4  , and a tiny chance not to spawn and spawn random in the next 24 hours. the thing is that this chance should be tiny.......
and in the last 4 tezza , it is the second time it happens not to spawn on 48+4.

Also , last time we killed tezza the second parts was "bugged". 1st part = kill columns , 2nd part is kill the fat mobs .normally u kill 4 skeletons on 2nd part and then hundreds of mobs appears.

last time we did it we went on 2nd part and all the mosts were already there + fat guys , without killing skeletons, i see that for first time after so many tezzas......

it doesnt matter so much specifically since server will update in some weeks , but it is just super frustating to have to "camp" an epic in a server that hasnt pvp for this epic and having totally random CDs.

can we know from the code that it has for example 40% chance to respawn in 3rd day ?

P.S: i know that if we kill 1st form of tezza and fail it goes normally on cooldown and counts as dead epic


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These lines are taken from the npcpos.txt definition file, these definitions are parsed by the server and server then creates npcs using npc makers.

npcmaker_ex_begin    [frintessa_2515_01]    name=[frintessa_maker]    ai=[default_use_db_maker_for_frintessa]    ai_parameters={[maker_name]=[frintessa_teleportcuve]}    maximum_npc=9            
npc_ex_begin    [frintessa]    pos={-105200;-253104;-15264;16834}    total=1    respawn=48hour    respawn_rand=24hour    dbname=[frintessa]    boss_respawn_set=yes    npc_ex_end
npc_ex_begin    [follower_of_frintessa]    pos={-105200;-253104;-15264;16834}    total=1    respawn=48hour    respawn_rand=24hour    dbname=[follower_of_frintessa]    boss_respawn_set=yes    npc_ex_end
npc_ex_begin    [follower_of_frintessa_tr]    pos={-105200;-253104;-15264;16834}    total=1    respawn=48hour    respawn_rand=24hour    dbname=[follower_of_frintessa_tr]    boss_respawn_set=yes    npc_ex_end

So basically, it means there is 48hours + 24 hours random. Maker ensures that NPC is loaded from DB + spawns/despawns it.

How the random actually works i can't say, @Emca would have to reverse ASM code that is doing the random spawn calculations.

But what can i say is that you can enter tezza only, when fritessa, follower_of_frintessa and follower_of_frintessa_tr are spawned. This means there is running 48hours + 24hours random spawn for Frintezza npc itself, as well as for Halisha and Halisha transformation.

Here's piece of code from the NPC that can teleport you to Frintezza:

if( IsNullCreature(c1) != 0 || IsNullCreature(c2) != 0 || IsNullCreature(c3) != 0 )
	ShowPage(talker, "frintessa_teleporter002.htm");

c1 = Frintezza, c2 = Halisha, c3 = Halisha Transformation. IsNullCreature checks if exists (is spawned). So if any of the mentioned npcs is not spawned, you won't get teleported in.

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The latter thing you're mentioning - looks like that sometimes Frintezza location is not properly cleared. Finding the wrong piece of code is tough, because whole Frintezza thing is super messy. I did some work where i cleaned the code, but it is not in the core yet. There's a more lot work to do.

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48+24 is wrong too. I remember some tezza respawned after 44-45 hours. Since im not hero anymore it cant be checked in my history, but i made screen with 2nd spawn.
I think previous tezza was killed at 18-19 hour 27.07 and next one at 15h 29.07 was already up. (I'm not sure about 1st tezza hour, but im sure it was less than 48h, thats why i made screen. If u want to proof my words i think checking this will be easy when u know day and more or less hour.)

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As i said, i don't know how the random generator thing is implemented, so can't say why / if it is wrong or not (there might be some exceptions for certain bosses?). I also got one report about a weird spawn (Frintezza spawned before 48 hours limit). Unfortunately i can't reverse the ASM code and look at the implementation, this is something that Emca has to do :), so i believe you that there is something wrong.

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thnx a lot for the response and the effort. it doesnt even matter to make more effort for this stupid instance... i was just curious if it had some easy chances to decode , but if it is pain in the ass it isnt worth. lets w8 for epilogue and see any changes/bugs there...

still the explanation on how it goes off while semi killed + the bug with the mobs , was enough

Edited by heroBD
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I'm not sure if there were some changes in the AI for the epilogue (i was "off" for a while because of personal life), but i will do more code cleanup / refactoring for Frintezza, so i hope i will find & fix bug you mentioned.

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  On 9/10/2017 at 11:38 AM, TzaR said:

if we dont kill last transform of scarlet, he like die and next resp possible in 48+24, but if we got resstart the server frintezza resp asap


True, if 1st transformation is killed, there's 48+24 random. I have to check why there's random asap after server restart - thx for letting me know.

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int CNpcSpawnDefine::GetRespawnTime()

 	if (respawnTime <= 0 || randTime < respawnTime) {
  		if (randTime <= 0) {
   			return respawnTime;
  		} else {
   			return rand() % (2 * randTime) + respawnTime - randTime;
 	} else {
  		CLog::Add(CLog::Red, L"[%s]->[%s] RespawnRandTime[%d] >= RespawnTime[%d] !!!",
   			GetTerritoryInfo()->GetFirstTerritoryName(), GetName(), randTime, respawnTime);
		return 15;

The most interesting part is 

return rand() % (2 * randTime) + respawnTime - randTime;

which means minimum is respawnTime - randTime and maximum is respawnTime + randTime so it's 24 - 72 hours for Frintezza.

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