L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Everything posted by Observer

  1. As a player on both Shrine & Inera they are the few ones that are truly legit and without MXC Posts selling adena which its obvious admins behind... Also they are using their own files, not like the new l2off "epilogue" servers popping up like crazy... About lag i can't understand you since you are talking in riddles, never had lag on shrine or inera...
  2. Baium respawn according to retail npcpos is respawn=168hour respawn_rand=48hour as @Emca posted There is a script/formula behind that numbers that its hard to find, the only way i can think of is : 168-48 = 120 (5 days) the spawn starts and the maximum random is +48hours. so from what i understand its the respawn - respawn_rand and then continues with unknown formula.
  3. @Emca For Baium from my experience it always had been Baium: 120hour +(0-8hour), maybe it controlled from another script and not from this file?
  4. I don't know why this is not answer yet , but its Gracia Epilogue Client glitch, ncsoft fixed it on H5.