L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Slava Ukraini! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


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Everything posted by Meatshield

  1. Yay im in bro :-) pm me ingame "stefanden
  2. Comedy is invictus trying to kill baium with 2x sub <76 destros. Can anyone tell me if invictus ever killed 1 baium without getting carried by someone ?
  3. you are funny - some say they got banned for a bug which lets you enchant skills with 100% success rate - if they had any integrity aka. balls aka, competetive spirit they would report the bug instead of magically having +30 skills without any ammount of farm at forts. I would prefer that they/you were still here but I also cant accept to fight against people that "cheat". If i was admin the best you could hope for was a chance to start over on new chars. BL BL BL and suka blyat.
  4. can we just have normal times as allways? lock the time as it was thank you! .
  5. Oh its just hard to tell the difference of mana vs crit herb. Do i need any program to edit this
  6. As the thread topic states please make this happen :-)