L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Slava Ukraini! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


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Everything posted by Squallsp

  1. Its the satisfaction,geting easy what other people worked hard for and braging about,abusing your advantage ...I guess its a way of overcompensating for something else..Or maybe they are just "fuck the system" kinda people.. Either way , I'd be happy to report if I see any ,don't need a reward, its enough to know an ip ban is waiting.No warnings,no lower punishment ...just ban hammer.
  2. In that case maybe you have a pont ,it could bring more people if it is in description
  3. There is no need to add this info ,"retail oriented" says it all. Setting OUT of "retail" description should be added , like quest setttings,rates ..there is no need to explain retail features. If you decide to limit boxes,then add to features.
  4. As long as there is zero tollerance , Im happy.. Thank you for clearing it up
  5. Any third party software that allows automated gameplay (bots, clickers, ...) is forbidden Does this mean you will hunt bots down, and listen to bot users bitch and moan that was their brother, mother.. dog maybe, grinding and not answering ? Or do you have an actual anti- bot system ?
  6. It doesnt matter who does the killing ,the lowest party member doesnt get the exp due to penalty. Makes sense if you think about it .. If a mob is low level ,enough to kill it with the lowest lvl and weakest pt member, it wouldn't benfit the high level party members because of the low exp reward.On the other hand - the high lvl pt member would easily kill this mob - power leveling the low level,negating the level difference penalty.
  7. I sugest you try it Btw I think its 9 lvls difference ,not 20 .
  8. Main screen on forum or website?I was thinking - website. Not everyone is interested in joining forums ,most people go for " GM PM ME PLSSS" in the game If you have "hottest topics " or " recent forum activity " on the main page of the website ,as a widget ..that could grab some additional attention.
  9. Dont you get it ? Either way people dont have to delevel : Option 1 - xpon\xpoff command . Option 2 - party a higher lvl char . level up - canceled . No delevel needed. Deleveling is irrelevant in this matter.
  10. Ok,how can you avoid this ? What happens if there is no .xpoff command ? How is it better ?
  11. Its a bit irritating,and kinda cripples the gameplay . Range chars especially suffer the most. At a certain point I'll spend more time picking up herbs and adena - than actually killing the monster. In that order of thoughts, its more likely for a player to get bored faster than if the player concentrated on the fun part ,which is killing the monster. Its a low rate, so there will be lots of farming and lots of killing ... Cutting off the picking up part goes well with server rates..
  12. Thats a good idea ,displays activity.
  13. I fail to see the point you are making,no buff with 20 lvl diff ..you mean NO XP. Party xp ,a.k.a power level ,works only in 20 lvl diff .Any level can buff any level char.My point is that if I want to I can farm at low levels , without leveling up ,xp off command just allows me too keep my buffer in town,not on follow command. Do you understand now ? It doesnt realy matter if the command is active or not, you simply can not stop someone from canceling his\her char xp gain , ergo ,its pointless to deactivate it.
  14. Spoilers will rule the server ? Wait ..what ? Xp on \off is a must have ..sin eaters and coins...who does that ? Let me brake this down for you - low lvl spoiler + high lvl buffer = no xp to anyone (xp off). Avoid that .. I can keep my spoiler at low level if I want to ,but why like this ? Just keep the commands :)
  15. I can back that up,the moment I see "inicio" "votrar" "entrar",Im outa there - that says a lot about server .Shout will probably be in some other language,trade ..GM wont speak english .. And people that speak GMs language are the ones that get more attention.
  16. Are you sure thats a good idea ? You can do this on a x20 + server .. on x4 , with each update a lot changes . Id hate to bust my ass to do something for 4 days  and after 1 update you do it for 3 hours..Personaly I consider as a misstake to waste time updating chronicles on LIVE server, even sounds weird , pick one - stick with it and focus on entertaining players, and improving server ;)
  17. Just a couple of questions about server, when it goes LIVE: 1- What chronlicle will it be, its Gracia FInal now right ? 2- How do you plan on updating it ? Whats your plan here ?
  18. Please don't , forums are supposed to be simple and easy to use . This is perfect , you can play around with the colours if you must but this interface is great.. :) IMHO . Website needs to be clean and classy , no flashy epilepsy causing banners and top notch browser requirements . Larger voting banners have already been discussed. A large WELCOME is good idea.
  19. Tested :no clothes , almost no skills learned and just an Imperial Staff as a weapon - hit a Tank 1500 m.def for over 2k dmg. The skill has a very low reuse time and is OP.
  20. Revita Pop,Vitality Ginseng, BSOE, Area SOE's, XP runes (50 %/ 100%) limited ofc.. stuff like that :)
  21. You are right on the money about festive sweep,after all it was a High Five skill. Very nice to know server is protected GJ. About voting system, understand that there will probably be a lot of ingame stuff to fix even after server goes live, there will be more people to find bugs = more bugs to fix. But " Please vote to keep server alive !" - simply doesnt cut it. Its a misstake I made and I regret. You must make sure players don't miss a vote and thats the only way to do it, right from the start ,a VOTE EXPLOSION  thats what a new server needs. IMO High Five as a chronich
  22. First - nice to see fast feedback. Now, about auto loot.. i dont get it, it creates more lag .. just laying stuff you don't need  on the ground, personaly Id consider it : ON . Its not a big deal , I remember a time when SS/BSS weren't automatic and it was a drag.. I just dont see the bad side of auto loot. Ill test some skills later, didnt see Festive sweep in Fortune seeker skills.. not sure which chronicle was implemented but i think it was in the one after Interlude ..so should be active here .. I have to get my facts str8, tho.. :)
  23. As with any new server I expect interest in this one , so people will come. The point is to make people stay .. not just pass through. I suppose you guys have ensured a good DDoS protection.Events are a good start, auto events. GM presence is a must. But most of all the server needs a constant VOTE FLOW - meaning a REWARD BASED VOTING SYSTEM! It doesnt sound as good as people voting out of the goodness of their grinding hearts , but its a MUST have in order to keep server from falling to the bottom pages. Im not saying Vesper and EWS rewards.. small usefull things. You'll figure it out ..