L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦

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Pokud to čtu správně, tak by to mělo být takto (if I read it correctly, it should be set this way):

                       | Gracia Final leak |      L2 Shrine      |       Freya leak
             Queen Ant |        36h +- 17h |          36h +- 17h |              36h +- 17h
                  Core |        60h +- 23h |          60h +- 23h |              60h +- 23h
                 Orfen |        48h +- 20h |          48h +- 20h |              48h +- 20h
                 Zaken |        60h +- 20h |     reset Wed 06:30 |         reset Wed 06:30
        Zaken day time |               N/A | reset Wed+Sat 06:30 | reset Mon+Wed+Fri 06:30
                 Baium |       168h +- 48h |         168h +- 48h |             168h +- 48h
 Frintezza (Frintezza) |        48h +- 24h |          48h +- 24h |     reset Wed+Sat 06:30
 Frintezza (Halisha 1) |        48h +- 24h |          48h +- 24h |                     N/A
 Frintezza (Halisha 2) |        48h +- 24h |          48h +- 24h |                     N/A
              Antharas |       264h +- 72h |         264h +- 72h |             264h +- 72h
               Valakas |       264h +- 72h |         264h +- 72h |             264h +- 72h

Naše data jsou částečně z Gracie Final, částečně z Freyi a částečně z toho, co psal NCsoft na legacy.lineage2.com (our data is partially from Gracia Final, partially from Freya and partially from what NCsoft wrote on legacy.lineage2.com)

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  On 1/26/2018 at 6:28 PM, martin35 said:

Ta AQ a Baium mi teda přijde hodně divny s takovým respawnem jsem se ještě nikdy nepotal.


Gracia Final leak - npcpos.txt lines 87197-87200:

territory_begin	[queenant_room]	{{-21490;178613;-5947;-5547};{-20762;179129;-5947;-5547};{-20310;182673;-5947;-5547};{-20570;183381;-5947;-5547};{-21594;183945;-5947;-5547};{-22770;183129;-5947;-5547};{-22890;182205;-5947;-5547};{-22258;178961;-5947;-5547}}	territory_end									
npcmaker_begin	[queenant_room]	initial_spawn=all	maximum_npc=40									
npc_begin	[queen_ant]	pos={-21610;181594;-5734;0}	total=1	respawn=36hour	respawn_rand=17hour	dbname=[queen_ant]	dbsaving={death_time;parameters;pos}	Privates=[nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min]	boss_respawn_set=yes	npc_end		

Gracia Final leak - npcpos.txt lines 87294-87297:

territory_begin	[23_18_baium_npc]	{{117660;15328;10036;10836};{117508;16916;10036;10836};{116688;18088;10036;10836};{115180;19080;10036;10836};{112364;17856;10036;10836};{111680;15524;10036;10836};{113820;13252;10036;10836};{116484;13856;10036;10836}}	territory_end						
npcmaker_begin	[23_18_baium_npc]	initial_spawn=all	maximum_npc=10						
npc_begin	[baium]	pos={-105200;-253104;-15264;0}	total=1	respawn=168hour	respawn_rand=48hour	dbname=[baium]	dbsaving={death_time;parameters;pos}	boss_respawn_set=yes	npc_end

Freya leak - npcpos.txt lines 96562-96565:

territory_begin	[queenant_room]	{{-21490;178613;-5947;-5547};{-20762;179129;-5947;-5547};{-20310;182673;-5947;-5547};{-20570;183381;-5947;-5547};{-21594;183945;-5947;-5547};{-22770;183129;-5947;-5547};{-22890;182205;-5947;-5547};{-22258;178961;-5947;-5547}}	territory_end	
npcmaker_begin	[queenant_room]	initial_spawn=all	maximum_npc=40	
npc_begin	[queen_ant]	pos={-21610;181594;-5734;0}	total=1	respawn=36hour	respawn_rand=17hour	dbname=[queen_ant]	dbsaving={death_time;parameters;pos}	Privates=[nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;nurse_ant:nurse_ant:2:10sec;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min;royal_guard_ant:royal_guard_ant:2:6min]	boss_respawn_set=yes	npc_end	

Freya leak - npcpos.txt lines 96659-96662:

territory_begin	[23_18_baium_npc]	{{117660;15328;10036;10836};{117508;16916;10036;10836};{116688;18088;10036;10836};{115180;19080;10036;10836};{112364;17856;10036;10836};{111680;15524;10036;10836};{113820;13252;10036;10836};{116484;13856;10036;10836}}	territory_end	
npcmaker_begin	[23_18_baium_npc]	initial_spawn=all	maximum_npc=10	
npc_begin	[baium]	pos={-105200;-253104;-15264;0}	total=1	respawn=168hour	respawn_rand=48hour	dbname=[baium]	dbsaving={death_time;parameters;pos}	boss_respawn_set=yes	npc_end	


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  On 1/27/2018 at 8:24 PM, Observer said:

@Emca For Baium from my experience it always had been Baium: 120hour +(0-8hour), maybe it controlled from another script and not from this file?



Here baium has 120 +48h window, but in 90% cases it respawn in 120-129h.
I dont know why Emca wrote he has 4 days window ( 120+96 ), longest window i rememer was 23 hours.

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Baium respawn according to retail npcpos is respawn=168hour    respawn_rand=48hour as @Emca posted

There is a script/formula behind that numbers that its hard to find, the only way i can think of is : 168-48 = 120 (5 days) the spawn starts and the maximum random is +48hours.
so from what i understand its the respawn - respawn_rand and then continues with unknown formula.

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  On 1/29/2018 at 3:18 PM, Observer said:

Baium respawn according to retail npcpos is respawn=168hour    respawn_rand=48hour as @Emca posted

There is a script/formula behind that numbers that its hard to find, the only way i can think of is : 168-48 = 120 (5 days) the spawn starts and the maximum random is +48hours.
so from what i understand its the respawn - respawn_rand and then continues with unknown formula.


It seems the formula is drand()  * (2 * respawnRand + 1) - respawnRand + respawn where drand (sub_5B69E0) returns random double between 0 and 1, probably with uniform distribution (because this function is used in many more places) - so it really should be something between (respawn - respawnRand) and (respawn + respawnRand + 1)...

int __cdecl sub_4158F0(int respawn, int respawnRand)
  __int64 v3; // rbp@1
  __int64 v4; // r8@1
  __int64 v5; // rdx@1
  int result; // eax@3
  int v7; // esi@4

  v3 = *(_QWORD *)(*MK_FP(__GS__, 88i64) + 8i64 * (unsigned int)TlsIndex);
  v4 = *(_DWORD *)(v3 + 200568);
  v5 = dword_247B560[v4 + 0x100000];
  dword_247B560[v4 + 0x100000] = v5 + 1;
  qword_285C160[v5 + 1000 * v4] = (__int64)L"int __cdecl BaseSpawnDefine::GetSpawnTime(int,int)";
  if ( respawn <= 0 )
    --dword_247B560[*(_DWORD *)(v3 + 200568) + 0x100000];
    result = 0;
  else if ( respawnRand )
    v7 = (signed int)floor(sub_5B69E0() * (double)(2 * respawnRand + 1) + (double)-respawnRand) + respawn;
    if ( v7 <= 0 )
      --dword_247B560[*(_DWORD *)(v3 + 200568) + 0x100000];
      result = 0;
      --dword_247B560[*(_DWORD *)(v3 + 200568) + 0x100000];
      result = v7;
    --dword_247B560[*(_DWORD *)(v3 + 200568) + 0x100000];
    result = respawn;
  return result;
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