L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Posts posted by Deathwing

  1. 1 hour ago, Emca said:

    Jak si můžu být jistá, že jim na tom záleží, když jim to ani nestojí za to napsat? To máš jako brblat u piva a nejít k volbám...

    A další argument pro nás co chceme posun na 23:00 (vzhledem k tomu, že je zatím jedinej hlas proti). Ti co nešli k volbám můžou brblat, ale jejich hlas se nepočítá, započítaly se pouze hlasy těch co přišli k volbám.

  2. 56 minutes ago, Mpouxesas said:

    if olympiad is the main problem, you can just reduce olympiad period by one hour

    Its not only about olympiad but it is biggest part.

    For utc+2 (summer time in cz) we have now:

    Manor at 21:06

    TW and second castle siege 21-23

    Olly end 1:00


    Which is basically every event started at fixed time (except for first cs)

  3. 1 hour ago, Emca said:

    Tak nám ukažte, že s tím má problém víc než polovina serveru. Když udělám anketu, tak mi v ní budou klikat jen ti, kterým to vadí (ti, kterým to nevadí, nemají vůbec důvod to řešit), takže anketa nemá smysl. Ber to takhle, pokud mi to vadí tak málo, že nejsem ochotná se sebrat, otevřít browser, vlézt na fórum, rozkliknout si tohle vlákno a napsat "já jsem taky proti", tak mi to asi vážně moc nevadí...

    English: Then show us that more than a half of server has problem with it. If I make poll, only those who are against will vote (those who aren't against don't have any reason to do anything), so poll wouldn't be representativ. See this, if I don't like this setup but I'm not willing to open browser, go to forum, open this thread and add "I'm against keeping it UTC+1", then it probably bugs me really little.

    Pokud to nekomu vadi malo pak mu bude jedno jestli bude olly 17-23 nebo 19-01. Tak nemuzes pocitat ze je proti. Zatim jsem tu nevidel nikoho kdo by byl radsi aby olly byla do 1 v noci. Pouze se tu hlasi lidi, kteri chteji posunout server na UTC₊2.


    ENG: if somebody dont care about olly 17-23 or 19-01 you cant count him as he is against moving. I saw there only voices to move server to UTC+2, nobody agaitnst.

  4. sometimes some items are not visible in inventory but they are there. Usually you didnt notice, except for rare items. Nobody cares about cokes from ketra, but when you pick fire stone and it is not in inventory you will notice.

    Relog usually solve this. But once i was helping my friend with grade penalty on subclass, he sees all slots empty, when i log him he has TT ring equipped, i took it down and he still cant see it for some time.

  5. 10 nights in row without shadai has chance 10,7%

    15 nights in row has chance 3.51%.


    Chance looks as 20% but if Rand function is badly written it can give most numbers around 50 and only few numbers from ends.

    Maybe change

    if( Rand(100) < on_oasis )


    if(40 < Rand(100) < 60 )

    highly increase spawn chance :D

  6. jeste jedna moznost me napadla, je od vcera mrtvej nekde daleko. Tim nejde vyvolat, protoze je vyvolanej a nevidis ho protoze je mrtvej nekde daleko, zkus portnout nekam jestli se objevi

  7. When you hit dragon 4 (5) Shades spawn and they have second respawn, after you kill them they not spawn anymore (because is easy to sleep dragon and kill only minions).

    If you kill shades twice and run away no more shades will spawn. You have to kill dragon (there is second one for feeding) and after that is normal, or wait for restart of server.

    You just came and hit dragon somebody else hits before you.

    Do you have 150 or 300 (ideally not dark) gun to kill dragon? Its easier with full element / higher lvl