L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Posts posted by Gogita

  1. 1 hour ago, LiXXiT said:

    Ur post has misleading information.. u cant just copy paste text Jorn posted half year ago and act like nothing hapened.. 
    "We would like to invite you to our new server L2 Shrine, where beta test starts today."
    "Discussion in 'Private Server Advertisements' started by LiXXiT, Today at 5:14 PM. 

    Yea i understand u wanna be helpful but thats not the way....

  2. Unless ur a player like me who plays with 5+ exes and if one of them does not respond and you try to ctrl+alt+del it you always close the damn wrong one :D in such occasions i better hit the shut down button of my pc .. anyway sry for the spam, guess there is nothing more we could add to the topic :)

  3. Yes it was the letter event and then both of the hats ( Top Hat and Dandy's Chapeau ) were given as reward from the Pirate event ( besides the fact that the Dandy's Chapeau is Romantic Chapeau which have a bit upgraded icon but looks exactly the same like the old one ) So the Top Hat became trade-able but not the dandy's Chapeau 

    Hope i made it clear :D

    • Like 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Bopyer said:

    lucky i have a work, where i got some free time during the day and that time i play, but if some emergency come up, i leave inmidiatly.

    In this occasion u can do the following: 
    - buy 500+ food

    - drag the green icon "Unsummon pet" to your bars where in case of emergency takes half second to click

    - IF you are in combat and u cannot unsummon just hold ctrl and kill your pet, it wont eat food during being dead but make sure u come back before the next 24 hours to ressurect it (otherwise you will lose it again)

  5. @Bopyer Why u make such a big problem for a pet? First of all you have to be really grateful that GM's decided to give players 2nd chance. This is the only server where i have seen such thing. The reason they made it like that is because "maybe some people didnt know ur pet permanently dissapear if u dont feed it". There was a topic with a conversation about it long time ago (dunno if its still available, too lazy to search) BUT just because u cant do a little bit of effort and teach yourself that every single time u summon a pet the FIRST thing you MUST do is to feed it.. 3 pets in a month? cmon thats nobody's fault but yours! And why should GMs babysit all of us and give us pets back once a month just because someone forget to feed his pet or someone is too lazy to turn off his pc during work/sleep and his pet run away.. Me personally, i have lost my chicken the first month of the server when i still didnt had the habbit to feed my pet but since then 6 months later already i always know that having a pet is responsibility that you take not just in real life but in game too! And which serious player would quit the game just cuz his pet ran away? Or this was a threat? Come on get serious.. 


    • Like 2
  6. I think its the chronicle

    Its same in clan wars ( 2 sided opened war ) we still need to use ctrl. 

    Im not sure if u duel a party member tho i think it should not require u ctrl

    I just tested it - outside of party no need of ctrl, inside party you need to press ctrl

    @Emca is it normal behaviour for the chronicle? I don't think its a bug even tho its freaking annoying :D i hope it gets changed in epilogue

  7. 8f570b447b02467388bc100a01064126.png

    Thats what i have atm

    I mostly play Osu, rest not so much lately.. yesterday i was thinking about any game i could download to distract myself for a while..
    I love games like Darksiders, Saints Row, GTA , Assassins Creed, Prototype & Watch dogs but i finished them all so nothing good left

    Before i used to play TERA rising but they ruined it, i have also finished every NFS series, some twice:D

    LF good quality entertainer !HELP!

  8. Yes it was just for a moment, happens time to time, last days is very rare but lets see how it is going to be this weekend, high population around tw and sieges might affect things

  9. Main or alt one of those 2, i cant say 100% sure but i think main got massive lagspikes and alt got disconects, we were CC of 18 some of us had lags and others just DC, In the end 8 total were left in CC