L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Posts posted by Gogita

  1. 3/4 of the shops in Giran are mine? okay.. i will take this as a compliment :P

    1 hour ago, Quaak said:

    Im sorry to say, but noone is gonna start on a server thats already a few years old

    well u just had 2 people and their friends joined few days ago commenting above ur message 9_9

    I agree that the economy of the server is not one of the best but u cant change the fact that the server has 2 sides = The tryhards who farm raids and world bosses all day and the casuals who play 1-2 hours per day or even if they play more they focus on the most basic things such as "How to collect enough adena for SSC" "How to find B grade" "How to spoil A grade" and "Where is best place to farm adena" .. Most people dont have even basic knowledge and any idea of how to grow and progress.. so how u expect those people to sustain the market?
    Most of the clans are bunch of randoms, so was yours too. No CP, No organization, No purpose.. just moving around the map like headless chickens doing nothing all day. Stuck at 78 forever. Well.. thats nobody's fault but theirs. Trust me i can a sure u that if a competitive player start on this server he will reach 78 in 2 weeks, not 5 months like most of you, imagine this with the 1 month event of boosted exp/sp/drops. 

    There is no one else to blame but the community. 

    Population is not the one and only thing people care about, 1 year already on this server i met with lots of new players and testers who also ask about how is the PVP on this server. People want pvp .. not just endless farming and stacking ur useless asses (yes LR i'm talking about you) and want it or not i have to say the truth that the only pvp on this server is on the last 2 sieges. I have to explain how 3 months, every single saturday and sunday our clan was making party for TW/Siege and Our castle was dead and quiet as a cemetery..

    Yes, No wipe policy is nice and we stand behind it strongly because if it wasn't it we wouldn't even start playing here. Cause i'm sure the people who "will never start a server that is already old" are much less than the people who are fcking tired of russian donation god damn trash servers that close every 3 months and wipe your hard to get progress. 


    • Like 1
  2. if we have to create challenges for ourselves to be motivated after super end game such us  solo baium/tezza , xp useless classes like crafters just for the lolz, exploring tullys/naias etc...
    in the same way we must be somehow productive in the pvp things. since there are no wars , no open pvps , no fights for epics...... for spots , no oly before the 3-4 last days of the month....

    since even antistyle stopped pking u cause he was tired of butchering carebears..... we have to somehow act to stop u from thinking that u play a lan game with your friends.

    i laugh my ass of every time the green spot immigrates near the  quarrys . but trust me on this one ....... the perfection of your entering timing in the antharas pit, cutting of a whole party. the desicion making/guarding lair(not)/not even having a camera while u saw enemy standing there ....... it just had me laughing up until now . whenever i think about it.....

    i think it was my top moment on this server. i cant beat anti that has made 2/3 of the server quit..... but only thinking that your 10+ people,(people who even came back only cause u asked them "come and do antharas , we can now after 11 months") wasted a whole evening and have to do all quests again cause of your lack of brain and pvp awareness, ,makes it gold.

    btw , u can try again your miserable attitude of the past , of opening wars just before epics when u have 1 party plus vs unprepared 2-3 guys and closing it asap.  or oppening wars only to clans with worse lvls and gears than yours.


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  3. If she finds she will ask you why u haven't met her with this handsome man yet! 

    Otherwise you can always tell her that it is a matter of business :D 

    I could offer @heroBD League boost on EUNE even tho i'm not so sure his AP shaco/shyvana are capable of this :D I main support in case you are into the "bottom" positions ;)

    My AP Sona is the wet dream of every guy. 

    Also its my Toon birthday soon.. as one of the most loyal persona of your awesome server i don't deserve a sh1ty lollipop? gah daym! :|

  4. Ye that's a bit ball breaking and instead of uploading there, then deleting all the time i just prefer to upload elsewhere and copy-paste.. sadly as u can see sometimes my images get deleted from those sites ( i assume after some time they delete them, for obvious reasons ) and i have to re-upload 

    Offtopic: Jorn i still wait my lolipop mate :(. Bad boy

  5. Vidím, že nemáte odvahu spomenúť moju prezývku, ani napísať do anglickej sekcii.

    Povedzte mi, koľko krát ste hľadali môj Facebook účet a Gogitin, ak ste nikdy nedosiahli svoj cieľ;

    Pozrite sa na svoju tvár, aké sú vaše oči? po dlhom čase ste vyšli z jaskyne a slnko vás obťažuje, vidíte prednú kameru a vaša ošklivosť je pre vás slepá?

    Ja som na vás čúral vo virtuálnej hre a pretože to nemôžete vystáť, snažíte sa nájsť nejaké vady v naších životoch

    Máte všetci rovnaké psychologické problémi?

    Len je isté, že keby taký hlupák stál predo mnou a otvorili si ústa, jeho rany by neboli len psychologické.


    Peace \/



  6. Just now, martin35 said:

    Slayere nevidím tady důvod proč o nás tvrdíš že jsme retardovaní nebo jak jsme low hráči. Podívej se na sebe a ten tvůj clan. Hrajete tak nějak asi 4-5 měsicu? A mate v clanu max 80tku s tím, že nejste schopni si udělat ani dyna v tomhle stadiu serveru když to stačí udělat klidně třeba přes to, že pofarmíš par fortek a prodáš KE. Držíte se za ručky s tím retardem, co furt spamuje nějaký nesmysli a hraje si na boha přitom je to v real life nějakéj chudáček co si lečí komplexy ,protože ho nemá nikdo rád a  kvůli kterému odešli AngelicThunder,Troublemakers . Teď si tady hraje na nějakého spasitele a braní low clany? :D Předtím než tohle napíšeš a hejtuješ jak jsme slabí a  retardovaní tak se zamysli. BTW někde jsem psal že tě tu zfarmili nějaci Revolution před 5 měsíci cca.nebo tak nějak . To si toho teda moc neudělal za 5 měsíců ,když si 79 tak shut up a nauč se hrát. NO OFFENCE


    odvažujete sa súdiť ľudí? človek, ktorý má betón namiesto mysle.

    Flame OFF = ) 



  7. Said the guy who was looking for our facebook profiles, found the wrong one, but when we found his profile he pooped his pants and started crying...........................................................................................................

    Dont cry, cry more.
