L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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  1. unk109, here u can make save pozition to windowinfo standart size window change here
    2 points
  2. Date: 2016-10-09 around 12:45 UTC+2 Place: Giants cave Offence: Botting Characters and accounts: Poullexpoti, xyc, Cucumber, money, yxc, TheDarkOne, money2, cxy, TheLightOne, money3, xcy and all related accounts Punishment: Permanent ban Don't think that we can't detect bot - even if you're sitting next to it. It doesn't matter whether it's AFK botting or not. Read the rules.
    1 point
  3. Date: 2016-10-07 around 0:30 UTC+2 Place: Giants cave Offence: Botting Characters and accounts: Pot, Heftos, Dudun / all 7 accounts of this player / both 2 forum accounts of this player Punishment: Permanent ban
    1 point
  4. Jak se připojit na server L2 Shrine Gracia Final Krok 1: Stáhněte si čistý Gracia Epilogue klient, například zde (náš server), zde (uloz.to), zde (file planet) nebo zde (torrent) Krok 2: Stáhněte si L2 Shrine Launcher Krok 3: Nainstalujte Gracia Epilogue klienta, PO INSTALACI NIC NEMAŽTE Krok 4: Do složky s nainstalovanou hrou zkopírujte launcher (nikoliv do složky SYSTEM!) Krok 5: Spusťte launcher a klikněte na tlačítko "Update" Pozor: Pokud by vám antivirus blokoval update, dejte složku s hrou do výjimek (nebojte, soubory žádný virus neobsahují
    1 point


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  • L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦